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Gypsy Live At Savoy-Link to Watch Replay Here- Page 7

Gypsy Live At Savoy-Link to Watch Replay Here

RippedMan Profile Photo
#150Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/5/16 at 11:55pm

I finally got through it - not cause I didn't like it and more cause that damn BBC player kept restarting and stopping - but for the most part I really enjoyed it. It's interesting to see a "sleek" revival since, to me, the Laurent's revival (and the only version of the show I've seen live) seemed on the the cheap side. However, I thought all around the Laurent's version was impeccable. The acting, the singing, the staging, etc. I love when Mamma wipes the makeup off Louis's desk in the dressing room, or when Mamma Rose is reaching for the lights at the end, but the lights are kind of burnt out. And I loved the simplicity of "Little Lamb" and the beautiful holding hands at the end of "If Mamma Were Married" - not to mention Benanti and Larkin's belts mixing together = bliss. 

But this version was nice. I liked the design of it, but I thought the direction was pretty horrible. Did we need Louis to walk across the stage and have a mirror pop out of the floor for 2 seconds so she could say "I'm a pretty girl mamma" when she just left a dressing room with a mirror? 

Stanton was pretty great. I mean, she is def. a stage actress. I thought her voice was pretty strong, and her acting of the part was great. It's just interesting to see another take on the part and see the parts that they chose to emphasis and whatnot. I don't think it belongs in NYC, but I'm glad I got to see it. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#151Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:05am

RippedMan said: "I love when Mamma wipes the makeup off Louis's desk in the dressing room, or when Mamma Rose is reaching for the lights at the end, but the lights are kind of burnt out... Did we need Louis to walk across the stage and have a mirror pop out of the floor for 2 seconds so she could say "I'm a pretty girl mamma" when she just left a dressing room with a mirror? "


the character is called Louise, not Louis.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#152Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:06am


"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

RippedMan Profile Photo
#153Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:14am

Whatever. You knew who I was talking about, but thanks. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#154Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:15am

Louis is a French man's name lol but you're welcome

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#155Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 5:08am

Gypsy Live at the Savoy


"Mama...I'm pretty. I'm a pretty girl mama."


Gets me every time.

best12bars Profile Photo
#156Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 6:42am

A couple of things I don't get here as far as "free passes" ...


A lot of you are saying, "Well, Imelda Staunton is a stage actress, so she's playing it big because that's her background," etc. She is also a well-established film actress (Oscar-nominated for Vera Drake) with an impressive list of credits. The choice was made to play this filmed performance for the "back row," clearly, and it was a mistake. But make no mistake that Staunton knows how to act for the camera.


Also, I really don't get the "playing for the back row" excuse in general. If you look at the footage of Tyne Daly, you see a subtle, nuanced, energetic, beautifully-timed stage performance captured on (bad bootleg) video. That was also seen by the "back row" and a large audience in a theatre. You don't have to be Godzilla on the stage to get the emotions across. Staunton's Rose was overblown, overcharged, and over-the-top. Daly's wasn't. Both were on stage, both filmed (one professionally, the other not), and there is a clear difference in the style and approach to the role. The "back row" excuse doesn't cut it for me.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#157Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 7:35am

best12bars said: "A couple of things I don't get here as far as "free passes" ...




A lot of you are saying, "Well, Imelda Staunton is a stage actress, so she's playing it big because that's her background," etc. She is also a well-established film actress (Oscar-nominated for Vera Drake) with an impressive list of credits. The choice was made to play this filmed performance for the "back row," clearly, and it was a mistake. But make no mistake that Staunton knows how to act for the camera.




Also, I really don't get the "playing for the back row" excuse in general. If you look at the footage of Tyne Daly, you see a subtle, nuanced, energetic, beautifully-timed stage performance captured on (bad bootleg) video. That was also seen by the "back row" and a large audience in a theatre. You don't have to be Godzilla on the stage to get the emotions across. Staunton's Rose was overblown, overcharged, and over-the-top. Daly's wasn't. Both were on stage, both filmed (one professionally, the other not), and there is a clear difference in the style and approach to the role. The "back row" excuse doesn't cut it for me.



I'm sure that probably has to do with the director, at least partially. Daly (and Patti) were directed by Laurents. Who directed this London revival and what is his usual "style" when it comes to him / her dealing with the actors?


The thing is, besides being an utter toad of a human being, Riedel usually has the least knowledge of the topic in the room. He doesn't usually understand the content or approach of a show, and is always completely and unfailingly socially ignorant, which makes it really infuriating when Susan can't get a word in edgewise. A definitive mansplainer; it's always painful when he has female guests. I watch the show sporadically when I really want to see a guest, because it's the only theatre talkshow we have, but it would be so much better without this hateful clown in a dadcoat. (thanks ScaryWarhol)

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#158Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 9:04am

In the video, Staunton is playing for a live audience.

For me nothing about her Rose is overacted.  Instead, I see an actress - as it happens, a great one - as an overblown, over-charged, over the top woman.   

Now of course we all have our opinions about whether this Rose, Staunton's Rose, succeeds or not, serves the musical or not, works or not.  But that's the Rose she's playing.

It works for me. I find this Rose and this Gypsy totally convincing and transporting.

Updated On: 1/6/16 at 09:04 AM

lovebwy Profile Photo
#159Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 10:13am

When I saw those hideous, fat You Gotta Get a Gimmick girls, alls I could think of was Roseanne Roseannadanna. "What are ya tryin' to do? Make me sick?"

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#160Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 10:28am

lovebwy said: "When I saw those hideous, fat You Gotta Get a Gimmick girls, alls I could think of was Roseanne Roseannadanna. "What are ya tryin' to do? Make me sick?"


Gypsy Live at the SavoyGypsy Live at the SavoyGypsy Live at the Savoy


themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#161Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 10:51am


I’m with henrik here. Her performance doesn’t require any justifications. The production made its choices, and, for me, they felt of a piece. It wasn't perfect, but I thought Ms. Staunton was terrific, and, on the whole, I found it thrilling.


#162Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 11:28am

And I'll be that guy: It's Momma, not Mama or Mamma.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#163Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:01pm

Wilmingtom said: "And I'll be that guy: It's Momma, not Mama or Mamma.


Don't be that guy. Potay-toe, Potah-to...Tomay-toe, Tomah-to




RippedMan Profile Photo
#164Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 12:53pm

I agree! Having seen the full thing I think her performance works for this. She never let that energy drop. Or the pace fall. I just didn't love the direction. And I hate for perspective design. It just looks cartoony and I don't think that choice works for this show. 

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#165Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 1:42pm

If anyone is going to be "that guy", it should be to point out that Rose is never referred to as "Momma Rose", but as "Madame Rose" and that, aside from June and Louise, no one ever calls her "Momma". I suspect she would never have stood for being called "Momma Rose".

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

#166Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 2:00pm

As a long-time lurker, I hesitate to comment on this - I've admired the show, but I'm not sure I've really ever liked it, but I have somehow managed to see most major productions. And with Staunton, I felt, finally, saw a Rose, I understood, there was no pulling of punches with the character -no attempt to make the audience like the character - she's a monster at the beginning of the piece, she ends as one and probably creates, at least, one other in the process. There's no journey or development - that's her tragedy.

A very difficult process to carry off nightly

Updated On: 1/6/16 at 02:00 PM

ComingUpRoses2 Profile Photo
#167Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 2:19pm

Guildenstern said: "As a long-time lurker, I hesitate to comment on this - I've admired the show, but I'm not sure I've really ever liked it, but I have somehow managed to see most major productions. And with Staunton, I felt, finally, saw a Rose, I understood, there was no pulling of punches with the character -no attempt to make the audience like the character - she's a monster at the beginning of the piece, she ends as one and probably creates, at least, one other in the process. There's no journey or development - that's her tragedy.


A very difficult process to carry off nightly



That's why, issues aside, I found this version fascinating. It's easily the darkest version I've seen of the show, but it's stayed with me like none other. Do I wish act 1 could have been a little funnier and built up to the drama of act II? Absolutely, but I don't know how that would have changed the way I felt at the end. Imelda's final scene left me exhausted and heartbroken in a way I've never experienced with this show before and I've seen some brilliant Roses (Tyne Daly being the best, IMO). No matter what I or anyone else thought about her performance as a whole, her "Rose's Turn" and final scene are the best versions I've ever seen of those particular bits.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#168Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 3:28pm


I wish Rose hadn’t caught up to Louise during the final exit.  Not because I wanted Louise to seem heartless, but because the image of Rose literally walking in her daughter’s shadow was so powerful, given Staunton’s intense performance.


Capeguy Profile Photo
#169Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 10:26pm

Just finished watching Imelda. This show has always been special to me since when I lived in Boston, the pre-broadway "Gypsy" with Angela Lansbury was one of the first shows I ever saw. Some people in this thread have had issues with Imelda playing to the back row. Let's remember that this is a film of a live performance. She "is" playing to the back row. I think her performance was great and her "Rose's Turn" is among the best ever. She has brought a whole new dimension to the role. I also checked out many of the "Rose's Turn" online (and most of them are there). Compare and you'll see what I mean. She really nails it and has made it her own. 

#170Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/6/16 at 10:50pm

I saw this production live this summer while in London. Phenomenal. Live theater will always be better than filmed theater, but I appreciate when they professionally film performances for all the people who will never have the opportunity to see it live. To this day I'm grateful Sweeney Todd was filmed with Angela Lansbury as it was in that moment I fell in love with the music of Sondheim. Thank you Boulder Public Library for purchasing it back in the 80's! 

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#171Gypsy Live at the Savoy
Posted: 1/7/16 at 3:22pm

I didn't mention this earlier on this thread but I also saw this Gypsy life and thought it was one of the most exciting performances of a musical I've ever seen. And by far for me the most successful performance of Gypsy I've seen, and I've seen many including Daly, Lavin, Buckley and Lupone.   To me this video captures that excitement to a t.

 But it's hard to say exactly how I would respond to this production and Staunton if the video were my first viewing of this Gypsy.  

Updated On: 1/7/16 at 03:22 PM
