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GYPSY national tour?

SuperSchubert Profile Photo
#0GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 12:23pm

Anyone know if there's been any developments in the rumored national tour of Gypsy with Bernadette hopefully starring?

Annie Get Your Rose
#1re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 1:25pm

About a week or two ago Bernadette had an interview with Playbill. In the interview she says she is still pondering doing a National Tour or doing the show in London. I am hoping for either to happen because I would love to have a reason to go to London again.

#2re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 2:13pm

tour please

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

M J R Profile Photo
#3re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 4:35pm

Kinda sad for her that she's not moving on to something ELSE.

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

Matt_G Profile Photo
#4re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 4:37pm

Sondheim needs to get busy on a new musical for her.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#5re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 7:29pm

Matt, that would be amazing.

moljul Profile Photo
#6re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 7:31pm

Who's to say she isn't moving on to something else? She is just contemplating a tour or run in London. She hasn't committed to one or the other. Plus she has several tour dates in 2005.

I'm assuming she wants to try to make back some of the original investors money so she is remaining committed to trying to extend the role. I commend her commitment to the show and the producers. She only played it for a little over a year anyway.

I agree SS needs to write something new for her.

#7re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 7:50pm

"Only" a little over a year? When you're playing Rose, a part written for Ethel Merman, 8 days a week, and only missing 8 performances total, "a little over a year" is an awfully long time. Let the poor woman rest. I'm just hoping she plays Mrs. Lovett in the movie version of Sweeney Todd someday. :)

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#8re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 8:34pm

I second that! Bernadette as Lovitt in the film!!!!

cvapb Profile Photo
#9re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 9:37pm

My money in on London... from what I have heard. :)

#10re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 9:45pm

I actually think she'll take it to London as well - but BOY I wish she'd go on tour - like to LA, for example re: GYPSY national tour?

moljul Profile Photo
#11re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 10:00pm

Oh, I completely agree. She deserves a rest and I'm sure she is getting one. I just mean it seems like she wasn't quite done with the role and was really enjoying the show before it was closed. So maybe she still has some Rose's Turns left in her and she wants to help make the production more of a financial success by doing a limited tour or mounting a limited run in London.

Bernadette getting the film role of Mrs. Lovett - my ultimate fantasy. re: GYPSY national tour?

#12re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/21/04 at 10:16pm

i really hope she tour's with the show!!!! i want to see here perform this role so bad!!! :)

alterego Profile Photo
#13re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 8:00am

Peters as Mrs Lovett? No! No! No! She can't do an English accent to save herself. You need a real actress. Judy Dench anyone?

magruder Profile Photo
#14re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 8:10am

Funny, while watching the DVD of Pennies from Heaven last night, I'd have sworn Bernadette Peters IS a real actress.

Anyway, for the movie of Sweeney Todd, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Meryl Streep for Mrs. Lovett. She can sing it, she can act it, she can do raucous comedy, she can do accents and is a big movie star AND she's the right age.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"
Updated On: 7/22/04 at 08:10 AM

azeller Profile Photo
#15re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 9:32am

I think she would be great in the part of Mrs. Lovett...As for the "right age" Bernadette was born in 1948 and Meryl was born in 1949 so I am not quite sure what the "right age" would be but to me a years difference shouldn't be a deal breaker. I think she would be perfect!

"Let's admit one thing right upfront: With the possible exception of Bernadette Peters, not everyone stays young and cute forever." (NYPost 2/2/05)

TheTruth2 Profile Photo
#16re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 9:43am

First of all, I want GYPSY to play in London. Why? I've always wanted to go there. And why should the U.S. monopolize one of the greatest treasures in the musical theatre? I think it would be great for her, and I miss the show terribly anyway. As for Steve writing a new show for her... boy if that wasn't the biggest dream of all! COME ON, SONDIE!!! haha! Mrs. Lovitt in a film version of SWEENY TODD? LOVE IT! (Pun intended)! Why aren't they filming it already?? COME ON PEOPLE!!!


#17re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 10:13am

I've heard that Kathy Lee Gifford was doing the GYPSY tour.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

magruder Profile Photo
#18re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 10:18am

Ya know... Kathie Lee Gifford in Gypsy would not be such a bad idea on tour. She'd be the scariest Rose in history.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#19re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 10:19am

Meryl Streep cannot sing Mrs. Lovett. Her voice is passable for simpler stuff. I would be very disappointed if she got the film role - especially with someone like Bernadette out there.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

magruder Profile Photo
#20re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 10:27am

Meryl Streep most certainly can sing Mrs. Lovett. Don't know what you've heard, but she's got a legit head voice.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#21re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 10:28am

I've heard a rather weak though pleasant voice out of her.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

magruder Profile Photo
#22re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 3:04pm

She sings in Ironwood, Postcards from the Edge and Death Becomes Her. Don't think her voice is weak at all. Let's face it: if Madonna can sing Eva, Streep can sing Mrs. Lovett.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#23re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 3:11pm

You totally made my point with the Madonna reference!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

magruder Profile Photo
#24re: GYPSY national tour?
Posted: 7/22/04 at 3:50pm

Not really. Sweeney is the vocally punishing role in that score. Lovett has those tricky patter songs, a little bit of head voice for things like "My Friends" and "Wait," but most of it lies in a mid-range mezzo, well within Streep's range and vocal abilities. Mrs. Lovett is not written for a world-class vocalist. I love Angela Lansbury to death and her performance is indelible in my mind, but are her vocals so irreplacable on the Original Cast Recording? Many could probably sing the score better, and have, but Lansbury has enough voice and the formidable acting chops to pull it off in a way a better singer, but lesser actress could not, and I see Streep in the same light.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"
