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Frankie and Johnny Rush

#1Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 7:50am

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone has any reports about how busy the rush for the show is? Am thinking of trying this Saturday and would rather not get up ridiculously early if I can avoid it. Frankie and Johnny Rush

Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#2Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 9:23am

Can't really speak to rush per se. I was there last night in a terrific orchestra seat (thank you TDF and box office person!), and was shocked at how many empty seats there were.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#3Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 9:58am

I was also there last night and the theatre was EMPTY. I doubt rush will be hard to get.

I remember someone on the boards a few weeks ago talked about how great it was selling and how it was absolutely going to become a hot ticket. Last week it only made something like 26% gross potential, I doubt rush would be difficult to get.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#4Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 2:56pm

Both exceptional actors, but people want to hear her sing, one of the best voices in the world. If she isn't doing that, I can understand the empty theater.  

#5Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 6:18pm

LuPita2 said: "Both exceptional actors, but people want to hearher sing, one of the best voices in the world. If she isn't doing that, I can understand the empty theater."

Maybe, but was anyone really screaming for a revival of this show?

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#6Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 6:28pm

I never heard anyone talk about this or request this show.  But, Audra usually sells seats. Most people I know who love her aren't interested because she doesn't sing. That's the reason I'm not going.  

#7Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 7:40pm

I rushed on Friday the 10th. I didn't get there until 10:45 (after a dentist appointment). I had no trouble getting a ticket. The very nice man at the box office gave me side orchestra row C. Excellent view, super close. The five or so seats closer to the aisle were all empty, so I could have moved over.

I really don't think this is one you'll need to line up for. Getting there at 10 should be fine.

Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#8Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 10:29pm

LuPita2 said: "I never heard anyone talk about this or request this show. But, Audra usually sells seats. Most people I know who love her aren't interested because she doesn't sing. That's the reason I'm not going."

That's really sad for those people who "love" her. They're missing an opportunity to see her give a great performance. Sadder, though, for her that they see her as only worthy of their time if she is singing.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#9Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 11:20pm

Not sad at all.  It's what she is known for.  She travels around the world performing concerts, she has many albums of her singing, and she is a known performer.  She is a singer first and an actress second.  She will never win any Emmys for her television work or an Oscar for her film work.  She is a musical theater actress, the hardest form of acting there is.  

Why would anyone pay for this show if it doesn't showcase her number one talent?  The empty seats have already answered my question.  

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#10Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 11:31pm

I agree, Lupita.  I was so excited when she announced she was back on Broadway.  Then I realized it was a straight play and I stopped caring. It's like if Norm Lewis, Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott, Idina Menzel or Aaron Tveit were in plays. Nobody cares. Anyone could have played the cop in American Son and anyone could have played Jodi in Skintight.  

#11Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 11:39pm

EllieRose2 said: "I agree, Lupita.I was so excited when she announced she was back on Broadway. Then I realized it was a straight play and I stopped caring. It's like if Norm Lewis, Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott, Idina Menzelor Aaron Tveit were in plays. Nobody cares. Anyone could have played the cop in American Sonand anyone could have played Jodi in Skintight."


I find Audra in a straight play miles more exciting than any of these actors. She's proven herself as one of the great (non-musical) theater actors of her generation. She won a Tony for A Raisin in the Sun and she was a marvelous Olivia in Twelfth Night. She's a three-time Emmy nominee, and I think she has the chops to win an Oscar, she just doesn't have the ambition to become a serious, consistently working film actor,

Updated On: 5/19/19 at 11:39 PM

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#12Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/19/19 at 11:53pm

She hasn't been on Broadway in a straight play in 15 years.  I think she loves singing more than anything, which tracks considering her theater choices for the majority of her career.  She is a theater actor, it's where she feels most at home according to her.  Sadly, her not singing in a show has affected ticket sales, at least for this particular show. 

#13Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 4:54am

Thanks so much for your replies, shall get there for 10am then or, if I wake up earlier, maybe for 9.30am. Frankie and Johnny Rush

quizking101 Profile Photo
#14Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 7:34am

EllieRose2 said: "She hasn't been on Broadway in a straight play in 15 years. I think she loves singing more than anything, which tracks consideringher theater choices for the majority of her career. She is a theater actor, it's where she feels most at home according to her.Sadly, her not singing in a show has affected ticket sales, at least for this particular show."

I guess “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is suddenly a musical...


Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#15Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 8:42am

It makes me a little sad and annoyed with all of the “I’m not going to see this because she doesn’t sing!” comments. She is an actor first and foremost. She is giving an incredible performance. She’s so vulnerable and hilarious on that stage and I don’t know WHY someone who is such a huge fan of hers wouldn’t see one of their Broadway favorites shine in a role that fits her like a glove.

Y’all are missing out.

#16Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 11:18am

quizking101 said: "EllieRose2 said: "She hasn't been on Broadway in a straight play in 15 years. I think she loves singing more than anything, which tracks consideringher theater choices for the majority of her career. She is a theater actor, it's where she feels most at home according to her.Sadly, her not singing in a show has affected ticket sales, at least for this particular show."

I guess “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is suddenly a musical...


Also, that's her tethered on your TV screen every week on "The Good Fight."

#17Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 12:45pm

52889j said: Also, that's her tethered on your TV screen every week on "The Good Fight.""


Only for the VERY select few who actually pay for CBS All Access!

#18Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 12:58pm

quizking101 said: "EllieRose2 said: "She hasn't been on Broadway in a straight play in 15 years. I think she loves singing more than anything, which tracks considering her theater choices for the majority of her career. She is a theater actor, it's where she feels most at home according to her.Sadly, her not singing in a show has affected ticket sales, at least for this particular show."

I guess “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is suddenly a musical...


It was considered a play for Tony purposes but she did sing in that show so Lady Day does not disprove the poster's theory.  I would also consider Lady Day to be a play with music, rather than a straight play (although clearly the semantics could be argued).

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#19Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 3:32pm

People went to see her in Emerson's because she was singing and somehow became Billie Holiday before our eyes.  I'm actually going to watch that on HBO tonight, god what a performance. She is a musical theater actress.  

CBS All Access?  CBS is for ancients and I can't imagine the streaming service being different.  But, did she receive any Emmy nods for her performance? I thought not.  She does TV to pay her bills, as she has also said in the past.  

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#20Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 3:45pm

Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill was Audra singing 90% of the time, it might as well been a musical.  The grosses don't lie, people aren't interested in this show.  Wait, CBS is asking people to pay money for their channel?  It's been on the air for like 100 years. Weird...

#21Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 5:56pm

EllieRose2 said: "People went to see her in Emerson's because she was singing and somehow became Billie Holiday before our eyes. I'm actually going to watch that on HBO tonight, god what a performance. She is a musical theater actress.

CBS All Access? CBS is for ancients and I can't imagine the streaming service being different. But, did she receive any Emmy nods for her performance? I thought not. She does TV to pay her bills, as she has also said in the past.


Did you miss the part where she has earned three previous Emmy nominations? And just because she hasn’t earned an Emmy nomination for her most recent TV work doesn’t mean she isn't deserving. She is doing EXCELLENT work on the The Good Fight. The only thing that could prevent her from getting a nomination (yet to be announced this year) is there being a crowded playing field due to the endless amounts of TV being produced these days.

I can understand appreciating Audra’s singing ability above all else, but to assume her acting is not on par or that she can’t act without singing is inaccurate IMO. Also, she has stated that though theater (not specifically music theater) is her first language, she enjoys all the different mediums equally because it gives her a chance to flex different muscles. So to limit her (and your willingness to see her) to just singing roles does both parties a disservice. Just my two cents.


EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#22Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 6:24pm

Did I miss the part? No, I did not. Has she ever won an Emmy or been nominated for something that was not an adaptation of a play?  Once.  She is a good television actress, but others are great.  She is one of the BEST theater actress in the world, though. Truly a legend in the industry.  

I'm not doing myself any disservice, tickets prices are outrageous on Broadway now, so people (including me) are going to pick and choose wisely.  She isn't singing in this, her greatest talent. So, most people are not seeing it. The show will close early, which is a shame, but it makes sense to me. This Saturday evening the theater is 75% unsold.  I don't think we need to dig any deeper with the reason why.  

Bwaydreamer3 Profile Photo
#23Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 8:45pm

I can only shake my head to these responses... The reason why people love Audra's voice so much is because she ACTS in all her music. If Audra was only a pretty voice she wouldn't be half as successful as she is. Support the person if you cherish them so much and don't put labels on her. She's a performer for goodness sake and she's proved time and time again she is more than just a singer. If you can't support her in all facets maybe you aren't actually a fan to begin with... 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#24Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 9:10pm

Bwaydreamer3 said: "I can only shake my head to these responses... The reason why people love Audra's voice so much is because she ACTS in all her music. If Audra was only a pretty voice she wouldn't be half as successful as she is. Support the person if you cherish them so much and don't put labels on her. She's a performer for goodness sake and she's proved time and time again she is more than just a singer. If you can'tsupport her in all facets maybe you aren't actually a fan to begin with..."

Will you marry me?

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#25Frankie and Johnny Rush
Posted: 5/20/19 at 9:51pm

People can pay for whatever they want to see her in.  There are is a hundred different ways to be a fan. This play is not selling because it's not a well known show and she is not singing. Everyone I know who has discussed it all say the same thing. Two top actors but nobody cares. Do the math.  
