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For the jaded among us

#0For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 2:09am

To begin, I must admit this may be long - as much as I will try to be succinct, and still say what I have to say. If that doesn't work for you, then other threads await.

This has to do with the fulfillment of a life's dream - my mother's, to be exact. A little background: she's 62, and has a background in the performing arts (she and my blood father met while members of the same civic light opera company.) She comes from an era when many of the Broadway 'hits' were part of popular culture. Being in the mid-west, however, she was only able to experience these (as many were) as the movies that were made of them. She saw SOUTH PACIFIC I don't know how many times, and knew EVERY word of MY FAIR LADY by heart. But, because of the twists that life can bring you, she lost touch with that aspect of her life for many years. And even though she had long dreamt of seeing a Broadway show, she never had (and this was even after living for a couple of years in her late twenties right across the river from Manhattan.)

WELL, skipping all the boring details of another person's life, last night she saw her first Broadway show! She had been visiting right after my partner and I came back from a week of theatre in NYC, and heard us going ON AND ON about THE BOY FROM OZ (now, the fact that, as gay men, we think he's a god had NOTHING to do with it.) And, for whatever reason, she decided she just HAD to see this. Now, I had been telling her for YEARS that all she had to do was go there, and there it was. But for reasons that aren't worth going into here, she hadn't.

So, all I needed to hear is that she was willing, and I jumped all over making the arrangements for her. It was to be her 'special' treat for my younger brother's 30th birthday (which isn't til October, but oh well.)

They flew in Saturday afternoon, had a limo take them to the Hotel Edison, and had fabulous seats for the evening performance of BOY. Then, because it was a 'virgin' trip, they went to Sardi's for dinner afterwards.

Why am I telling all this? Because SHE WAS ENTRANCED, ENTHRALLED and AGOG simply to be where she was, doing what she was doing.

So many times, those of us who have many experiences tend to forget what it is that is actually taking place. No, she wasn't seeing 'life-changing' theatre - no, she wasn't 'expanding the awareness of what it's like to be a human being through art.' What she WAS doing was living an experience that she had read/heard/dreamt about for all her life - and really wondered if she would ever be able to participate. Part of her evening also included interacting with the Australian members of the audience, who were also agog to be there witnessing what, for them, was history in the making.

I tell this only to remind us that sometimes - even though we may not understand it, or even disdain it - the experience of going to a show on Broadway is something special, unique and to be savored. Everybody has their own experience to live, and it shouldn't be qualified, judged or impuned simply because it isn't 'how I would have it.'

So, I hope ALL the tourists going to ALL the shows are experiencing the thrill of a lifetime. I hope all the young people who are super-charged by WICKED never lose their enthusiasm. I hope all the older folks who go to matinees enjoy their brief continued interaction with the human race.

And I REALLY hope that those of us who have lost that sense of wonder, awe, joy and acceptance can find some way to recapture even just a little of what drew us here in the first place.

#1re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 2:48am

What an absolutely beautiful story -- thank you for sharing it with us. Whatever anyone wants to say about BFO, Jackman's performance is certainly the stuff of legend, one of those great and unique experiences that can only happen in a theatre and not on tv or film. I'm so happy she was able to witness it and happy that you could be a part of it.

I hope that you and your family will be able to share an experience like that again together very soon.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#2re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 2:55am

Thanks Margo - and this may be one of the few times I actually LIKE cell phones, as they were able to call me here in California as they went through the whole evening (driving into Manhattan, in the hotel lobby, at the souvenir shop, in the theatre lobby, at intermission, at the end, standing in front of Sardi's - we like to talk ALOT re: For the jaded among us

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#3re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 3:34am

Oh my God, what a great post. Thanks for sharing that. I sincerely hope you send this to your Mother, as well, or tell her where to read it. Thanks, D.


kec Profile Photo
#4re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 7:35am

That has to be one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Bless you for doing what you did to make it work for your mother. Now, next time, you need to be there as well! re: For the jaded among us

Thank you for sharing your story.

#5re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 7:45am

Thank you for sharing your mother's joyful experience as well as your thoughts with us.

I have been going to Broadway shows for decades, and I don't even live in America. Yet, the most entrancing part of an evening of musical theatre for me has always been the time when the bell rings, the lights dim, the hush befalls the audience, and the musical notes start wafting from the orchestra pit. It must the sense of anticipation that triggers this unusual reaction from me - that the next two hours or so will be an enchanting evening.

THE BOY FROM OZ, ironically, left most of the critics unmoved but it has become such a crowd pleaser and in many cases the first experience for some that will trigger the lifetime love for the theatre! That he has given so many people such a wonderful experience may probably be worth more to Hugh Jackman than the TONY award the voters gave to him.

Updated On: 7/18/04 at 07:45 AM

#6re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 8:56am

Generous and thoughtful of you to share your thoughts and recollections. It can be nearly as wonderful to relive that awe and excitement when one participates in someone else's first time experience.

It's heartwarming and very special that you had the opportunity to do that for your Mom.

re: For the jaded among us

TorontoBoy Profile Photo
#7re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 9:03am

Thank you for sharing that wonderful story with the rest of us.
It makes you realize that no matter what age or what the circumstances are, the experience of going to the theare is something to be treasured.
No one should be judged on what they see. Whether it's a performace of The Frogs or Wicked. It is a unique thing for all of us.
You mother is very fortunate to have a son like you.
That was a marvelous thing to do :)

Awards are like hemorrhoids. Sooner or later, every a**hole gets one. (Charlotte Rampling from Swimming Pool)

mominator Profile Photo
#8re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 12:11pm

What a wonderful story! Thanks again for sharing it with us. Your mom is a very lucky lady!

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

sean martin
#9re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 12:14pm

Well, y'know, this is why we're in the business of "entertainment". :) Really glad your mom had a great time, and here's hoping she becomes a theatre junkie like the rest of us.

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

#10re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 12:14pm

Thanks mominator - but trust me, her three kids are the lucky ones. It really is like having Mame for a mother.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#11re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:01pm

What a lovely experience for all, your family and us vicariously able to again get that "hit" that pulled us into theatre in general to begin with. Thank you for sharing!

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#12re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:10pm

That really is an amazing story. They always say that the theater can touch people of all ages and everyone always thinks that its a child who needs to be brought to his or her first show to think of it as an experience beyond all experiences. There's something moving about hearing how someone has waited her entire life to experience Broadway got to do so and it was not a let down. I see shows all the time, and it never stops amazing me when someone gets to see their first Broadway show. That is such a fantastic experience, thank you so much for sharing that with us, what an excellent story!

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Matt_G Profile Photo
#13re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:22pm

DGrant, I'm so happy your mother enjoyed it! I was able to do something similar a few years back. My father, who had bought his first cast recording at age 5 in 1955 was the person who gave me my love of theatre and yet had never been able to see a Broadway show. His health started declining when I was 8 and so money was always tight and travling to New York City was just something that was out of the question. Anyways, in 1996, he was feeling somewhat better so I knew it was now or never. We flew up to New York for 3 days and he got to see 4 Broadway shows, one of them being Victor/Victoria with Julie Andrews. I'll never forget how happy he was that week. Now his health is so that traveling there again is impossible, but I'll always be glad that I got to share that experience with him.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

DareQuilty Profile Photo
#14re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:24pm

You are the reason joy can be shared DGrant! Wonderful you could do that for Mom!

"Why can't you see inside to the man I am?!"

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#15re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:30pm

Great story, Dgrant, and thanks.

#16re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:37pm

Matt_G - That was a great thing you did. Sometimes it's easy to identify what in life really counts. I love that he introduced you to musicals! Apparently, because of my mother, at age 4 I would stand in front of the stereo and say, "D@mn, d@mn, d@mn, d@mn, d@mn!" - and conduct the rest of MY FAIR LADY furiously. Some things should have been a clue re: For the jaded among us Because of his age, I'm hoping he had had a huge crush on Julie Andrews, and this was like seeing a fantasy come to life re: For the jaded among us

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#17re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:39pm

Want to trade Moms?? I took my 55 year old mom to two Broadway shows last year. It was her first time ever in NYC and at a show and afterward her response was " The acting wasn't very good, I don't see what the big deal is." lol

Matt_G Profile Photo
#18re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:41pm

It really was like seeing a fantasy come to life for him. And it was one of her last performances so he's very lucky he got to see her sing live.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#19re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:46pm

NewYorkUniq - while I'm sorry for her (and your) experience, I'm afraid I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. Among other things, she also happens to be my best friend. Oh god, I sound like such a cliche'. Oh, well, what can you do?

Matt_G Profile Photo
#20re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:48pm

There's nothing wrong with that, DGrant. That is assuming she doesn't "live" with you in your motel.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#21re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:51pm

LOL, Matt re: For the jaded among us Actually, if we DID live together, it would probably end up more like ARSENIC AND OLD LACE!

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#22re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 1:58pm

Very sweet and you are so great to make her dream come true!

zoran912 Profile Photo
#23re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 2:20pm

Thank God for you DGrant.

#24re: For the jaded among us
Posted: 7/18/04 at 3:02pm

Thank you for that story, DGrant. I'm in the middle of inducting my sister into the cult of the musical as we speak...yesterday, Assassins, tomorrow, who knows? :) It's always great when you can share your interests with a family member.
