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FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th- Page 5

FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th

Jayar2 Profile Photo
#100FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/29/16 at 4:59pm

Thank you for the advice on seating and TKTS.

#101FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 2:59am

why don't people see ART anymore?

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#102FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 11:43am

I'm going to next Saturday's matinee.  I'm surprised there were still tickets available because there are only a few premiums left for the last performance. I'm sitting in the 100 section this time. My first time was in the 200 odd section closer to the 400 section.  Can't wait to see it from a different view.

Now are Emily Skeggs and Judy Kuhn definitely in the show now? I went back in February and didn't realize Emily was taking a hiatus for a new project and Judy was out, but I also heard she had been out for awhile too at some point after that. I' m just curious.  Seeing other actors is not a big deal for me. 

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#103FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 11:44am

Emily's been back for awhile.

haterobics Profile Photo
#104FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 12:59pm

Marianne2 said: "Now are Emily Skeggs and Judy Kuhn definitely in the show now?"

Got them both on 8/20.

#105FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 2:08pm

How important is it to see Fun Home on Broadway as opposed to in touring productions? I'm asking because I'm going to be up there this weekend and only have 5 slots for shows, and was originally writing off shows that will be touring in MD or DC in the 2016/2017 season since I can just see the tour version later so I can overally increase my total amount of shows seen, and have more slots open on Broadway for shows that I will be less likely to see in the future outside of Broadway.

However, the Circle in the Square sounds like a unique theater to the point that it sounds like watching Fun Home anywhere else wouldn't be the same? I'm also not sure how much of the enjoyment is coming from the story/production vs. the Cast, as I'm also hearing really good things about Cerveris and the others. Do you think the difference in seeing this first on tour would be noticeable enough to consider making sure I see this on Broadway and make an exception for Fun Home?

Kad Profile Photo
#106FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 2:12pm

I've seen Fun Home in three incarnations, and two of those were in proscenium staging. The show worked best in the intimate thrust of Circle in the Square, but certainly is still a worthwhile piece of theatre regardless.

I would say see it at Circle, simply because there are beautiful moments that will be lost when it goes back to its proscenium configuration or in a larger house.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#107FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 2:16pm

Whilst I think the show would be effective and moving in any venue with any cast, I can't imagine this version ever being bettered and would recommend seeing it on Broadway whilst you can. Cerveris is indeed giving one of the best performances on Broadway right now.

haterobics Profile Photo
#108FUN HOME Will Close on September 10th
Posted: 8/30/16 at 2:47pm

For the cast alone, I'd see it on Broadway. For the uniqueness of the theater, even more reason.

That said, I saw it twice off-Broadway and also got swept away, so the material will work beautifully on tour. But this is its best version right now.
