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Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#1Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/7/09 at 10:49pm

Word on the street is that Eden Espinosa has begun telling people that she will in fact not be playing Sheila in the Broadway transfer of The Public's HAIR.

According to Espinosa, the producers of the show jumped the gun and announced her casting before she signed a contract.

Although I'm not sure exactly why (she has a history of turning down roles amidst financial negotiations,) the deal fell through.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#2re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/7/09 at 10:53pm

I hope this isn't true... so, I hope this really is just word on the street
She would be the reason I would see Hair in march... UGH!
I want her on broadway NOW! But she better not have withdramn

#2re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/7/09 at 10:54pm

This production has been hitting quite a few bumps in the road.

I hope it makes it, and if so, for a little more than six months.

#3re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/7/09 at 10:57pm

It was SO good in central park. SO good. I really hope it makes it.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#4re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/7/09 at 11:18pm

Jeez...this production is having huge issues already and it doesn't open for three months.

It's a fantastic production too...or at least it was at the Delacorte.

#5re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:14am

Two months, but who's counting?

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logan0215 Profile Photo
#6re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:36am

The show was outstanding in the park.

But I think that was due in fact to it being... in the park.

I really don't see how this is going to transfer into a "proper" theater.

Circle in the Square would have at least been more intimate with its stadium seating which would mirror the setup at the Delacorte.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

#7re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 4:32am

Not an official website for Eden, but the people who run the site are in contact with her. Shes answered fan questions for them in the past and the news posted in their news section are things that they have confirmed with Eden herself and they say that she isnt doing it and that the announcements made by the theater websites were premature.

So still, nothing official has been announced about her not doing it, but I would take what the site had to say as being pretty legit

#8re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 4:35am

I was at Eden's solo show on Monday night at Upright Cabaret here in Los Angeles (with the fabulous special guest Tracie Thoms as well). And directly from her mouth, she confirmed that she would not be doing Hair, and would be remaining on the west coast at the moment. At her show she confirmed this news publicly to various people that night, including the girls who run

Oh, and the girls who run that site never put up any casting announcements, show dates, news, etc. until directly confirmed by Eden herself, so hence I'd say the information on that site is definitely reliable. Hence, while playbill and bww put up the info about Eden in Hair, they waited for confirmation before posting.

Updated On: 1/8/09 at 04:35 AM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#9re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 6:41am

Let the speculation begin again!

#10re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 9:01am

At one point, wssn't Eden's addition to the cast cited as one of the reasons for the delayed opening/preview? Just asking.


singer73192 Profile Photo
#11re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:18pm

I can't believe that the producers and the media would jump the gun on something as big as this. The story wasn't billed as "gossip but "Fact"

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#12re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:19pm

Why do I get the feeling that this production isn't even going to happen?

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#13re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:21pm

I get that feeling too and I hope I'm wrong.

best12bars Profile Photo
#14re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:30pm

Speculation on my part, but ... They're probably trying to get everyone to work for scale, citing the horrible economic times. I'm sure Eden hasn't worked for scale in a very long time.

If I were a producer, I would attempt to work out a "percentage of the house" deal (as tricky as that might sound). A point system, the way they do with many film stars in budget-tight movies. That way, if it's a big hit, they get paid royally. If not, they don't. It made multi-millionaires out of many movie actors, including Alec Guinness (the first I am aware of) who worked for scale in Star Wars ... but got a percentage of the gross. He made FAR more than any actor would have gotten with a flat fee. Same with Nicholson in the first Batman movie. Also worked cheap, but with a percentage.

Why can't Broadway start doing that?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#15re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:43pm

With the number of flops the last few years actors might be a bit wary to take on a deal like that. I personally think it makes sense, but I could understand reservation on the part of the actor in taking a lower guaranteed deal with a high risk on further compensation.

#16re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:47pm

Ed, I believe it was the change/addition to the production partnership when they added producers that caused the delay, not the addition of Eden to the cast, although I could be mistaken

best12bars Profile Photo
#17re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:52pm

The problem is that unless everyone involved is willing to take economic risks during risky times, there will be no new shows.

Is it better to be unemployed or working on a sliding scale? Those would seem to be the two choices for future shows.

I'm only guessing. I also don't think every show should have the same ticket price. That needs to go.

A four-person musical with a unit set can't be charging the same price as a 30-person musical with massive sets.

I also think theatre rentals either need to drop or just sit there dark.

The times they are a-changing, and Broadway needs to change with them. It's definitely not "business as usual" anymore.

Not after Black Sunday last week.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

NY_Broadway2 Profile Photo
#18re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:57pm

I just want to know why she wouldn't do it? What else has she got to do?

If you hide from yourself, be someone else for someone else's sake, that would be the greatest mistake - bare

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#19re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:00pm

As always, b12b, very well said!!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#20re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:02pm

best12bars, I completely agree with you and I'm hopeful that the lowered ticket prices for Rock of Ages are sign of a coming change.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#21re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:18pm

I just got an email from Eden saying, "I'm not doing Hair"

So there it is.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#22re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:00pm

"I can't believe that the producers and the media would jump the gun on something as big as this."

On what planet in what solar system does Eden Espinosa's presence count as "something as big as this"?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#23re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:08pm

Um, she was on The Dog Whisperer!

They should get Shoshanna Bean to do it. Then she can recreate the vomiting sounds she made on the Actor's Fund Recording, including something that sounds like "Yabba dabba ding dong" in the middle of "I Believe in Love."

#24re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:26pm

You know the cycle on Broadway:

1) "Who is Eden Espinoza?"

2) "Get me Eden Espinoza!"

3) "Get me an Eden Espinoza-type!"

4) "Get me a young Eden Espinoza!"

%0 "Who is Eden Espinoza?"

So have we moved from level two to three?
