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Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?- Page 3

Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?

#50re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:29am

Drowsy is a joyous, warm-hearted valentine to people who love musicals. Since I assume that includes most Tony voters, its chances of winning Best Musical are 100%.

Whatever their merits, Color Purple, Jersey Boys, Wedding Singer and Tarzan all have a been there/done that element that will be hard to overcome.

danstudney Profile Photo
#51re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 6:07am

Oh heck, allofmylife, no feelings hurt. I wasn't saying you shouldn't dislike Reefer Madness -- everyone's entitled to their opinion. I was just having a little fun with your typo!

Speaking of typos, it's Dan, not Don. re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?

allofmylife Profile Photo
#52re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 12:46pm

Typos! TZPOKS!! I hno mak typoz!

I read this site at three in the morning, when I come up for air from the script I am writing. My fingers are as exhausted as the President's press secretary's bag of excuses (oh, sorry, I also post on the Huffington Post, a little blog creep there). As I said, I enjoyed the movie version of "Reefer Madness" more than the stage version, so I guess that's a start. And I think I may have been one of the few people to say "sorry" for a comment I posted here. Wow, some people get downright nasty.

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#53re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 12:50pm

The Color Purple will NOT win best musical.
That is all.

danstudney Profile Photo
#54re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:22pm


I meant nothing at all nasty in either of my posts. Go back and read them to see -- I even put smiley-faces in them to make sure people knew things were in jest. I thought that was standard internet protocol.

I was simply having fun with a typo "aweful" (which I pretended was intentional on your part to mean that the show was "full of awe" and thus not really a negative criticism) vs. "awful" (meaning bad). It was just (what I at least intended to be) a harmless, humorous twist on words. Please don't take it the wrong way. I only used the joke in the first place as a springboard to chime in to say how much I enjoyed Drowsy Chaperone and how it differed, IMO, from Reefer Madness. I reiterate that you, and anyone else, are entitled to your own opinion about art of any kind. Sorry if there was any confusion.

Don re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds? (more humor)

allofmylife Profile Photo
#55re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 12:03am

don, I was just jesting. I wasn't slighted and hope you weren't either.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#56re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 8:46am

Aww, I love to see people make up on this board. It's so rare! re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#57re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:23am

I love to see people make out on this board.

"I hope Tarzan doesn't get a nom.
Those poor actors. In every Disney show, but especially this one, the show is shaped so that nobody in the audience even pays attention to them! And most of them- especially Jenn Gambatese- are great!
Tarzan is not a show, it is a PRODUCT.
Tony committee, please don't reward this."

Wow, so you think none of the designers who brought this production to life should receive any credit for their work? Nice.

PS - Damn Yankees was based on Wallop's novel "The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant".

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#58re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:29am

Thanks Mister Matt! That one bugged me but for some reason I kept thinking the book was called "Six Months out of Every Year" and couldn't track it down. So that makes 3 "Original" Tony Winners during the "Golden Age."

And to calrify, my fruistration comes from people who feel taht one show is empirically better than another, so they have to say "THAT was adapted from a MOVIE!" to back up their own opinions.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#59re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 3:09pm

Joe - I know what you mean. Just because a show has an original book, does not make it better than those adapted from previous material. In My Life proved that rather well.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#60re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 3:38pm

This thread is a joke.

WiCkEDrOcKS, in particular: you wrote a whole book of predictions that have zero basis whatsoever.

You need to learn to respect other peoples opinions rather than tear their posts to shreds. And FYI, theres a nice way to go about it instead of coming off as an ass. I just posted what I thought and SAID I was basing it on word of mouth. Jesus, can I not post my opinions anymore on this site?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#61re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 3:47pm

And, also, I think you guys need to go back and re-read the Color Purple reviews. They were pretty positive. Definitely not raves but the show wasn't panned either.

robbiej Profile Photo
#62re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 4:10pm

Threads like this KILL me.

Why? Not because of the prognasticating about shows which many have not even seen. Not the whole 'THIS SHOW SUCKS' 'HEY THAT'S MY SHOW' 'Uh...I didn't mean it' subplot (though I did love that). personal favorite part of this (and many threads) is the rewriting of musical theatre history...when it is there in black and white for anyone to discover.

LOVE it.

And yeah...LION KING was just the movie put on stage. Sure. Okeydokey.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

allofmylife Profile Photo
#63re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 8:54pm

Okay, robbiej, since I my schaudenfreude situation amused you once I'll go one step further. I didn't just insult the creator of a Broadway show, I was once part of something far more embarrassing. I was in "The Soap Factory" a card shop on Melrose Blvd. in LA with a girl I was dating and somehow we got to talking about a big television star. She said "I love him, he's so talented, but why doesn't he just come out and admit he's gay? We all know he is." At that moment, I realized the person standing beside her was, in fact that very same star (this has a Broadway connection because he has been onstage in a huge hit in New York). The star said, "Well... that's news to me" and went back to looking at the greeting cards. We slinked out of the store feeling as low as we deserved to feel.....

#64re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 9:08pm

I agree. "Jersey Boys" should win for "Featured Actor", "Book" and "Direction". If "The Drowsy Chaperone" comes off a little too much like "The Producers" that could hurt it. On sheer novelty alone, "The Jersey Boys" seems to have the upper hand. It won't hurt it that the score came from previous sources (See, "Crazy for You" and "Jerome Robbins Broadway".)

Who knows about the technical awards?

But four Tony's could make it the big winner this year.

#65re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 9:38pm

Taking your logic to its extreme, shows which are derivative from secondary sources are not as creative as shows completely original: thus, "Carousel" derived form Molnar's "Liliom"--all things being equal, would be creatively inferior to Sondheim's "Sunday in the Park with George"; "My Fair Lady" inferior to "Urinetown", and "South Pacific" is inferior to "Avenue Q."

The fact that critics have distanced "Jersey Boys" from musicals considered "Jukebox musicals" and almost universally given it ovationary reviews (John Simon included who knew nothingof the group or particularly cared for its music)should suggest this show deserves plaudits for originality equal to "Drowsy Chaperone" which I think is an excellent show by the way."

As an aside, while the book and music are original, Woddy Allen employed a similar device in "The Purple Rose of Cairo" where the cast of a fictitious depression-era adventure film broke through the "fourth wall" to interact with the audience.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#66re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 2:09am

Hawker, maybe you're right. Sadly, I guess movies have become the books of our generation. It just seems to me that every musical I've seen based on a movie lately has tried to recreate some scene directly from the film. I don't remember anyone reproducing the dustjacket illustrations in old musicals.

BTW, I have been a champion of "Drowsy Chaperone" for a long time now and tonights amateur reviews sound promising.....

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#67re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 2:26am

Well, I highly doubt that THE WEDDING SINGER will be among the nominees for best musical.

And let's examine the new, eligible scores this season:

THE COLOR PURPLE - An overall enjoyable score with some great production numbers, but it is too scattered and unfocused - just like the entire production.

IN MY LIFE - nothing needs to be said.

THE WOMAN IN WHITE - Bland, bland, bland, but could garner one nomination here if the committe decides it's better than IN MY LIFE (which it is), LESTAT, TARZAN, etc.

THE WEDDING SINGER - Very enjoyable pop songs - not great lyrics. This will almost definitely get a nomination.

THE DROWSEY CHAPERONE - I know nothing about this show, so I cannot comment.

TARZAN - The original songs are great - and from what I've heard from various people, the new material is just okay.

LESTAT - I've only heard a few songs - terrible - but I'll reserve judgement until I see the show.

So, we have some nomination locks:


What's left for the next three slots? It won't be IN MY LIFE. I doubt it will be LESTAT, unless they swoon for Taupin, but Elton already has a tony and will probably score another next year with BILLY ELLIOT, so they'll pass on this one.

It will probably wind up being:


(there are 5 nominees in this category, right)

IF there are four, THE WOMAN IN WHITE will be eliminated.

And who will win? Well, this could potentially turn into the worst score to ever win a Tony conversation again.

TARZAN has the edge, because of Phil Collins.

Question for you folks:

There are a bunch of new songs for the production (which not everyone has heard yet), but many will agree that his songs from the film were wonderful and charming. When voting, could it be that the committee will look at the score as a whole, looking at wonderful songs like "Two Worlds," "You'll Be in My Heart", etc. as fantastic, thereby going for a Collins win? Or will they vote for Collins because he's Phil Collins?

Let us not forget that TOMMY won best score, and most of that was NOT original.

Oh well, enough rambling. What do you think?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

theatreguy Profile Photo
#68re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 2:53am

All non-acting categories have 4 nominees so you would have to take Woman in White off your list. But I agree that the nominees will most like be The Color Purple, The Drowsy Chaperone, Tarzan and The Wedding Singer (and I've seen all 4 shows as well as Lestat, In My Life and Woman in White).

As for the win, I would count out Wedding Singer because, while it IS fun, it's really not that great and the lyrics kinda bring it down. I'm not sure about Drowsy Chaperone as it's the kind of show where the book really shines, but if they decide to give Jersey Boys the Best Book Tony, they may give Drowsy Best Score as a sort of consolation . . . or something. Tarzan has the advantage of being written by Phil Collins but the score as a whole seems a little ballad heavy (at least as of right now) and most of the new songs just aren't as good as those from the movie. And then there's Color Purple. I agree with your assesment of it (enjoyable, but unfocused) and I think it's possible that since the show has done so well, the voters will want to give it SOMETHING.

At this point I would put them in this order from most likely to least likely to win:

1. The Color Purple
2. Tarzan
3. The Drowsy Chaperone
4. The Wedding Singer

But that could all change, we'll have to wait and see if/how the last 3 change during previews and how they're received when they open. This will definitely be a very interesting year for awards.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#69re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 3:21am

You said TARZAN's score is not as good as the film songs - which I have heard - but which are also included in the show.

My question was, do you think they'll be able to separate the two, and award the work solely for his older material? I'm afraid they'll say "Wow, You'll Be in My Heart' is so pretty, I'm voting for Phil Collins!"

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#70re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 7:43am

Geniuses, you've forgotten the probable winner, Jersey Boys.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#71re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 7:44am

Saw them both, right now my edge goes to Jersey Boys. This show is also great though!

#72re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:47am

I definitely think JB will get a Best Musical nomination. It received wonderful reviews, much better than any show that has opened so far.

My predix for Best Musical:

-The Drowsy Chaperone
-Jersey Boys
-The Color Purple
...with the last slot going to Tarzan or The Wedding Singer.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#73re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:49am

My predix for Best Musical:

-The Drowsy Chaperone
-Jersey Boys (slightly better)

allofmylife Profile Photo
#74re: Drowsy Chaperone's Best Musical Odds?
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:11am

Dear Lord, you guys still don't get it. This is supposed to be the award for the pinnacle of theatrical production in the world. I say supposed to be because so often in the past, shows have won because people go to see them , not because of the artistic merit or the strength of the labor of creation. On that scale, how can you call Jersy Boys, which is a good show, no doubt, the best show in the world? Does it compare THAT favorably to Sweeny Todd, or Carousel, or The Lion King, or The Music Man or Guys and Dolls, or Gypsy? Come on, it's a good show, but as they say in "Lawrence of Arabia" "does it really deserve to be in here?"
