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Does anybody else miss BKLYN?- Page 2

Does anybody else miss BKLYN?

#25re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:08am

Now that Guys and Dolls has closed, I guess memories of BKLYN arise as there is no longer a resident piece of Broadway train-wreck garbage running. That is, until Spiderman opens.
Who wants to start an "I miss Roundabout's Pal Joey" thread?

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

uncageg Profile Photo
#26re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:10am

Well, we can't judge Spiderman until it opens.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 01:10 AM

Rudy2 Profile Photo
#27re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:37am

It put supper on the table and a hunger in my eyes!


Each of the times I saw BKLYN the audiences were enthusiastic and roared after Paradice's numbers. I never observed one unhappy face or untoward remark.


Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)

#28re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:48am

While i don't miss it, i don't regret having seen Eden, Ramona and Karen in early roles.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

uncageg Profile Photo
#29re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:52am

After Brooklyn, the 1st person I saw from the cast on Broadway was Ramona in "Caroline or Change". I am still reeling from that show!

Just give the world Love.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#30re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:56am

Agreed, zoneace.

Some found Eden's singing to be too "shreiky" but I thought she was fantastic vocally (she brought down the house the night I saw it when she sang "Once Upon a Time.")

Ramona sang the hell out of that solo she had (was it called "Raven"?) and I love saying I saw Karen before she was KAREN.

Everything else about this show was pretty painful. The cast really was this show's one saving grace and they weren't even that great.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 01:56 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#31re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:03am

Yeah, it was nice seeing her win that Tony and thinking I saw her before she was "Karen". She blew the roof off of the theater here.

Just give the world Love.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#32re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:05am

Who would have thought Karen would be the one to really make it? I remember all the buzz being about Eden and Ramona.

Rudy2 Profile Photo
#33re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:10am

^ I agree. Karen had the talent as well, but she didn't have as much time to shine in BKLYN as Ramona and Eden did. In the time since she has been blessed with two roles she was perfect for that garnered great acclaim. Ramona and Eden have yet to have that same luck. I know that when Ramona *finally* does a new show I will be celebrating. I cannot wait to see her perform again.


Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)

#34re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:46am

I loved it. I saw it 4 times in Dallas--thought Diana and the rest of the touring company were fantastic. I walked into that theater expecting to HATE the show and ready to see the "worst show that had ever been on Broadway"--and I walked out excited to buy a ticket to see the show again in a few nights! Almost everyone I have talked to in Dallas that saw the show said they enjoyed it.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#35re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:24am

How has Eden not "made it." She seems to have a pretty great career from where I'm looking.

#36re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 7:45am

I actually enjoyed Roundabout's PAL JOEY.

singtopher Profile Photo
#37re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:22am

I never saw the actual show, but I am obsessed with the clips of Diana DeGarmo on youtube. Her once upon a time pales in comparison to Eden's (At least what I've heard). I didn't think she was all that great on AI, but what a difference a couple years make.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

#38re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 11:08am

The problem with Brooklyn is that it referenced an old Vietnam era audience who would have related to the subject better. The costumes are Horrible. It needs a rewrite. Once Upon a Time and the Street Singer are magic and Diana Degarmo nailed it not bad for a 19 year old. She and Eden just finished up Broadway Dreams Foundation in Atlanta June 5 th and Diana sent OUAT out of this world. Eden sang Gravity and was fantastic. Happy 22nd Birthday Diana.

Off topic but for Diana fans she is doing concerts in Nashville part of CMAfest and joins July 15 to 21 Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat in Oklahoma as the Narrator and Anthony Fedorov as Joseph.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 11:08 AM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#39re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:33pm

How has Eden not "made it." She seems to have a pretty great career from where I'm looking.

- I'm not trying to knock her at all. But I'm not sure being in and out Wicked and and a replacement in Rent really constitutes "making it."

#40re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 12:58pm

Caroline or Change closed before Bklyn opened, so Ramonna was in Caroline before Bklyn. I agree with Rudy that because the score was mostly soul/R&B numbers, it didn't appeal to everyone. You have to have an idea of what you're seeing before you walk into a theater, unlike the two ladies with walkers that left probably because they thought it was about their old neighborhood! I saw it more than once and audience loved it, standing O's and all.

Sauja Profile Photo
#41re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:00pm

I saw my 101st Broadway production on Friday night. I cannot by any means pick a best. But I am 100% comfortable saying that Brooklyn is THE worst show I have ever seen on the Broadway stage.

When the white guy used his guitar as a pretend machine gun, I actually started laughing so uncontrollably that I had to leave the theater. Thank god I was on an aisle.

While I acknowledge that Ramona Keller is crazy talented, even she couldn't hold my interest. And lordy, I know she has fans, but there is not a single voice in musical theater that I dislike more than Eden Espinoza's.

#42re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:11pm

It's definitely an acquired taste. Usually anything with high belting women has me hooked; however, this show just didn't do it for me, as a whole.

Did they have a talented bunch? They sure did (although, I wasn't convinced of Eden's acting ability until I saw her in "Wicked" and was more impressed with her character than with her vocal tricks). Did the writers come up with some good melodies? I think they definitely did. These two things, however, do not a great show make.

What I don't get is how some shows (on these boards at least) become either crazy popular and well loved, while others become targets for peoples rage and constant nagging. If you didn't like it, fine; that doesn't mean you can insult people for their taste. I keep reading posts where people are almost apologizing for what they like/love. There's no need for that. There's enough room, especially on an Internet board, for everyone single persons passion. Okay, sorry, off my soap box re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?

Elphie3 Profile Photo
#43re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 1:34pm

I do have to say - I enjoy some of the music, I just think the show SERIOUSLY needed a dramturgue (among other things).

"Once Upon a Time" - great song, with lots of dramatic potential. Perfect eleven o'clock number. But instead of using it to advance the plot they use it to...just have Eden Espinoza...stand there and sing....?

Madame Morrible: "So you take the chicken, now it must be a white chicken. The corpse can be any color. And that is the spell for lost luggage!" - The Yellow Brick Road Not Taken

#44re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:31pm

No! I didn't like it at all although I grant you that it had some wonderful voices.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#45re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 12/27/09 at 11:08pm

I love the cast recording! Wouldn't it be nice if it were a movie? Well maybe not... I'm just dreaming. :)

#46re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 12/28/09 at 11:03am

The show was sh*t. It should never have gone as far as it did.

The best thing I can say about it is that it certainly gave every indication of having been written and directed by homeless people.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#47re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 12/28/09 at 11:13am

Worst show to ever be on Broadway IMO.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

uncageg Profile Photo
#48re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 12/28/09 at 12:21pm

"Caroline or Change closed before Bklyn opened, so Ramonna was in Caroline before Bklyn."

Not true, Bklyn premiered in Denver before moving to New York. I saw it twice in Denver. Ramona, Karen and Eden were in the cast here in Denver.

Just give the world Love.

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#49re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
Posted: 12/28/09 at 12:28pm

uncageg is right...BKLYN's Denver premiere opened in May of 2003 and Caroline, Or Change didn't open on Broadway until the following year; May of 2004.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"
