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Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone….- Page 4

Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone….

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#75Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/2/14 at 3:26pm

"You people never know, The Last 5 Years very well may be a huge success. Its a great story for godsake, and its coming out in February so all the couples can go see it for Valentine's Day."

Why would anyone see that on Valentine's Day? Also, if you think it's going to be widely released, in all theaters everywhere in the country, you are sorely mistaken.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#76Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/2/14 at 4:13pm

Here's the difference between Jordan and Morrison:

If Morrison takes this role on Broadway, I will not see it.
If Jordan takes this role on Broadway, I will.


#77Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 12:35pm

Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.

Read the NY Post comments and Watch the video of Micheal Riedel's comments at Last Saturday nights performance of Finding Neverland. After announcing the tallied 96% audience "loved It" vote- Micheal said, in the video, "Harvey Weinstein is about to become the most popular man on Broadway." Sounds like an endorsement to me.
Additional, he believes the part is going to Morrison (I sooo hope he is mistaken) he says of Jordan's performance, "This performance would surely earn a Tony nod" Hear that comment Harvey and please keep Jordan!
Updated On: 10/3/14 at 12:35 PM

#78Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 12:50pm

Morrison is still under contract to Glee, they are in production right now. He wouldn't be able to sign on to another project until he is lawfully released from his current one.

Also Morrison may well have have been very well received at the industry presentations of the workshop, the feedback from those haven't been made public.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#79Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 12:59pm

Perhaps they felt Jordan's signature WHAYL was wrong for the score.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#80Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 3:14pm

"Morrison is still under contract to Glee, they are in production right now. He wouldn't be able to sign on to another project until he is lawfully released from his current one."

Glee wraps production this winter, so I think it will fit in his schedule.

#81Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 3:30pm

The idea of loving couples scampering off to see "The Last Five Years" on Valentine's Day is hilarious. Like a single straight man is ever going to see that film! You people slay me sometimes...

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#82Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/3/14 at 3:47pm

^ Me too!!

The Pud
#83Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:26am

Seems that Michael Riedel has a hate on for Weinstein. I can't
imagine the critical wrath that will rain down on Weinstein when
Neverland comes to BW. Regarding Jeremy Jordan, Riedel seems to
support him with the Tony nom comment but also says that he is
getting the "hook" It's not a publicity stunt by the way. Weinstein fairly gushes when he talks about MM in an Oct. 3rd article in the Hollywood Reporter. This leads me to believe he
wanted MM from the very beginning, the only glitch being his
commitment to Glee.

Patash Profile Photo
#84Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:30am

"The idea of loving couples scampering off to see "The Last Five Years" on Valentine's Day is hilarious. Like a single straight man is ever going to see that film! You people slay me sometimes..."

Why not? I have it on good authority that many, many straight men will do lots of things on Valentine's Day they despise in order to get a really good lay. It's always a big bonus day for chick flicks.

#85Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:33am

What about Laura Michelle Kelly? Will Harvey replace her too?

The Pud
#86Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:36am

The fact that there is no dialogue and the story is told through a series of songs might deter some people.

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#87Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:36am

"I can't imagine the critical wrath that will rain down on Weinstein when
Neverland comes to BW"

I'm sorry but that's just crap. Don't hate on a show just cause you don't like a producer. I fear people already have their knives out for this show all because they don't like Harvey. Grow up people.

Updated On: 10/14/14 at 10:36 AM

The Pud
#88Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:38am

Really, you haven't read any of the NY Times or NY Post reviews? They seem to have it in for Harvey. Much like Frank Wildhorn. By the way, I saw
Finding Neverland in Boston and liked it very much. I especially loved
Jeremy Jordan's portrayal of JM Berrie. So I am not hating on Neverland.

Updated On: 10/14/14 at 10:38 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#89Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:39am

"Seems that Michael Riedel has a hate on for Weinstein."

How is writing up potential casting changes hating on him? The show that opens on Broadway will be good, or not, with whatever cast the creative team puts in place.

"Like a single straight man is ever going to see that film! You people slay me sometimes..."

Straight guys decide what movie to see on Valentine's Day?! If you say so...

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#90Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:40am

Pud, you misunderstood me. I was not saying you were lying. I believe you about the hate for Harvey and that's what I think is crap.

The Pud
#91Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:49am

Well, if Weinstein is going to call Michael Riedel "BITCHY"
the gloves are definitely coming off. We will just have to
wait and see, won't we.

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#92Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:54am

Well to be fair, talking crap about a show you haven't seen is pretty bitchy. Reidel played dirty first.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#93Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 11:55am

I had no idea this show was sung through!!! CANNOT WAIT!!!

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

rcwr Profile Photo
#94Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 11:58am

Phillypinto, Finding Neverland isn't sung through. But there is a glorious four-song sequence at the end of Act 1 that's pretty much sung through. (At least in the A.R.T. version -- no idea what changes they might be making for Bway.)

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#95Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 12:06pm

oh thanks rcwr! Someone on here said that there was no dialogue lol

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 10/14/14 at 12:06 PM

ggersten Profile Photo
#96Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 12:10pm

I think the sung through comment was in reference to Last Five Years and seeing the film on Valentine's Day.

The Pud
#97Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 2:26pm

Apologies, The Last Five Years is sung through, no dialogue.

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#98Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 3:20pm

At least on stage, The Last Five years DOES have dialogue - although you would never know that from the OCR. It's not a lot of dialogue, but it's not "sung-through". Of course, no amount of dialogue could save Jamie from being an unlikable cheater with an ego the size of Everest.

I don't know about the film, though.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

#99Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
Posted: 10/14/14 at 4:58pm

Am I the only person that doesn't like Jeremy Jordan's acting? I haven't seen his theatre acting, but on Smash, I wanted his character to just OD so we could be done with him. His acting was flat and seemed amateurish at best.
