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Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid: 2-16-08: Matinee [Pixs!]

Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid: 2-16-08: Matinee [Pixs!]

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#1Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid: 2-16-08: Matinee [Pixs!]
Posted: 2/16/08 at 11:07pm

Before Elphaba defied gravity, before Elle Woods was "so much better" there was the tale of a little mermaid named Ariel, who longed to be part of the world of a prince, and had all the hearts of children and children at heart in the palm of her heart. The musicalization of Little Mermaid does what the film did, brings you into the world of a mermaid who longs for more than she already has. The Little Mermaid holds a special place in my heart, in that it was one of the movies as a child I would watch over and over and never get sick of.

The Little Mermaid The Musical is a bright, flashy and Disney: Big spectual and large amounts of jazzy fun for the whole family: But, honestly, the amount of annoying children can get in the way of one's enjoyment of the show: A few times during the show, children called out or cried and it was quite distracting to me. I personally believe that the age of children at the show should be 5 and older, no less. But, that's me.

Having heard all the things from this board--> good, bad, and not so bad, I went in expecting the lowest and came out quite entertained and with a huge smile on my face. From her first apperance onstage, Sierra Boggess had me in the palm of her hand: She was Ariel, she embodied all that Ariel in the film was: A girl who wanted so much more than what she had, she tugged at your heartstrings and made you want her to be able to speak to Prince Eric. Her voice was beautiful, she knocked "Part of Your World" and it's reprise out of the park. Also during "If Only", she was simply glorious and simply adorable during "Beyond My Wildest Dreams."

Sherie Rene Scott is a diva. She took a role such as the sea witch that is Urusla and ran all over the world and back with it: Her voice is simply divine and her wit is simply hysterical, and her acting was so over-the-top which fit the character to a tee. Her jazzy side of "I Want The Good Times Back" and her wickedly evil "Poor Unfournate Souls" and it's evil reprise just made her character that more hateable, but you loved her for it.

Sean Palmer looked like what Prince Eric should look like and he was charming, adorable and just the hint of sexy you need in a Disney prince. His voice could have been stronger, but his vocal work on "Her Voice" was good, not great, but good, but his acting made up for it in the long run. His voice was much better in "If Only" and "One Step Closer" and fit the songs well, he made me melt during "If Only". He was a wonderful dancer, and made me want to jump and dance with him during "One Step Closer." He could be my prince anyday.. just get in line behind Cheyenne, and Noah, and Kasey Marino.. okay, just get in line. Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid: 2-16-08: Matinee [Pixs!]

Tituss Burgess was wonderfully adorable as the cantakorous crab with a heart of gold: His portrayal of Sebastian was joyful and comical as it should be, and his accent was cute. His voice is a good one, he was great in Jersey Boys. His takes on "Under The Sea" and "Kiss The Girl" were adorable and fun as they should be and had the audience tapping their feet and dancing in their seats---> well, atleast I did. His role gives a bit more depth to the character than the movie alotted: What with his verses in "If Only" speaking of doing anything for Ariel, which just broke my heart. He gives a bit of humanity to a non-human character.

Norm Lewis has one of the most underwritten roles in the show was King Trinton, and not even his heart breaking bit during "If Only" could overlook the fact he has very little to do. His voice is wonderful during "If Only" and wasted during "World Above[Reprise]". His acting is good for such a small part, but you get the connection between him and Sierra, which your suppose to get, and it works. I declare we write more him.. and his abs. Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid: 2-16-08: Matinee [Pixs!]

Eddie Korbich was very cute as Scuttle and his song "Positoovity" was so darn cute, I can't get it out of my head: Was it perfection, no. Was it comedic gold, yes. I enjoyed his little bits on stage and he did such a good job with "Human Stuff" and the above mentioned "Positoovity". He brought a bit of jazzy ham to the show.

Tyler Maynard and Derrick Baskin were fantastic in the roles of Flotsom and Jetsom and their song "Sweet Child" is very creepy, but they do well with it, and have great teamwork between them. And their lighting up arms was very cool looking.

Brian D'Addario was so adorable as Flounder, his voice is so great and has so much potential and works every moment of "She's In Love" for what it's worth. He will be so wonderful as he gets older and should keep performing, because he has a future in it. I am glad to actually have seen him, because usually he only does the night performances, but he did a matinee, which was very nice.

Heidi Blickenstaff [TTOSS!!!] and John Treacy Egan are fine in small but fun roles as Carlotta, Ariel's confidant in a sense on shore, and the crazed Chef Louis. Jonathan Freeman is also good in his role as Grimsby, Prince Eric's right hand man.

The ensemble was energetic and fun to watch, and seemed to be having alot of fun [Unlike the ensemble of Tarzan] and their chorus parts were wonderful and their dancing was great.

The set---> Under water was beautiful, they could have done more with Eric's palace and the land, but I guess, the suttleness was what the set direction was going for. I'm not exactly sure, but it was miles better than that MESS of a set from Tarzan. I loved the skims they would use to be able to show the underwater sequences, it was especially beautiful during the end of Act One during Ariel's transformation. I didnt quite understand the need for the two huge towers other than for spectual uses, but they seemed very random.

The music---> The new songs have their good ones: "If Only", "She's in Love" and the old standards from the film, but I could have done without "Les Poissons" and all the reprises. But, overall the music was good.

The costumes---> Some of them were very hideious--> The Under The Sea outfits looked like gay strippers or something, it was like "Um, is that SUPPOSE to be a fish?". I loved Ariel and Eric's outfits, and Tituss's eyes were laughable and Eddie's costume was so ugly, it was funny. Flounder's costume should have been much better than just a t-shirt and shorts. The heels were pretty cool to use, and in the way they did appear to be swimming, it was nice.

The book---> I love the story from the film, and it was a pretty good book, but can someone explain to me how Ursula came out of the ocean and came into Eric's palace? Thats one of the few things I didnt quite understand how that worked out. But, overall, a not bad translation from animated movie to musical.

Overall, I enjoyed the show. I cried during "If Only" and during the final half of the show because it's just something in me that feels for a character I've grown up watching as a 2D cartoon and then seeing her journey, her world, on stage before my eyes: Alive and breathing. Sure the show has its flaws, but despite them, I had a great time and enjoyed myself. I'm glad to see Ariel can standup next to Elphaba and Elle Woods as a symbol of girl power for young women and young people. I would gladly go back under the sea again and again, despite a few waves along the way, the journey is beautiful and special

[Pictures: below in the thread]

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 2/17/08 at 11:07 PM

#2re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matinee [Pictures to come]
Posted: 2/16/08 at 11:31pm

great review, and glad you enjoyed it. cant wait for pictures!
Updated On: 2/16/08 at 11:31 PM

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#2re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matinee [Pictures to come]
Posted: 2/16/08 at 11:50pm

Love the review, Clumsy! Overall, you were much more forgiving than I was with the show's problems, but I'm glad you had a nice time. And I do agree with your comments on Sierra; in spite of it all, she truly elevated the show.

I don't know who the hell Kasey Marino is, but if he gets your thumbs up, it's time to get Googling!

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#3re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matinee [Pictures to come]
Posted: 2/16/08 at 11:55pm

everythingtaboo---> I just love Little Mermaid in all it's glory from my childhood, that it was easy to focus on what I loved as compared as to what I didnt love.

PS: Kasey Marino is Brad/Corny U/S from Hairspray. :sigh:

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#4re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 12:24am

Clumsy- Thanks and pls dont forget to post your pics.. I wanna see it!

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine


#5re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 12:41am

Very well written review! I'm glad you enjoyed the show! Looking forward to the pictures. re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#6re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 12:47am

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Outside the theater]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Pre-show curtain]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Norm Lewis and I] [no idea what the white thing is.]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Tituss Burgess and I]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Robert Creighton and I] [a BIT blurry]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Cicily Daniels and I]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[John Treacy Egan and I]

re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

[Playbill signed by Norm Lewis, Tituss, Robert, Cicily, Brian D'Addario [Flounder] and Tyler Maynard [Flotsom]

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 2/17/08 at 12:47 AM

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#7re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 1:36am

BUMP for pictures. re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Glory Profile Photo
#8re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 9:19am

did Sierra and Sherrie not come out? Did you see a matinee?

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#9re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 10:01am

I really enjoyed reading your review and your pictures look great!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

Craig Profile Photo
#10re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 10:05am

That's not Jonathan Freeman

It's Robert Creighton

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

aliciag Profile Photo
#11re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08 2pm Matine
Posted: 2/17/08 at 11:03am

Can I just say that I totally agree with pretty much everything you said in your review. As much as people have dumped on this show I thoroughly enjoyed it and walked out with a big smile on my face.

I am so glad you enjoyed it too!

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#12re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 1:28pm

craig--> thank you. I had no idea who he was at one point. re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm

Glory---> I did see a matinee. Sheri didnt come out, and Sierra was according to the stage door man, getting ready for the next show.

thank you broadwayfan7 & aliciag [I agree with you!] re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#13re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 1:42pm

Nice review, Clumsy. Although I feel like Sean Palmer must have been having a bad night...his voice, to me, is incredibly powerful and strong and "Her Voice" is one of the highlights of the show for me, and it's because of Sean's singing.

I'm going back to see it with Heidi as Ursula (so excited!).

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#14re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 1:48pm

Great review, Clumsy! Thanks!

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#15re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 1:49pm

carymetorent---> I thought it might have been that, because as I was listening to the cast album on my iPod on the way home, he sounded alot better, but what with all the bumps on the cast album from things in the background, it was hard to tell. But I think you might be right.

I wanted to meet Heidi SO bad, and I think she walked right by me. Sean walked right by and I called out to him, but he kept walking. I was sad.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

caitlinette Profile Photo
#16re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 3:05pm

In the picture of the curtain, what is that above it? It looks like there's a multi-colored, blurry curtain above it.

uncageg Profile Photo
#17re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 3:09pm

It is an enjoyable night at the theater. Saw it it Denver and enjoyed it. Is it legal to take pictures of the pre-show curtain? Just wondering?

Just give the world Love.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#18re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 3:18pm

caitlinette---> I had to lighten the picture to be able to actually see the curtain, so thats the effect of the lighting balance being increaed.

uncageg---> It is, I took a picture of it during intermission and no one said anythng, I tried to take one before the show and the ushers said I could take one, but not during the performance. Alot of people took pictures of it or standing by their seat to be infront of it.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Act4ever Profile Photo
#19re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 3:51pm

Where were your seats?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#20re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 5:05pm

Act4Ever---> Our seats were mid mezz, row J. I was seat 106, my aunt was seat 108. It was very uncomfortable and sort of jammed. The audience seemed pretty full, the mezz was full atleast. Not sure about the orchestra.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Act4ever Profile Photo
#21re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 5:32pm

I think my seats are right about there... how were sight lines and things like that?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#22re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 5:43pm

It was great, you could see everything pretty well, except the top of certain things like the ship during "Fathoms Below" had a few issues with seeing certain ensemble members, which wasn't that important.

The sight lines were good, didnt see anything coming in or out, but it was funny when they would come up from "under water", you could see them flip over the side of the "waves" which was pretty funny.

Pretty good all around.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#23re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm
Posted: 2/17/08 at 9:24pm

bump. bump. re: Clumsy goes Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid--- 2-16-08: 2pm

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
