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Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?- Page 2

Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#25re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/8/08 at 11:39pm

Add me to the head scratchers re: Borle. I don't actually think people in the real world would ever consider him leading man material and don't know when/if he'll ever play another one. I'm not getting into the whole "but he's so nice" argument that everyone loves to harp on around here, he's simply not a leading man. Btw, Peter Parker is a handsome *young* man, that's not Borle.

Heybeenfood Profile Photo
#26re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/8/08 at 11:46pm

I find it interesting that all 3 of these guys (Borle, Tveit, Hughes) have been involved with Catch Me If You Can. It seems like Tveit will be Frank Jr, but all 3 should have successful careers.

FosterChild Profile Photo
#27re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/8/08 at 11:49pm

Me five!

austengirl Profile Photo
#28re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 9:08am

Christian is only two years older than Tobey Maguire.

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#29re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 9:42am

Not in appearance.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#30re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 10:26am

I didn't realize Hughes had been attached to Catch Me If You Can at one point. Had never seen him in anything before Saved - he was one of the standouts in that for me, so I look forward to seeing him in other things at some point.

Has Tveit had a day off in the last year?? Good for him, but daaamn, that kid's been going from show to show to show seemingly without a breather. Like I said, that's really, really good for him - nice to see there's such a talented "it" boy out there right now.

As for Borle, I'm going to agree with what others have said in that I've enjoyed the understudies for Emmett much more than Borle himself. I've seen all the Emmetts (Borle, Andy, Noah, and Bryce), and Borle definitely falls towards the bottom of the list. Andy is overall the best, IMO (I echo all of Kelly2's sentiments) and second on the list for me would be Bryce, who brought such a dry and sarcastic humor to the role I hadn't seen at all before.

little_sally Profile Photo
#31re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 12:32pm

I think Van Hughes should be in everything, always. He was one of my favorite things about Saved.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

E.Davis Profile Photo
#32re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 9:47pm

Probably not, he's trying to stay away from it most likely

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Heybeenfood Profile Photo
#33re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 10:02pm

Van Hughes' resume is posted here:

It looks like he will be in 9 to 5. Was there an official announcement about that?

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#34re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 11:20pm

Interesting thread, to each their own. Personally, Christian Borle and Michael Rupert were the only worthwhile reasons to sit through Legally Bland. Rotten show, bad music, terrible staging, boring leading lady. Overall trash theatre. Basically what Broadway has become.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#35re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/9/08 at 11:30pm

"Oh, so he won't be in LB much longer I guess?"

My mind went to a bad, bad place.

shh282 Profile Photo
#36re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/10/08 at 12:09am

Great [or dirty] minds think alike, TotallyEffed.

regnad kcin Profile Photo
regnad kcin
#37re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/10/08 at 9:07pm

I find Borle totally adorable. I think him being kind of a dork is WHY Elle falls for him - at least in this case. The Anti-Warner, which isn't played up as much if the guy is too traditionally good looking. Also, it seems like it takes awhile for her to fall for Emmett, so that would also be kind of odd if the guy is too gorgeous. I prefer Borle to Luke Wilson in the movie. Keep in mind, though, my only exposure is Borle in the MTV Taped versino fo this and Karl in the reality show.

#38re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/10/08 at 9:31pm

Sorry, but Luke Wilson will always be the #1 Emmett in my book. Musical!Emmett detracts from Elle's character development because he basically holds her hand the entire time. Also, movie!Emmett was a lot funnier. Not that it's completely Borle's fault; the book took away pretty much all of the movie's comedy. I also think that the musical completely missed the point of movie!Emmett. He was there for Elle just by being supportive and always believing in her. He wasn't supposed to be best friend, her knight in shining armor, or the person to whom she owed everything.

Elle doesn't fall for Emmett right away because she's still stuck on Warner. It doesn't mean that Emmett has to be nerdy or unattractive.

I was just thinking about how I would have handled Emmett in the musical had I written the book. I think that I would have made him a second or third year law student and had a different lawyer be her supervisor during the trial. Someone who was supportive like movie!Emmett but without the romantic overtones. Because the musical can't negotiate Emmett into the story and still have the same overall role that he had, or the ending that the movie did. So, I would have done something completely different.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

regnad kcin Profile Photo
regnad kcin
#39re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/12/08 at 10:30pm

I agree a lot with your assessment of Musical Emmett's flaws, but I don't think they are related to Borle. A nice balance between Movie and Musical Emmette would have been ideal, for me at least.

#40re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
Posted: 7/12/08 at 10:39pm

No, it's not really Borle's fault. If I said that, it's probably because I was on "Heather Hach's bad LB book" rant mode. re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?

I like that the musical tries to develop Emmett more, but I would have approached it very differently. I agree that a mix would have been nice; Emmett doesn't display a whole lot of personality in the movie. Though, I also don't really like the personality that the musical's book gives him.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
