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Children's theater. A scam?

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#0Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/21/06 at 8:33pm

There is a youth theater in my area that is a scam. Fist of all, to get a good part or a part at all, you have to be a "friend" of the theater. Being a friend means you pay 400$ a year to the theater. Also, you get to try out before everybody else. One of my friend's tried out for a production a didn't get a part. I didn't expect her to because she's not the best singer and it was her first audition. She didn't expect to get a part either because it was her first try. When the casting we both saw that about half the people had the same last name as someoen else because they were siblings and they're family's are "friends." I know a lor of people on that list did not deserve the parts they got. I saw a previous production and about the same peope were in the previous production and, weren't very good. This is basically paying to get your children into theater no matter how bad or good they are.
Updated On: 9/21/06 at 08:33 PM

#1re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/21/06 at 9:42pm

Oy, don't get me started on children's theater. In many cases, it is a real racket, a moneymaker to keep struggling theaters in the black. Theaters offer classes and camps for kids, and the parts go to the kids who are part of their programs. Last spring my kid was in Peter Pan on a small stage, maybe a 200-seat house, and there were over 100 kids in the cast. Why so many? $150 a kid, that's why...and every kid has at least one parent, and siblings or cousins and family friends. $10 a ticket, 8 performances, and these things add up. Of course I see every performance of every show my kid is in...I buy ads and greetings in the programs...I contribute to fundraisers...I sew costumes...I do whatever is needed. If my kid is learning and having fun, I am happy to contribute. But you have to do your research. Who comes to the shows? Do they draw a real audience or is it just family and friends?

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#2re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/21/06 at 10:18pm

Who comes to the shows? Do they draw a real audience or is it just family and friends?

I'm guessing mostly it's faminly and friend's who come to these shows. I know there are many kids who got cast in this show who can't sing or dance very well but, got in because they pay hundreds of dollars to the theater. I know there were plenty of people who had talent but, did not pay money so they did not get a good part.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#3re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/21/06 at 10:47pm

Whoa boy. Totally agreeing with you there. It's horrible how corrupt it is. Of course, it's always been that way. Just like on Broadway, if you sleep with the producer, you get a show. If you donate money and sew costumes for kid's theatre, your kid gets a part.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#4re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 12:39am

^ I know one youth theater in my area that isn't corrupt. A girl who basically pays good money to get good parts, auditioned for the non- corrupt theater and was suprised at how small her role was because you don't pay anything for that theater. It's filled with people who have actual talent.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#5re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 12:46am

I wouldn't exactly call it a "scam". Somebody has to fund these arts programs for them to exist in the first place. If the town does not give funding for such programs, money isn't going to appear out of nowhere for these programs to happen. Putting on a show is expensive. It's unfortunate that s/he with the most money wins, but this is the story of the world.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 9/22/06 at 12:46 AM

craftymarley Profile Photo
#6re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 2:08am

I don't understand what the big deal is. Where else do you think the money is going to come from? Production rights, theater rentals, costume and set rentals, small stipends or salaries for the adults running the company, etc.; who do you expect to pay for this? You and your friends should be thrilled that those who don't contribute money to the theater are able to participate at all.

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#7re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 2:26am

I have worked in professional children's theatre for the past 6 years, and it is company's like the one mentioned that give us and our art a bad name. This summer a parent of a kid who was not cast asked my director how much money she wanted to put the kid in the show. My director was shocked that she had to explain to this woman that parts weren't for sale. Our company has been together since I was a little kid (and you bet I had season tickets to the shows, never missed one) and has been with this director 4 years now (and under her the level of profesionalism has only grown more).

"Who comes to the shows? Do they draw a real audience or is it just family and friends?"
I work in a theatre that is just under 500 seats, and I can say with complete honesty that I only remember 3 performances when we have not had 90% capacity or greater (I also remember MANY shows where not only were all of our seats filled, but people were standing in the back of the house as well.
The majority of this audience is not parents/family/friends but rather the local children and their families (many of which have been attending these shows for years).

In conclusion, I hate these scammy children's "theatres" because they take away the passion that REAL children's theatre can have.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

#8re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 9:13am

One of the local community theatres doesn't charge to be in the show, but they make te actors provide (by making or paying to rent)their own costumes. They also make sure that their big spring musical can use LOTS of kids. I'm talking OLIVER with 100 orphans, THE MUSIC MAN with 100 in the boy's band, JOSEPH... with a children's chorus of 150! And then they boast about how they sell out the entire run (three performances in a 1000 seat theatre). Hell, with 150 children in the show, all you gotta do is sell to the relatives!

#9re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 9:20am

I work for a 25 year old not-for-profit "children's theatre" in Richmond, VA, called SPARC (School of the Performing Arts in the Richmond Community). I don't actually consider us "children's theater" because we only do one mainstage musical a year, and a smaller touring ensemble - all during the summer. During the school year, we offer classes in singing, acting and dance to Richmond area students, aged 5-18. Our emphasis is on education - always has been, always will be. Yes, we charge tuition for classes. In the past, we've also charged tuition for the musical, as well, but the show is open to ages 13 - 22, with some area guest professional actors. The reason we have charged tuition in the past is because being in the summer musical is considered being in a training program. Yes, the ultimate result is a musical, but you're still training with a team of professional directors, choreographers, musical directors, etc. We are working hard to do away with tuition for this program in the future. This past summer was the first time we waived tuition, in honor of our 25th anniversary, and for our big premiere of "Cats".

No one can "buy" their way into our productions. You audition -if you're good, you get the part. If you're not, you're either in the chorus, or not cast at all - that's the way it is in the real world. Our productions are professional, and highly visable in the community, the state, and the region. Our audiences are made up primarily of friends and family - that's going to be the way it is anywhere; but we also have a fair amount of donors, financial contributers to the arts, occasional talent agents, and just regular people who want to see a professional production, who might subscribe to the national tours of Broadway shows that come through town, as well. We were the first company in the area to produce "Cats" this past summer, and it was a HUGE hit, and beautifully done. Instead of having 90-100 children on stage with painted kitty cat whiskers on their face and little ears on their head, we had a cast of 25 in exact reproductions of the original Broadway costumes, and there wasn't a person in the cast younger than 15. It was terrific.

Ok, so enough rambling - regardless, I'm sorry to hear there is/may be a children's theater out there that is scamming its customers and running bad business. That's unfortunate, because the mission of these companies should be about the truthful and honest theater education of tomorrow's next generation of performers. What we pride ourself most on is that even if the student doesn't end up on Broadway, and never does another play or musical in their life, they are well prepared for both the stage - and for life.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#10re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 10:56am

craftymarley, I don't think you understand that untalented kids are getting large roles just, because they're family pays the most money. I know kids who keep getting better and better roles(when they don't deserve it) just because they're parent have paid large amounts of money to the theater for years.

craftymarley Profile Photo
#11re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 12:31pm

Perhaps I misunderstood you. My impression of the situation you were describing was that there was a policy within the company that the children of the parents who made a $400 donation would be given larger roles. If that is the case then I don't think that's a problem regardless of how talented the children are. However, if that is not the case, and the company is essentially just taking bribes from the parents, the best parts going to the children of parents who can afford to pay them the most, then that is indeed unfair.

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#12re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 12:46pm

This is my favorite subject line of the week. I didn't even read the thread. It's just so funny.

#13re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 1:13pm

Same with Community Theater. It's all about who you know. I bet Norbert Leo Butz could walk in and if he didn't know the director/designers, he wouldn't be cast.

#14re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 1:37pm

that is because most people in community theatre are more talented and attractive than Norbert Leo Butz

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#15re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 2:15pm


VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#16re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 2:25pm

Same with Community Theater. It's all about who you know. I bet Norbert Leo Butz could walk in and if he didn't know the director/designers, he wouldn't be cast.

Not necessarily. I'm currently doing my first production with a certain community theatre, and I have a pretty big role. I didn't know ANYONE coming in - sometimes a good audition is all it takes.

Children's theater is ridiculous, though. I've worked with one for six or seven years, and it's all about who you know and who you pay. We had a production earlier this year in which a completely new girl had a huge role, and there was a general consensus of "We don't like her, let's make sure she doesn't want to work with us again." Kid's theatre is one of the cliquiest atmospheres ever (particularly with the parents. Don't get me started.)

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#17re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 7:24pm

"Perhaps I misunderstood you. My impression of the situation you were describing was that there was a policy within the company that the children of the parents who made a $400 donation would be given larger roles. If that is the case then I don't think that's a problem regardless of how talented the children are. However, if that is not the case, and the company is essentially just taking bribes from the parents, the best parts going to the children of parents who can afford to pay them the most, then that is indeed unfair."

Giving 400$ means a garanteed at least supporting role. I know there are many parents who pay more than that just so their kids get larger roles. There is no policy that say you must give 400$ dollars to get a larger roles.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#18re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 8:23pm


#19re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 10:56pm

My son goes to a similar theatre where the kids don't get a good role unless their parents either sleep with the director, or donate hundreds of dollars. In fact, there is one family that has had their children as the stars for 6 years in a row. This is frustrating as the family is tone deaf.

I suppose that if a director wants a good show, he needs a good set. To get a good set, he needs some funding and a budget that allows him to waste some money on props, costumes, the tech crew's materials, and the set.

It is therefore somewhat understandable that the director "rewards" the family for their donations by giving their children lead roles.

What is funny about this is that sometimes siblings are forced to kiss each other as they play lead roles that fall in love.

corsairstw Profile Photo
#20re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 11:07pm

I agree that in many cases, it's totally a scam. In my opinion, it's taking something as sacred as the theater and turning it purely into a money-making machine. I mean, kids should be exposed to the theater but to be in a cast with between 50 and 100 other children running around is not what theater is about. It almost makes me sick to think that people are taking advantage of something like this.

It does however depend on where you do it. When I was a kid, I was in performances at the Alliance Theater through kids classes. I loved doing it and feel like it really helped spark my interest in the theater. My little sister however took part in what I consider to be one of these "scam" groups. She was in Annie Jr. with about 50 girls. I can't imagine taking part in such a performance.

#21re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 11:12pm

My child participated in a summer camp that put on a show with a total of 200 cast members. Rehearsals lasted for 6 hours a day for one week.

Needless to say, it was terrible.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#22re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/22/06 at 11:19pm

>> In my opinion, it's taking something as sacred as the theater and turning it purely into a money-making machine.

:: cough coughBroadwaycough ::

#23re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 12:55am

Like anything else, there is lousy children's theater and there is terrific children's theater. My kid has done one summer program for 6 years that is wonderful and amazing and run by people who love kids and love theater. In 8 weeks they do six junior shows and one full-length musical (in addition to a cabaret, dance show, and night of one acts) and they sell out a 1400-seat house for almost every performance. The fee is nominal and ticket prices low. Casting based on talent, imagine that. And the quality of the productions is exceptional.

That's why I say to check out who the audiences are. Parents will see everything, but if people who don't have family in the cast come out in droves, it is a safe bet that it's a decent show.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#24re: Children's theater. A scam?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 1:59am

It's sad to think that kids, will grow up thinking theater is how much money their parents pay for a leading role. I know there is a theater in my area, that's scam and one that is based on actual talent.
