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Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC- Page 6

Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC

#125Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 2/19/13 at 8:52am

^^You can bet your bottom dollar she will be back to bitch and moan about how much she hated a broadcast that she didn't even watch!

#126Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/7/13 at 1:39pm

Here's what Carrie had to say about the upcoming broadcast:


"It's a giant challenge, which I appreciate," this week's PEOPLE cover girl, who is currently in the midst of her Blown Away tour, says of the new production, which is slated to air later this year around the holidays. "Everybody keeps saying, 'People don't do this anymore, singing live!' "

As for following Julie Andrews, who earned an Oscar nomination for her role in the box-office blockbuster 1965 original, the country superstar, 30, says she's not trying to fill the Hollywood legend's shoes.

The British star "just has this royal air," says Underwood, who has never met Andrews: "It would be like you're beneath her!"

Underwood adds, "I think once people tune in and realize that [our version] is not a remake, they won't compare it to the movie.

End quote.

Carrie Underwood: Live Sound of Music Won't Be a Remake

#127Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 5:27pm

Really hate Carrie Underwood. I know she's very successful, but I don't get why, unless it's that she's very beautiful. All she does is scream and her stage presence has always been zero. But, hey, she had AI handed to her, so why not this, too?

finebydesign Profile Photo
#128Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 5:35pm

They could go ahead and cast a broadway star....wait nobody would watch it.

#129Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 5:40pm

"Really hate Carrie Underwood. I know she's very successful, but I don't get why, unless it's that she's very beautiful. But, hey, she had AI handed to her"

That's how I feel about the last four of the five White Guys with Guitars who've won, especially Phillip Phillips. The success he has had so far astounds me.

I was not a fan of Underwood's at first, but I really grew to like her. I think she was a powerful voice and has also become a very good performer as well.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#130Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 5:56pm

>> I think once people tune in and realize that [our version] is not a remake, they won't compare it to the movie.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid....

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#131Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 6:12pm

They could go ahead and cast a broadway star....wait nobody would watch it.

Okay, yes, but it's not an either/or situation. There are plenty of actresses or even singers who'd have made great Marias on stage, or if not great, they might have been appropriately cast. The only positive thing I can say about this casting is that sometimes unexpected casting leads to great things (I never thought I'd fall head over heels over Sutton Foster's Reno Sweeney).

Be afraid.

Be very afraid....

Oh, Sean, do not worry, already there...

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#132Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 6:22pm

I think Carrie is pretty, but not sure I would call her beautiful. Her stylist does a wonderful job on making her look great. She is awkward on stage, IMO. She has never been able to overcome that since her Idol days. My niece went to one of her concerts last year and said she pretty much screamed thru the whole thing. She said she had to take an Excedrin - not sure if she is still a fan lol.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#133Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 6:46pm

Be afraid.

Be very afraid....

Indeed. Updated On: 4/9/13 at 06:46 PM

SweetLips Profile Photo
#134Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 7:30pm

Just tried to listen to the video Robbie posted [I've never heard of Carrie Underwood but of couse curious and interested].I don't know much about the writing of music but isn't that song for a soprano?--how much was that song lowered to fit her voice? That song is supposed to soar over the mountains-hers couldn't make it to the top of a small hill.

best12bars Profile Photo
#135Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 7:36pm

"The hills are live with body mics!"

"Dough, some cash I used to have,
Ray, this guy I used to know,
Me, myself, I love myself,
Fah, the British word for "far."

So, this isn't very hard.
La-la-la-forgot the words,

That will bring us back to cash.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#136Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 7:39pm

Well, you know, it's a year off, so maybe (in the spirit of good family entertainment values, y'know), we should provide NBC with our own take on how they can take this country singing sensation and make it all work in THE SOUND OF MUSIC. I mean, sure, it'll mean making a few changes here and there, but heck, the Met does this all the time and no one cares (well, too much).

So... THUH SOUYND UH MEWYSIC (as adapted from some play by a couple of Yankees who should git down on their knees and thank God for this great land)

ACT ONE. Scene 1: The Abby Trailer Park, high in the hills of West Virginia. The local Baptist ladies are all working away on their upcoming bake sell and truck raffle, but no one can find Mary (who makes the best corn muffins in the county). Frustrated, they commiserate over a Long Island Iced Tea or two and sing "Whut do yew do with a prohblem liyke Mary?"

Scene 2: Up in the hills, Mary picks her way past a few not so well hidden stills as she sings "Thuh HIYLLLLLS 'R' UH-LIVE with the sound of Banjos!"

Scene 3: Mary returns home, only to find she's been summoned before Abby Superior, the trailer park's matriarch. Abby tells her that she's lined up a real sweet job babysitting for the local circuit court appeals judge (who's up for re-election). Mary, being of course a welfare case, balks at the idea because it means her government subsistence check will be taken away, but then she sees a picture of the judge and decides that she needs to get in there, pull herself up by her bra straps, and help make America great once more, which leads into the passionately patriotic number (backed up by an offstage chorus of Marines) "Eagles all weepy and grunts at attention / Stars and stripes on everything too numerous to mention / Trusting in Reagan and all that he sings / These are a few of my favourite things!"

I'm tellin' ya, we got a gold mine here!!!

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#137Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 7:44pm

You're joking, Sean, but I actually did an entire summer of TSOM in Northern Georgia in 1975. Maria and the Captain were cast in New York, but the kids came from the local Baptist church and sounded just as you would imagine.

Based on Underwood's concert Youtube of the title song and her singing of "Getting to Know You" when she was on AI, I doubt they can find a child in all of Georgia who sings R&H worse than she does. I don't know why; maybe it's the struggle to sing straight tones. But Underwood really seems at sea with the genre.

#138Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 7:45pm

"I don't know much about the writing of music but isn't that song for a soprano?--how much was that song lowered to fit her voice? That song is supposed to soar over the mountains-hers couldn't make it to the top of a small hill."

Guess what? Mary Martin wasn't a soprano and from what I've heard she did okay by the role.

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#139Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 8:52pm

NOB88, I think I know what your niece meant. I haven't seen Carrie in concert, but I do hear her a lot on the radio. She used to have more nuance to her voice, but these days it seems like she's just loud.

#140Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 10:19pm

Didn't they consider Taylor Swift for Les Miserables? It's all about putting popular faces out there. What bugs me is, when I go see a movie musical, I'd actually like to see somebody in the lead role who can sing and act. They seem to think if it's a well-known actor, we're all so stupid we will accept a bad singer. That has been done over and over.

I'd like Carrie a lot more if she would just stop yelling. Sing the song already. She doesn't need to scream it. She has a sound team who will make sure she is heard. And she is very wooden. And she marches across the stage. She just isn't graceful or a natural on a stage. Sometimes a singer who is a great performer will go further than a person with a better voice who can't perform.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#141Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 10:29pm

If only she could reign in the accent, they'd be better off with Kelly Pickler. At least, Pickler is charming.

#142Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/9/13 at 11:03pm

Yep, Carrie may edge out Pickler in voice (minus the screaming), but Pickler is def the better performer.

#143Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 9:34am

I don't know much about the writing of music but isn't that song for a soprano?--how much was that song lowered to fit her voice? That song is supposed to soar over the mountains-hers couldn't make it to the top of a small hill."

No, it wasn't written for a soprano. Mary Martin (the original Maria) wasn't a soprano. It wasn't until after the movie came out that Marias on stage became sopranos.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#144Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 9:51am

So many people hating on her just because she's not "Broadway", therefore she has no right to do this and she's going to be awful, even though she's a gorgeous woman with a gorgeous voice.

She's going to be wonderful and the telecast will be seen by millions of people and will hopefully lead to more broadcasts of more musicals that everyone can bitch and moan about without having seen them yet.

#145Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 10:30am

"she's a gorgeous woman with a gorgeous voice."

To me she is a pretty girl who can sing but screams too much and is very awkward on stage. She would be the reason I wouldn't bother to tune in. No hate, just no interest. But Jordan I hope you enjoy the heck out of it.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#147Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 11:31am

I don't love Sound Of Music, so it isn't something I'd go out of my way to see, no matter who was in the lead.

Carrie's comment about how there won't be any comparisons because it's not a remake? Is she really that naive? But, let's give her a break. She may do very well. She might be working on toning down the accent, and it's acting - so she won't be awkward on the stage because the directors will have blocked her every move. Nobody's going to let this girl fail.
At least she has the guts to get out there and try it.

#148Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 2:09pm

Carrie also recently said that she'd start vocal training and script memorization in June because "The Sound of Music isn't country." She's said several times that as soon as her tour ends in May the rest of her year will be spent almost solely on TSOM.

BTW she had the flu in the live Sound of Music video that's on youtube. You can tell her voice is hoarse in some parts.

I'm not worried about the singing at all. I do think she's really going to have to work on the acting though.

#149Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Posted: 4/10/13 at 2:21pm

She was on a tv episode of something or other and really was quite good.
