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Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC- Page 27

Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#650SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 4:02pm

She was called fat? Is that a joke?

#651SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 4:23pm

"Every contestant on American Idol takes that kind of abuse, not just her."

That's my point she's used to taking criticism. It started at the beginning of her career.

"She was called fat? Is that a joke?"

Nope. I'm pretty sure she's talked about it before.

Updated On: 12/9/13 at 04:23 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#652SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 4:40pm

That's insane, and says volumes about those people. Imagine the courage required to risk failure on the scale of Thursday's broadcast? We should all be so brave.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#653SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 4:47pm

I'm not understanding the death threats. Those are clearly coming from some really unstable individuals. I mean, come was just "The Sound of Music", it's not that serious and it doesn't warrant anyone losing their life over.

#654SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 5:41pm

Do we know that there were death threats ? Has anyone seen them ?

#655SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 5:42pm

"Do we know that there were death threats"

The religion of peace had problems with a woman shedding her burka.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#656SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 5:50pm

There were no death threats. That was an Internet invention by people who wanted to use the negative Tweets Carrie receievd as an opportunity to play the Christian Victim card.

But there were no death threats.

There were no death threats.

There were no death threats.

It would be as if I read this article and posted (as the twin trolls in this thread have posted about anti-Christian death threats against Carrie Underwood) OMG ! OMG! THE VON TRAPP FAMILY WANTS CARRIE DEAD!

Von Trapp Family Didn’t Want Carrie Underwood, Either

Updated On: 12/9/13 at 05:50 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#657SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 5:51pm


PalJoey Profile Photo
#658SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 6:00pm

You can laugh all you want as long as you understand


suestorm Profile Photo
#659SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 6:22pm

Joey is this that alleged christian victim myth you talk about?

Twitter. .. so many more but I won't gi e you the satisfaction

Why the **** is Carrie underwood in this sound of music live! F*CKing up this classic! ??????????— Chris Hill (@ChrisHill324SOM Questions... December 06, 2013

Carrie Underwood can **** off. Go pray to your pathetic God or something and stop trying to sing, bitch.— Matt Schroeder (@Peter_Cinn) December 08, 2013

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 12/9/13 at 06:22 PM

MikeInTheDistrict Profile Photo
#660SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 7:10pm

Ugh... just went over to IMDB to read the reactions. I wish I hadn't. So many racists. So. Many. Racists. Now I'm just depressed. SOM Questions...

I really enjoyed this production. Even Carrie did a commendable job singing and conveying Maria's innocence. Audra, Laura, and Christian were all excellent in their roles.

#661SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 7:10pm

I haven't seen any death threats either. I don't know who started that rumor.

Btw I noticed SueStorrm posted the same quote as I did. I saw the quote in an article. I just want it out there I have nothing to do with him/her. I hope I'm not the other person being called a troll. I'm not trying to troll.

I've been reading the board for years but never felt like I had anything to contribute since I don't live in NYC or work in the business. I love theater especially musical but can't make it to many shows. Just movies.

Updated On: 12/9/13 at 07:10 PM

suestorm Profile Photo
#662SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 7:23pm

Maybe Twitter the Ny Daily News, Fox, Cnn and others made them up

Country singer Carrie Underwood has been under attack all week, receiving death threats on Twitter after the “Sound of Music” trailer was released, according to the New York Daily News on November 28.Underwood has been reported as saying “I get hate tweets and stuff like ‘You’re not Julie Andrews!’” Carrie wants to set the record straight. She understands she’s not Andrews. She’s not trying to be Julie in the new version of “The Sound of Music” which airs on December 5 on NBC. “I know I’m not Julie. Nobody is and I would never pretend that I was. I know my place.”Julie Andrews, 78, has given Carrie Underwood her blessing. “I wish it well, that’s for sure,” Andrews told Larry King. “I think it’s great. It’s going to be an original show. I believe, and I think after 40 or 50 years, it’s probably about time somebody else had a crack at it.”

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

PalJoey Profile Photo
#663SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 7:23pm

The contemptible rumor spreader SUESTORM and her despicable doppelgänger SUTTON ROSS spread it here.

They knew the death threats were EXAGGERATED and UNTRUE and the posted them here anyway.

There were no death threats.

#664SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 7:31pm

At what point is trying to be here along with the trolls a losing proposition?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#665SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:05pm

NY Daily News said nothing about "death threats". As usual, the troll posts the link without actually reading it.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#666SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:25pm

And yet, for Underwood, the hills have come alive with the sound of hatred. She has suffered remarks ranging from ad hominem attacks to unfair comparisons to Julie Andrews (prior to the show's airing) to DEATH THREATS simply because she took on the lead role in the live NBC Television production of "The Sound Of Music."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#667SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:38pm

Hey, has anyone heard about Carrie Underwood receiving death threats?

Tink2 Profile Photo
#668SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:43pm

Brighthouse Cable, which is a part of Time Warner, has TSOM available on their ON Demand. I started watching it earlier today. It seemed the same. I finished watching a little while ago and part of it was changed! The Admiral remembered his lines! I hit rewind twice just to make sure. I have not re-watched to see if they changed where the guest steps on Elsa's dress. I had watched that earlier. If anyone else has it available On Demand, let me know if if that was the only change. Think they are playing the DVD?

Updated On: 12/9/13 at 08:43 PM

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#669SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:44pm

"They start "Something Good" sitting, and he stands juuuuuuuust before she sings, 'So here you are, standing there'-- with no motivation."

I laughed out loud when Moyer stood up, gcal, knowing the lyric was coming and what his "motivation" actually was.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#670SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 8:50pm

So were there death threats or not?

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#671SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 9:19pm

Perhaps you can read the article.

SOM Questions...

#672SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 9:21pm

I can't even picture a demented queen in an early John Waters movie getting unhinged enough to make Sound of Music-related death threats.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#673SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 9:25pm is a blog, not a legitimate information source. If there were death threats, Carrie would have mentioned them. So, no, there were no death threats.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#674SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 9:31pm

I guess the source to prove she got death threats is just to post she got death threats?
