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CAST Into the Woods Movie- Page 6

CAST Into the Woods Movie

random person 112
#125CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 8:57pm

I really like that cast minus, rossum who i don't think would be interested in the role and i don't blame her. As for the witch, why are we casting menopausal divas in this part, Bernadette was thirty nine and looked twenty nine. Having a meryl or a glen will make the movie a laughing stock (a picture of youth and beauty?), lets stay with older actresses who still look young or younger actresses in general. Plus seeing a new young version of her mother is a shock to rupunzel when it was inside the witch the whole time, the shock is more fun if the actresses doing the part can make that scene really shocking.

gabrieljwickedone Profile Photo
#126CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:03pm

Catherine Zeta Jones as the Witch
Anneliese Van Der Pol as Rapunzel?

random person 112
#127CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:09pm

I reiterat why do people think sondheim would let catherine near a property like this after she was publicly lambasted in media plus, three musicals is a little much for her film carrer, plus she ain't a real movie draw.

Van der pol is a great choice. Updated On: 1/12/12 at 09:09 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#128CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:19pm

Sondheim is the one who CHOSE CZJ for the role. It was just one unfortunate performance on TV. It wasn't her fault. They chose the wrong song, and staged it completely wrong. She still won the Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle AND has an Oscar.

#129CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:20pm

She was lambasted? Granted I've heard some giggles over her Tony performance, but she won major awards for a Sondheim musical that he called her personally to do. This would also reunite her with the director/genre that won her an Oscar. I agree she probably wouldn't do it because she wouldn't want three musicals, but if Steve and Rob were to personally call and woo....who knows?

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#130CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:26pm

I love the Colbert/Baker suggestion that someone posted- he would probably look a little too old on film, but I'd love to see him d it regardless. He could really bring something to a rather thankless role.

And Zeta-Jones would be fine as the Witch- she could certainly sing and act it. I mean, acting wise, the role isn't that hard, and I think she has the talent to pull it off well.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Updated On: 1/12/12 at 09:26 PM

aliceidinabernadette Profile Photo
#131CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:28pm

I think a lot of people forget how young Rapunzel is supposed to be. In the second act, when Rapunzel's already gone pretty crazy, the Witch asks her what's wrong and she says:

"Oh, nothing! You just locked me in a tower without company for fourteen years, then you blinded my Prince and banished me to a desert where I had little to eat, and again no company,and then bore twins! Because of the way you treated me, I'll never, never be happy!"

Fourteen years. Seeing as how the Witch took Rapunzel when she was a baby and kept her trapped that whole time, she can only be in her mid teens. Now, the idea of a teen bride is completely normal for the time (and Rapunzel was 16 in Tangled I believe), but that does change casting quite a bit. Emmy Rossum, just one who has been mentioned, looks younger than she is, but not like a teenager.

This also makes a 40 year old Baker a little tricky...if his mother was pregnant when he was "no more than a babe", he can only be max 6-7 years older than Rapunzel, who can't be older than 16 or 17. I don't know if most people would notice this, but I thought of it yesterday while I was watching the OBC. It is something to consider with casting, as it makes the overall age of all the characters much younger.

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll conquer the world!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#132CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:36pm

Or they could just change that line.

random person 112
#133CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:39pm

Yes she won the award, and the next day the media outlets mocked her pretty vigorously. Desiree on Xanx i believe? Widespread internet ridicule. I'm saying she has a fight to get through before she sings a note. Plus, i'd rather see someone new to the musical film stage than, same old, same old. Would she approiatly glamourous yes, could someone else do it and still be a hit, yes. Someone like Theron, who has the glamour appeal, will act the hell out of it, and with training be every bit as good as catherine maybe more.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#134CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:42pm

I'm sorry, but I find your posts pretty hard to follow.

aliceidinabernadette Profile Photo
#135CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:42pm

It did strike me as odd watching it yesterday, and I'll admit I only made the age connection with the Baker yesterday (and I've been in the show...oops).

I do like the idea of Rapunzel being younger. Not as young as Red definitely, maybe around the same age as Jack? A little older? I think she needs to not be a CHILD but still childlike ("stay a child while you can be a child") and younger than Cinderella, who has quite a bit of maturity at the beginning and continues to mature throughout. Rapunzel's childlike innocence makes her craziness in act 2 more believable, because she is truly too young to handle everything that happened to her.

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll conquer the world!

finebydesign Profile Photo
#136CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:43pm

Mandy Moore could totally do Rapunzel.

random person 112
#137CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 9:49pm

I'm saying that Catherine won the award that night, but the next became tha favorite punching bag of late night talk show host, news paper columnist, and tv anchors. It was pretty bad from where i stand. Knowing how the public now views catherine and her voice i'm saying maybe her best move will be to not take on a movie musical writen by the same man whos music many believe she desecrated. Second, Yes she would be beautiful but so could a thousand other actresses, a thousand other singers. Heck if you want someone who can look good and deliver a good performance. For example, Charlize Theron could do the same things you ljay claim catherine could and say would make catherine great. I've also yet to hear a reason beyond, she'd be beautiful in casting zeta jones, please tell me what makes her strike you as an approiate witch.

gabrieljwickedone Profile Photo
#138CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 10:01pm

I can literally see her in my head in the part. I can see her acting it and singing it. I can picture it so well. That's why I chose Catherine.

But, I would prefer Meryl. Can't they make her up of do some editing for her "Youth and Beauty". She would be PERFECT.

#139CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 10:06pm

What makes her appropriate? She can certainly handle the score (especially in a studio/film), she cal pull of humor, empathy, and maternal nature beautifully. She's sexy, glamorous, funny, not afraid to act outside of the box, etc. Do I think she's the only one castable as the witch? of course not! I just was pointing out she got pretty universal raves and won awards on broadway and in "Chicago." She's by no means a bad choice. Predictable? Sure, but still a solid choice.

artscallion Profile Photo
#141CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 10:51pm

"...I think a lot of people forget how young Rapunzel is supposed to be...."

I believe it's been discussed that in the original Grimm's Rapunzel, the witch stole her as a baby but did not lock her in a tower until she was older and the witch became afraid that she'd run away. So you have to add that vague five or ten years to the fourteen.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#142CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 11:05pm

Love the Colbert as the Baker suggestion.

Also, "the public" has no perceptions or whatever about CZJ's voice. They werent watching the Tony's. She gave a great performance in ALNM and I think she'd make a great Witch.

aliceidinabernadette Profile Photo
#143CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 11:07pm

That's interesting, artscallion, I'd never heard that before. That does make sense and clears up a bit of the issue with the Baker, so I can definitely believe that.

I am going to be obnoxious though and stick to my guns not with the specific age, but with the idea of her being younger than the "adults" and older than the "kids", around mid-late teens, to me, seems right.

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll conquer the world!

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#144CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 11:31pm

To whoever said Kristen Wiig for the Baker's Wife...yes, please. If the Baker and his Wife should feel like a contemporary couple placed into a world where they don't belong, I feel like she would fit it perfectly.

And Jon Hamm as Cinderella's's perfect.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#145CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 11:32pm

Yeah.....maybe 20 years ago.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#146CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/12/12 at 11:36pm

I have daddy issues, Jordan, ok?

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.
Updated On: 1/12/12 at 11:36 PM

finebydesign Profile Photo
#147CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/13/12 at 12:55am

Ohhh I was just watching the Brandy - Bob Marshall-choreographed Cinderella and thought of Whitney.... she would be awesome as the Witch. Might be the perfect comback.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#148CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/13/12 at 1:13am

You've got to be fvcking kidding me.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#149CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/13/12 at 1:17am

diz thread is gettign riDICKulous

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#150CAST Into the Woods Movie
Posted: 1/13/12 at 1:21am

And Mariah Carrey as Little Red.
