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Bush and advisors moving to interfere with "pro gay" theatre- Page 2

Bush and advisors moving to interfere with "pro gay" theatre

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#25re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:56am

I'm so moving to Canada... Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:56 AM

morosco Profile Photo
#26re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:56am

Get out your tap shoes Francis....George Bush is doing a persecution!

#27re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:58am


Bull**** about this not being censorship! I hate governmental loopholes.

I'll die before they take away my gay innuendo literature.

"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled." (Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)

Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:23am

If Allen's quote is true it is also quite stupid. I mean really, stoplights??? Whatever. You'd think someone with an education could come up with a better simile than that.

As for what WE should do my dear comrades, well, let's take a tip from "Atlas Shrugged" and GO ON STRIKE! What I mean by this is that we as Americans should simply stop participating as much as we can in the economy that supports the fanatical Right as well as ANY interaction with these haters. I'm not talking about just curbing our spending dollars at the mall (many stores of which are gay owned and operated) but rather ANY interaction with known Republicans in our lives. For instance: at one job I have to get furniture from a warehouse when customers buy something. If I see a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on the SUV (it's ALWAYS an SUV) as they back up to the loading dock I simply leave whatever the item is, no matter how HUGE it is, and let them fend for themselves in loading it into their gas guzzler. I don't make any political statements, I don't argue with them, I just walk away. I have yet to get in trouble for this and don't worry about the ramifications of my actions. If these idiots want to complain then so be it. Either way it's their stupidity that gets them a sore back.

It's amazing how much hate we tolerate from coworkers and family members and people we service/do business with who are Republicans. I say let's remove ourselves COMPLETELY from their spheres of influence until they give us the respect we deserve as equal human beings!

Don't think this will work? Just try it for awhile. Sure some people will get p***** off but others will be forced to realize how we are important in their lives ("Sorry Mom and Dad, but I'm not spending Christmas/Channukah with you because you're a couple of homophobic troglodites and I won't be even be speaking with you until you support me as an EQUAL human being.").

This may sound a bit whack but I think that over time such individual actions will have a national impact on both the economy and the social stucture.


EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:30am

i'm sorry, but do you REALLY think ignoring "all Republicans" is going to solve anything?! I try not to be political, but I can't believe what i'm reading. All this is doing is dividing the country even more. Can't we just ignore stupid Democrat/Republican lables and treat EVERYONE as humans? Or am I just being an idealist?

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:30am

To Bush: You've upset the gay community so far but you've stepped over the line when you threaten to take their theatre away. Even the Secret Service won't be able to stop those queens from killing you!

(If you have not fired off this article to all of your friends who enjoy theatre yet do it now.)

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 12/9/04 at 11:30 AM

Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:36am

that is god damn amazing...jesus christ what the hell is wrong with these people! I can't even believe that this is true! That there are actually people beyond ignorant, deep into stupidity, who are allowed to speak! It's bad enough that Bushy and his stupid AIDS policy where he has said "if you teach about condoms I will reduce or stop your funding" (which he has!) and now this! It's time for this man to go. How do we go about impeachment on grounds that our president has LOST HIS MIND!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:41am

The Republicans seem to be very fond of labels. They seem to be "labeling" homosexuals as one type of person (no morals, destroying family values) and now they seem to want to label art as vaild or not, based on it's gay content. It's hard to treat a republic as an individual when the overal structure that they support seems to find me to be an invalid part of society.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:44am

I find it ironic that you LABEL all Republicans as being fond of lables =P I don't know a single Republican who fits your stereotype. I know I certainly don't. I just think it's a dumb idea to "avoid contac twith all Republicans". What, are all the Blue states going to cecede from the Red states? We don't need another civil war.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:46am's an idea...I say we get any book that ol' Bushy might actually promote, take them to the white house and burn baby burn! What else can we do? Any ideas? Bushy has to know that he is wrong, he can have his beliefs, I'm fine with that, but when you're trying to stuff the same beliefs down the throats of people who know better is wrong! wrong! wrong! especially when they are prejudice beliefs and always seem to be against the same type of people: gay marriage, HIV prevention, and now gay culture. It's like he thinks they are just the epitome of all that is bad. What a bastard! Plus this doesn't just go against gays it goes against any intelligent, open-minded, loving people.

So, up for ideas...if I have to fly over to Washington D.C. and kick him in the balls all by myself I will.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:47am

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who is a "republican" can shove it...I do not agree with loving the sinner and hating the sin, and I consider being affiliated with a Republican to be a sin. :) I'm moving to Canada anyways...hehe

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:49am

Bobby, I repsect your opinion, but don't you think you're being as closed-minded as the Republicans you hate so much? Just something to think about GAYS GO ON STRIKE! i'll tip-toe out of this thread now before my silly Republican beliefs get me in trouble around here! lol

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 11:54am

I can't see how one who supports the arts could have republican beliefs but whatever...And no I'm not being as closed minded as the Republicans because my opinions aren't based on ignorance and hate. I hate when people tell me to be open minded about those who are closed minded. No, I won't lower myself to their level, but I simply cannot find any value in a party that feels that homosexuals are not a valuable part of society and life.

Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:08pm

We should have seen this coming. Remember when the Republican National Convention came into NYC and only bought tickets to the RIGHT shows. Still ticks me off that they considered Hairspray inappropriate because it was a guy in drag. Apparently they didnt realize that Shakespeare did the same thing of putting male actors into female roles. Anyway here are the words to O Canada. It will probably be on the immigration test.

Official Lyrics of O Canada!

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:11pm

I know most of the tune to O Canada. Just have to learn some of the end.

Can people write letters to the President? I want to write him a letter.

Dear President George W. Bush,

You disgust me.



robbiej Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:21pm

You know what's appalling? The ignorance of many of the Republicans I know.

They content themselves with their tax breaks and bury their heads in the sand. Nearly my entire family voted for Bush this year. Over Thanksgiving, I brought up the whole 'Left Behind'/Hell House phenomena sweeping the nation. Of course, none of my family had EVER heard of these things. My father kept saying his tired old joke, 'A Republican is simply a Democrat with $100 in his pocket.' That simply isn't the case. And my entire family went to the poles without most of the pertinent information. I have six nieces, and yet they voted for the man who would restrict women's reproductive rights (not just abortion, but access to comprehensive sex education and contraception). I have a sister-in-law with MS who is married to my brother with diabetes and they voted for the man who is against stem-cell research, one of the most promising scientific arenas which may some day alleviate their suffering. Of course, they needed their tax break so they could what? Take their kids to Disneyworld twice in one year? I'm sure the kids will comfort themselves with those Disney memories when they're taking care of their parents far earlier than they ever expected.

Ya know, I can understand (in some way) making decisions about each of the issues and then voting your conscience, even if it's in direct opposition to my beliefs. I will NEVER understand or forgive going to the polls with a lack of knowledge about many important issues.

All I have to say is 'Have fun in DisneyWorld and I hope your kids don't end up hating you too much.'

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:21pm

"We don't need another civil war."

No you don't but is looks as if your party is content to start a cultural one.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:22pm

Exactly, Pab

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:28pm

I have little doubt that Gerard Allen carefully screens all those "offensive" plays and books accompanied by a big fat jar of Albolene.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#44We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:31pm

When Ashcroft covered the nude statues in Congess 4 years ago, we were warned that the religious extremists in the Bush administration are Nazi like. Now do you fools who voted for Bush believe it?

pab Profile Photo
#45We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:34pm

You get what you vote for!

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#46We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:39pm

To put things into a little perspective....the religious right thinks that when voters--by a small margin--based their votes on "moral values", thinks that they were talking about THEM! Hey, they've got it made, right? Wrong. "Moral values" is a much broader defintition than, say, "The War In Iraq" or "The Economy." They are celebrating nothing. Religious extremists are NOT the majority in this country....
To those who keep saying "I'm moving to Canada"...well, that's what they want you to do. Please stay and fight. They do NOT have us on the run.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Corine2 Profile Photo
#47We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:39pm

Bush is such an idiot.
He has gone to far.
Protest time.
The man is an ass.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#48We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 12:50pm

Can book burning be far behind? I must have fallen into a Rip Van Winkel type sleep and awakened to a world where there is no longer free speech or freedom of expression.

What's next? The government in our bedroom telling us with whom we can have sex? Oh, right...sorry...that's already happening, isn't it?

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#49We Warned You
Posted: 12/9/04 at 1:13pm

It's just amazing to me that people were ready to crucify Clinton for his affair but nothing is being done about Bushy and his blatant prejudice! I'm so entirely serious when I say something has to be done. This has gone on for 4 years too long! Emails to Bushy don't work...I've done it so many times that I don't even get the courtesy automatic reply anymore :P I'm probably on some list now for people to mark as terrorists. Damn the man and screw Bushy right in the ear!
