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Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury- Page 2

Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#25re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 11:04am

If he DIDN'T attend the dress rehearsal, he sure didn't mention it ANYWHERE in his response......

PalJoey Profile Photo
#26re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 11:25am

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't set pieces at Radio City moved by computer on what the call the "click-track"?

If that's the case, there is no human override on the movement of an individual set piece--it goes on unless the click-track to entire show is stopped.

#27re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 2:24pm

All the technical failures of the show seem to point to how rushed and disorganized the throwing together of this massive production is. It was Bret Michaels so people are kind of laughing about it, but it could just as easily have been Angela Lansbury or Liza or somebody, and with a split second different timing the injuries could have been more serious.

I've never done a show so large with so little rehearsal, but I can only imagine how chaotic it must be, and thinking about the possibilities of what could have gone wrong, I can imagine how easily it could happen, even assuming people were doing their jobs. If I had been the ASM watching the piece come in, I'm not sure I'd have done any better, assuming I didn't have a line of sight all the way downstage where Michaels was still standing, and with all those people onstage, it would be easy to lose track of who was where until it was too late. Add to that the fact that the whole thing had been rehearsed twice, and nobody is experienced enough to instinctively know that something looks wrong.

I'm not sure what can be done about eliminating those kind of hazards (short of doing the Tonys on a bare stage), but I hope this minor brush with disaster makes people a little bit extra-cautious in the future.

alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#28re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:16pm

Why is he STILL talking about this? We get it he wants everybody to feel sorry for him. I mean he did stand there for a few seconds before he decided to turn around to walk off stage. He just keeps dragging this on and on.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook

singdancemomma Profile Photo
#29re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:35pm

Ok, I saw this whole thing happen and thought it was halarious because first of all he was lip syncing and didn't even seem to notice his mic was off. He kept trying to adlib and it just looked ridiculous. Did he plan to be lip syncing? If so, then just let the real Broadway stars sing, please! It's the Tonys! I love 80's rock and roll and all the hair rockers too but give the Broadway stars their moment to shine!

Secondly, he got popped in the head with the "prop" aka set piece because he milked his moment too long which also looked ridiculous! Your mic wasn't on, they aren't clapping for you, other people are moving in so GET OFF THE STAGE! He paused for the double chest fist/peace sign thinking he was "all that".

That cost him the couple of seconds that ended up getting him pounded in the head. He should have left when his turn was over instead of trying to milk it. I know this is harsh but it really annoyed me!

alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#30re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:46pm

"first of all he was lip syncing and didn't even seem to notice his mic was off. He kept trying to adlib and it just looked ridiculous. Did he plan to be lip syncing? "

I thought the same thing. You could easily tell he was lip syncing and he certainly didn't try to play it off by throwing in random adlibs and bouncing around. This is certainly nobody else but his fault and he needs to just shut up about it and move on.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook

Barney Stinson
#31re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:53pm

Anyone who wants success for Bway shows should want Michaels to drag this out as long as possible.

More people know who Bret Michaels is than know who Billy Elliot is. Everything he does to drag this out, everytime he or his reps say something, the media rehashes the whole thing, and talks about the TONY Awards, and then often mentions who won, who he was performing with, where he was performing.

Keeping Michaels in the news keeps the TONY Awards and Broadway in the news. And that increase ticket sales across the board. Yeah, he's an idiot, and imo, the whole thing was 110% his fault. But him milking it IS a good thing for Bway.

Shawk Profile Photo
#32re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:59pm

And since I keep seeing ads for Bret Michaels playing at a casino near me, it's probably in his interest to keep himself in the press as long as possible, which I'm sure he is quite aware of.

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

Barney Stinson
#33re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
Posted: 6/15/09 at 7:14pm

Absolutely. He isn't milking it for Alice Ripley's sake. Dude did not one, but three reality love shows. He fronted a hair band. He's shameless.

But, even though his motives are 100% selfish, the effect is the same.
