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Bonnie & Clyde -- 1st Preview Today- Page 15

Bonnie & Clyde -- 1st Preview Today

GatorNY Profile Photo
#350Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/26/11 at 12:16pm

On an unrelated note, I guess I didn't win the sweepstakes for the opening night tickets and cast party that they had on Facebook.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

Theatrical Landladies Profile Photo
Theatrical Landladies
#351Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/26/11 at 12:37pm

This was one to 2 shows in preview my friends and I attended last week and we unanimously thought this deserved to be a hit. Certainly the best Frank Wilhorn score I have heard and it all seemed to fit the story well.

The leads were all terrific with the exception of Louis Hobson who didn't provide Bonnie with a realistic alternative to the exciting appeal of Jeremy Jordan's Clyde!

Spoke to Don Black a couple of times and the production team seem pretty pleased with it though know it is a tough market place on Broadway!

Really wish this show well!

PS The other preview was ON A CLEAR DAY which I am NOT hopeful for in the version I saw on Tuesday (22nd Nov)!

"Your eyes..... they shine like the pants on my blue serge suit"

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#352Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/26/11 at 2:01pm

"I'm glad Jeremy Jordan doesn't have a gym body seeing as how he's playing a Depression era character who didn't have the money, time or energy to work out."
Sporkie, you obviously haven't seen his pecs and arms.
the exact opposite is true.

#353Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/26/11 at 2:30pm

Oh, okay. Sorry, I'm not very good at identifying that kind of thing.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

MillieDillmount Profile Photo
#354Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 2:12am

I want to add my two cents to this thread since I just saw it this past week (twice). I waited a year to see this show when I first heard a concept recording of this show, I instantly fell in love with the music. I couldn't wait to see this show on stage.

The first time I saw it on the 23rd; I knew before intermission I had to see it again. So, I rushed it on the 25th. Honestly, this show was so much better than anything I could have ever imagined it to be. I didn't know what to expect (although I did cheat and I read on here how the show starts and ends because I was too excited to not read about the first preview. After that I didn't let myself read any more spoilers.) I wish I didn’t read it, but I don’t think it took from those scenes.

This show I feel is really haunting, there are some really, really beautiful and heartbreaking moments. I love how we see Bonnie and Clyde as kids throughout the show; I thought that was really effective. In the beginning with Bonnie in the car dead, and then Young Bonnie standing next to the car singing about how she has all these hopes and dreams I think really packs a punch. We all know how they end up (I think that's one reason why they are still so remembered in history) and then having Bonnie as a child I think humanizes her - she wasn't always an outlaw. I also love how during the projection of the car driving the orchestra is playing the music, then after the ambush the music sounds like it’s coming from the car radio. I think the quiet music is a nice touch.

Another moment that I really love is during the shootout in the second act, when the scene pauses and Young Clyde is on the stage and there is a faint sound of a child's toy (the music reminds me of those jack in the box toys) and Clyde is talking to his younger self about what it's like to kill. It's that question "if you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would it be?". To me this feels like Clyde is regretting his life, and is telling himself as a child to not become this. Such a heart wrenching moment since we know what becomes of him.

The use of projections throughout the whole show is so effective. It serves as a constant reminder that this story is true; all of these characters were real people. I really love how when the characters take any pictures / mug shots we see the actual photos. Also, in the second act, I like how every time it’s a cop scene the body count is added on the wall. Even though we are rooting for Bonnie & Clyde, this reminds us how dangerous they really are.

I think this show is really special, I just feel this is a really special piece of theatre that will be remembered for years to come. I can’t pin point the reason, I don’t think it’s any one element, but the show as a whole. The book is really strong, I feel you could take the songs out and it would still make sense. The songs just enrich the story. I really think it’s more of a play with music, than a musical. The transitions between scenes are quick; it keeps the story fast paced. I love the overlapping of scenes, it feels like at times there two scenes going on at once. Then you add in the set – which looks simple, but there is actually a lot to it – it really feels like we are in the 1930’s. Everything about this show feels authentic, which makes their world just come alive. I think that’s why I also find this show a little disturbing at times. And the lighting adds so much to it as well. Even the costumes, I think it’s neat and a little eerie how the costumes are the actual clothes the real people wore. When Bonnie puts on the red dress that is on the logo on stage, I think that’s the moment the audience feels something major is going to happen, which it is.

Now – the actors. Wow! I believe there are going to be some stars coming out of this show! Before this I only saw Laura Osnes as Hope in Anything Goes – I wasn’t really a huge fan of hers. I didn’t even think she should have won Grease, I just didn’t see the potential in her. But with this role, she proved me wrong. She thoroughly impressed me, and what a voice she has! The beginning of “Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad” gave me chills. That song is so beautiful, another amazing moment in the show. I really feel she deserves a Tony nomination for this role. As well as Melissa van der Schyff! Where did she come from? This show is going to gain her the recognition she deserves, what a talented woman! I think her last couple scenes alone could win her a Tony. Jeremy Jordan impressed me as well. With his portrayal as Clyde it was easy to see where Clyde went from small crimes to murder. He hits both ranges of Clyde – the romantic with Bonnie, and the revengeful type towards the law. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him getting a Tony nomination too.

There are so many moments that I love, and I really feel will become a part of theatre history. I haven’t stopped thinking about this show yet. It’s beautifully told, and yet I find it disturbing. I think it’s how real it seems. This is a ‘kitchen sink’ realism show, if I’ve ever seen one. I love how there are no big dance numbers, it’s not your cliché musical, it’s simply the story of Bonnie & Clyde. I can not say enough nice things about this show. I am really hoping this show will get the rave reviews it deserves on Thursday!

GatorNY Profile Photo
#355Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 9:07am

I want to go again now too!

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

#356Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 1:24pm

I saw the black Friday matinee, and while I agree with everything Milliedillmont just said. I'm wondering, did they even have car radios in the 1930's?
I think it's the best new musical I have seen since Billy Elliot. I'm looking forward to the reviews this Thursday and wish all the best.
btw, those $79.50 seats I got are are now going for $126.50 after opening, so it must be selling well. The theatre was packed when I was there. Oh, and I got the magnet.

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#357Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 2:36pm

I'm really hoping (and starting to think) this show might have a lot of success. Based on most of the reviews here, it's only gotten tighter and more improved since I saw it during the first preview. If it becomes a hit, my $39 ticket will have been a steal. Bonnie & Clyde                                      I also have noticed tickets are getting more expensive. Does that necessarily mean it's selling, or are they just jacking them up for the holiday season in hopes they'll sell? I guess we'll see the gross tomorrow. I've always been jealous of those who attended BOM during early previews with comps or very low-priced seats.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

GatorNY Profile Photo
#358Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 6:33pm

I just got back from the matinee and I will again say that Jeremy Jordan is, in my opinion, very attractive, sexy and appealing. Especially in the scenes where they make him look all sweaty. Not my usual type, but he is playing the character as very confident and masculine and to me, that is sexy. And, I disagree with those who don't find Louis's Ted an attractive alternative for Bonnie. It's not because of how the actor looks, it's just not written that way. I don't think Bonnie ever even says anything that suggests that she wants to date him. He's more smitten with her, and she only sees Clyde.

The show flowed very well today and I believe that it is in great shape for their opening. I don't know why, maybe it's just tighter, but the show was not the least bit slow or boring, as I felt parts of the first act were last week. Last week, I was not really fully invested until "You Love Who You Love" whereas this week I was invested from the start. It's really interesting how I almost feel guilty for sympathizing with these criminals; I guess that's why I find it so compelling. Melissa is really doing amazing work as Blanche...she wrecked me during the second act and I love hearing her sing.

For what it's worth, the woman in front of me turned to her friend at the end of the first act and said "This is AMAZING." Now, we all know that that doesn't mean squat, will transfer into good word of mouth, which is what a show like this will need to find an audience.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

MillieDillmount Profile Photo
#359Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 7:04pm

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is in love with this show and wanting to keep going back. This is one of the most exciting, dramatic, heartbreaking pieces of theatre I've ever seen.

Here's my take on Ted Hinton, I don't think the point of this storyline is that Bonnie sees him as a potential boyfriend, but Hinton has a crush on her. I think he comes across as a protective older brother type character. He tries to keep Bonnie away from Clyde because he knows that he's bad news, he doesn't want to see his sweet Bonnie fall for him. But I think it's that everyone is trying to keep her away from him so much is another thing that drives her to him. She's 19 when she meets him - teenagers are stupid and really just want to be a rebel. I think a big turning point for Bonnie hating Hinton is in the court scene after Clyde is sentenced to 16 years, and Hinton raises the gun to Clyde. I think that just makes her love him more, it also makes her sort of protective over Clyde.

I know what you mean, GatorNY, I have mixed feelings about rooting for Bonnie & Clyde too. You just want them to be happy, and to live, but then you remember how dangerous they were. I really like how this musical shows their upbringing, and what turned them into outlaws. It's actually a sad story - neither of them stood a chance at a better life. The way the show ends I feel is so beautiful. Bonnie & Clyde are happy in their car, just happy to be with each other. While at the same time we are shown pictures of their bodies after they were killed, just moments after the lights go down. It's chilling.

And I agree with Melissa. The first time I saw the show she wasn't a major stand out for me until the last few scenes. Seeing the show the second time I could really appreciate her character in the beginning because I knew where the character ends up. Amazing acting. I really feel Blanche has the biggest transformation of all the characters. I think the other three were already a little warped before they went bad, but Blanche seemed a lot more together at first. The scene where she's singing with Buck dying on her lap gives me chills everytime. If she doesn't win a Tony, there's something wrong. Amazing performance.

I do have one question. In the scene where Clyde is in prison and he beats himself up, is he supposed to be beating up the prisoner who brutalized him? The first time I saw it I didn't get it at all, then the second time I noticed the projection with the headlines about Clyde beating up the prisoner. There's a lot going on in this show at once - I think it will take me a few more times to see the show before I see everything. I think it makes a show more exciting, though.

Also, I'm really curious about how they do the blood. I know how the actors bleed on the chest, but how does the blood come out of their mouths? I know it's probably something simple that I'm over thinking, but I'm just wondering. Thanks. :)

GatorNY Profile Photo
#360Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 7:38pm

I got that the guards take him to the other prisoner who rapes him repeatedly, so Clyde kills him. That part is so intense. It really is gripping.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

#361Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 9:29pm

I just got my ticket for a week from Weds. Can't wait to see it!

#362Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/27/11 at 9:39pm

I'm also glad to read all of your opinions and see that others have fallen for this show like I have. I honestly think it's going to be a hard ticket to get once reviews come out. All the best to cast and crew on their final few performances before opening night!

#363Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/29/11 at 8:44am

I know it's been asked before, but I'm surprised the cast recording hasn't been announced yet, especially when Wildhorn tweeted about 'news coming soon' a few weeks ago. Any update? Maybe they're waiting to see how things turn out Thursday.

With that said, I saw B&C over a week ago and enjoyed it. It's not a perfect show, but to me, it was a great night of theater. The leads are tremendous and are singing the heck out of the score, which, BTW, is very good. The book, staging, and overall production also deserve accolades. As a side note, I also enjoyed Wildhorn's revamped "The Scarlet Pimpernel" ver. 2 (IMO, his best Broadway show 'til now) and some of the music from his lesser shows - we won't speak about the actual productions of Wonderland and Dracula. I agree with the B&C producers, as mentioned in the NYT article: "that if they (other producers) sat and listened to the 'Bonnie & Clyde' music and did not know the identity of the composer, they would be ready to write checks for a production."

As for audience reaction, mine was pretty lively and seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Good luck to the cast, crew, and creative team this week.

Updated On: 11/29/11 at 08:44 AM

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#364Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/29/11 at 9:42am

Updated On: 11/29/11 at 09:42 AM

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#365Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/29/11 at 9:43am

Complete Highlight Video...Awesome...check it out if you haven't seen it! (sorry for the double post).
Updated On: 11/29/11 at 09:43 AM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#366Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/29/11 at 10:46am

Blood from mouth.. oldest trick in the book. Actors conceal a capsule of fake blood between cheek and teeth. If they have a lot of dialogue they palm the capsule say their lines then slip the capsule in their mouths when attention is drawn away from them. When shot, the bite it and it drools out of their mouth. You were over thinking it Millie.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#367Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 2:42am

I saw the show tonight and I really enjoyed it. I am definitely not a Wildhorn fan in the least but I thought the score was strong and there are some great songs in there. Laura Osnes and Jeremy Jordan are both fantastic, and I will add that I found Jordan incredibly sexy (when I didn't find him remotely attractive before seeing the show)...he has a phenomenal voice and a great confidence and masculinity as Clyde, and he really oozes sexuality. I could have done without the photographs of their shot-up faces at the end of the show, but I did like the projections overall and thought they were very effective. I'm curious to see how this is received critically, because I think it could go either way and I feel like the general contempt for Wildhorn in the community may work against them, unfortunately.

dented146 Profile Photo
#368Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 10:47am

Why is there a general comtempt for Wildhorn or some kind of bias against him? Is it just because his shows haven't been stellar or is it something about his style of musical?

#369Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 10:59am

I'm not quite sure. Shows are flopping all the time and yet their composers are not chastised in the same way. Maybe a difference is that Wildhorn keeps coming back to bway, has success around the world (incredible success), and does well in selling records. That might anger some in the community. ha. Just a guess though.

Updated On: 11/30/11 at 10:59 AM

sorano916 Profile Photo
#370Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:17am

Just wondering... have Laura & Jeremy been getting entrance applause at the performances that you all have been at? The two performances that I've been to they gotten them with the shot up car and then each when they entered during "Picture Show."

Considering that they're not exactly stars like Patti or Bernadette, I was curious if this was normal or if it's just how they're presented that draws the applause.
Updated On: 11/30/11 at 11:17 AM

philly03 Profile Photo
#371Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:22am

There are a few reasons for the Frank Wildhorn dislike; some are personal reasons, some are music styling, etc.

Frank makes it no secret that he writes these pop scores, but people always want to blame him for them. Once upon a time, long ago the theatrical composers were writing the pop music of the day.

I think he also came in kind of hated when he opened 3 shows in 2 years, becoming the first American composer in 22 years to have 3 shows running similatenously. Not to mention that while his shows flop, his songs have done incredible around the world (including before they even made it to Broadway). Don't forget that his concept album of "The Civil War" featured a mix of Broadway (Linda Eder, Betty Buckley), historians/writers (Maya Angelou), and actual singers (Patti Labelle, Trisha Yearwood, Trace Adkins) but the show tanked. I don't think there has ever been a concept ever quite like that.

The Cast Album is definitely waiting for Thursday's response. After WONDERLAND many of the producers were nervous enough, as well as that recording represents very little of what was actually on stage (orchestrations, lyrics, SONGS). It's Frank Wildhorn though, I guarantee a cast album will be released in some way. (Bonnie & Clyde is also set to open in Japan in January!)

philly03 Profile Photo
#372Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:23am

sorano916: Yes, they both got entrance applause during Picture Show. Rather distracting, I'm surprised they are getting entrance applause since.. as you said.. they are not really stars yet.

#373Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:30am

I guess I'm the only one who hates entrance applause. This does not happen in the West End, and shows are still hits and actors still feel appreciated. Entrance applause is so disruptive to the mood of a show. If you look around any Bdwy theater during entrance applause and you see one person not joining in, that's probably me. Bravo to the recent All My Sons in which the whole cast came onstage together to introduce the show. Therefore no individual entrance applause. Also to director Michael Grandage of Jude Law's Hamlet for staging the opening with so much "sound & fury" that entrance applause couldn't happen, even though Jude was clearly the only person onstage. One person's opinion.

#374Bonnie & Clyde
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:39am

Also stylistically, his songs tend to focus on the current emotion/s of the character rather than further the plot. Capturing the emotions and often using pretty haunting melody to do so I think is his strength and appeals much more to international audiences than NY audiences.
