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Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys- Page 2

Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#25Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 2:46am

The moment when the run rises in Answer Me is one of the most beautiful and striking stage images I’ve seen. That might justify the lighting win.

#26Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 2:50am

JayElle said: "Not a troll. Didn't think S/Bob or MG were all that great. For musicals, this year was lacking all around. For what I spend on theater tickets every year, I have a right to speak up, especially when the news documented voters voting to protest the commercial nature of recent shows prior to the Tonys."

JayElle, the Tony voters just finished a late night meeting and asked me to convey this message. "You caught us. It was a protest vote and we were wrong to do that. We feel terrible and we want to make it right. TBV is a crappy little show undeserving of 10 Tonys. It doesn't even deserve the one Tony it already had. And it's big number is some chick singing about some dead film star? I mean come on. So please tell us who your pick was and we'll just pull a "Steve Harvey" and blame the presenter for calling the wrong show's name. It's not too late. We can make this right. Thank you for standing up for great theater by starting this thread. It really moved us!"


itsjustmejonhotmailcom Profile Photo
#27Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 3:56am

Broadway_Boy said: "uncageg said: "Just a question... Do the same group of voters vote for both Best Play and musical?"

The same voters all vote for all the categories.

Sound Design and Orchestrations are voted on by a much smaller subset of voters. The rest are voted on by all of the voters. 

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#28Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 6:39am

itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Sound Design and Orchestrations are voted on by a much smaller subset of voters. The rest are voted on by all of the voters."


I don't think this is correct, actually. All voters vote in all categories.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
#29Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 7:17am

BroadwayMan5 said: "Haven't seen the show yet (seeing it this summer) so I can't really say my opinion on if it deserved it or not but I do get tired of these "sweep" nights. I also wish some really strong shows like Groundhog Day, Come From Away, and Waitress had opened in a year like this instead of in the Hamilton/Dear Evan Hansen/Hello Dolly juggernaut years"

I bet the producers wish that too. ??

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#30Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 7:18am

"Beginning next season, Tony nominators and voters will weigh candidates for Best Sound Design of a Musical and Best Sound Design of a Play. Whereas the winners in those categories used to be chosen by all 800 Tony voters, the restored categories will now be decided by a subset of the voters based on their professional affiliation and expertise. The same procedural change is being made to the category of Best Orchestrations. (The nominees in all three categories will still be decided on by the full panel of approximately 30 nominators.)"

(This refers to this current season as it was written last April.)

msmp Profile Photo
#31Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:10am

I don't think The Band's Visit was a protest vote, even if Tony voters were voting to reject some of the commercialism on Broadway. The fact is that it was a stunning show (based on what I have read only, I concede) that did very well with off-Broadway awards last year (giving it a somewhat "known" quality, I imagine, for some voters). It was an artistic, subtle musical designed to appeal to a different audience than the other properties up this year, and it struck a chord with voters.

Now, that being said, the above doesn't necessarily explain the acting wins, and I can't comment because I haven't been fortunate enough to see the production yet, but it does explain some of the creative awards and the Best Musical nod. But as I understand it, Katrina Lenk thoroughly earned her Tony and was the frontrunner from the moment nominations came out, and Ari'el Stachel gave a very good performance. I haven't seen enough about Tony Shalhoub to comment, but as a non-Broadway actor he certainly has the chops to win IMO.

#32Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:22am

Harry Hadden-Patton deserved better.

#33Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:27am

I liked The Band's Visit, but I do not think it would have won 10 awards in a lot of years. Let's face it, it was a lousy year for musicals overall and the competition was pretty bare.  When they awarded Best Sound,  I concluded that a lot of people just checked TBV every time they saw it.  I actually had a problem hearing the words -- I had it in no other show that I saw this season, but I admit that I only saw about a dozen on Broadway.

I was happiest when it won Best Book, because I-- and I think everyone else --  thought that Time Fey was going to win because she was Tina Fey, and they hoped this would encourage her to do more Broadway shows.  That was not reason to give her Best Book, and thankfully they did not (and I do like Tina Fey).


JayElle Profile Photo
#34Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:38am

Haterobics said, "'m sorry the Tony voters did not validate your opinions. They failed you."

No, the voters failed performers. You're missing the point.  Read the NY Times story and today's reviews.  They're saying it was a protest vote which meant they didn't vote on its merits, but b/c they didn't like the alternatives.  That's not a compliment.

Though many of you may not like Mark Reidel of NY Post, he wrote, "Its  (BV) sweep of the Tonys is a sharp rebuke to the family-friendly franchise shows that are gobbling up Broadway.Broadway is in danger of becoming a theme park, but Tony voters staged a revolution Sunday night, saying, in effect: No more shows based on famous movies or cartoons."

He wasn't alone.  Many other critics said the same. So it didn't win b/c it was worthy of its award, but rather to send a message. I could see the Best Musical b/c the others were less than rewarding, but to give it all just to send a message invalidated the voter's integrity.  Sound or lighting for Band's Visit? Come on.  

I was at MG and ran into a voter. Before the show even started, she said she only planned to stay 15 minutes because she had other things to do and asked me what the show was about and was it worth it. If that is what you have for voters, the whole thing is a farce. 

Frankly, this year's musical choices were sorely lacking. MG packs them in b/c it attracts the younger set. S/Bob couldn't figure out its audience. It was too long for a kid's show and too infantile for adults along with the mindless and inconsiderate parents/children who treated the theater like  a playground and ignored the stage. How the actors endured that was beyond me.  

If BV was as great as everyone says, it should've been reflected in its box office numbers. And as you all know, the $ is what keeps shows alive and industry employees working.  Bottom line, vote because the show deserves it and not because it sends a message.  To do otherwise makes the messenger (voter) disingenuous and the outcome a farce.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#35Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:50am

I'm still in disbelief Shalhoub won Best Actor in a leading role in a musical. He barely sang and only those people who sit in premium seats or front orchestra can see the emotions from his eyes (ok ok also those who watched the TV telecast closeups). 

It can also be interpreted as an insult to the other nominees who literally sing and act their buns off 8 times a week! 

#36Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:15am

Wick3 said: "I'm still in disbelief Shalhoub won Best Actor in a leading role in a musical. He barely sang and only those people who sit in premium seats or front orchestra can see the emotions from his eyes (ok ok also those who watched the TV telecast closeups).

It can also be interpreted as an insult to the other nominees who literally sing and act their buns off 8 times a week!

Except the category is Best ACTOR in a Leading Role in a Musical.  Not Best SINGER/DANCER in a Leading Role in a Musical.  

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#37Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:17am

Regardless of the Tonys, TBV holds no interest to me.  Everyone of my friends who saw it thought it was boring or meh and said not to bother.  I wouldn't even go with comps.

DAME Profile Photo
#38Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:22am

It is a beautiful and deserving show. The title of this thread represents all the bitterness and ugly these boards are known for to folk in the business . Embarrassing .


#39Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:26am

JayElle said: "Be it 9 or ten, I stopped counting. I still don't think it deserved all it got."

Well, I'm sure that your opinion will get the response that it deserves.  

Kad Profile Photo
#40Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:37am

I'm just impressed that, apparently, hundreds of Tony voters of varying backgrounds all conspired to vote a certain way to send a message. What coordination!

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

haterobics Profile Photo
#41Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:07pm

Kad said: "I'm just impressed that, apparently, hundreds of Tony voters of varying backgrounds all conspired to vote a certain way to send a message. What coordination!"


#42Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:09pm

Maybe it's less of a conspiracy and more of an overarching attitude the whole community is feeling. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#43Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:16pm

JayElle said: "If BVwas as great as everyone says, it should've been reflected in its box office numbers. And as you all know, the $ is what keeps shows alive and industry employees working. Bottom line, vote because the show deserves it and not because it sends a message. To do otherwise makes the messenger (voter) disingenuous and the outcome a farce."

Money keeps a show alive, true. I'm not sure which bad box office numbers you are seeing for this show, though? An average ticket price that never dipped under $100. No stars (sorry Tony), based on a movie few have heard of and even less have seen? 

BUT even if you were right about the money (which you aren't), there is no correlation that money automatically finds a high quality show.

I saw all of the nominated shows in this category, and this was the clear, deserving winner.

I'm not sure if they are using protest vote accurately. I mean, sure, if it were a toss-up, and it went this way for some external reason like that, it would make sense. But what was the other show in the toss-up? It isn't even clear to me which would be the other show in this fictional narrative.


Bette's Turban Profile Photo
Bette's Turban
#44Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:24pm

While some of the discussion on this thread is interesting.  It is overshadowed by the obnoxious thread title .  

#45Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:32pm

So if I'm understanding correctly, it's being argued that TBV didn't deserve its Tony's, but then again neither did any of the other crappy shows this year. That sure, TBV was probably the best show of the year, but Tony voters didn't vote for it for this reason, but because they don't like what Broadway is becoming...but still it was the best show of the year, but didn't deserve the Tony's it got. Am I getting this right?

It's true that the season was weak compared to previous seasons. It's true that TBV didn't immediately jump to the top of my favorite musicals list, but I thought it was clearly the best show of the year, and deserved everything it won. Why is it their fault that the other shows didn't stack up?

#46Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:38pm

It deserved 7 of them.

Spongebob should've got lighting and sound design.

I didn't see it with Tony so I can't comment of his performance. But it was such a fantastic character regardless of how much he sang, that I have no doubt he deserved his win.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#47Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:40pm

I thought it was clearly the best (new) musical of the season. By far.

I was a little surprised at Tony Shalhoub's win... only because that role is so quiet, and because he's been out of the show for so long. I saw Dariush Kashani, who I thought was excellent... but the role itself didn't strike me as something particularly award-worthy. Shalhoub must've given one hell of a transcendent performance!

But I think it deserved everything else it won, though I was personally pulling for OOTI in orchestrations. (Not that the TBV orchestrations weren't great,)

I made the mistake of going on Instagram this morning. Man are the tweens salty about SpongeBob/Frozen/Mean Girls not cleaning up! I couldn't help but laugh. (The REGINA GEORGE WAS ROBBED comments on the official Tony handle's post about Katrina Lenk are particularly hilarious. I thought Taylor Louderman was great, but the comments are so clueless that they're almost adorable.)

Updated On: 6/11/18 at 12:40 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#48Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:43pm

JudyDenmark said: "I made the mistake of going on Instagram this morning. Man are the tweenssalty about SpongeBob/Frozen/Mean Girls not cleaning up!"

Therein lies the problem, there wasn't one clear choice for what alternate show should have won, so one show has a solid level of support, and then everyone else goes into separate camps.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#49Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
Posted: 6/11/18 at 12:50pm

Should the Band’s Visit of swept last night, probably not, but did it deserve its Best Musical win? Yes. It honestly reminds me of Once’s suprise sweep in 2012. In that year again it was expected to win top honors, but its sweep of the technicals of Set, Lightning and Sound design for a basic unit set of a bar that was covered in mirrors, over the lavish and more technically demanding productions of Spiderman, Ghost, and Follies, came as a suprise. Thats how the voters chose, so its what happened.
