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BARE is off!

#50re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:37pm

Maybe someone finally realized the show is NOT GOOD.

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#51re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:39pm

Maybe someone finally realized the show is NOT GOOD.

ummm or NOT!

#52re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:39pm

NOOOOO!!!!Im so mad!

#53re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:42pm

I saw the show and the music made me ill. It very desperately attempted to be RENT without one good melody. Who really can say there is a good song in that show? If they're smart, they'll save their money.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#54re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:46pm

Can we NOT turn this into a bare-bashing thread? Some of us found "bare" more powerful than RENT.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

virgil blessing2 Profile Photo
virgil blessing2
#55re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:50pm

Well, after my friend and I had to exchange tickets 4 TIMES from last May to this Oct., we gave up on it. IF it ever opens AND runs, THEN we MAY get tickets. returning tickets 4 times has taken it's toll on us, and has left a bad taste in the mouths of MANY.

plenty of other shows to support. from $ problems, to construction delays..i mean, come ON. 4 times?? unprecedented unprofessionalism.

"I am not 'a' Eunice Burns. I am THE Eunice Burns!!!"

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#56re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:51pm

it's way different then rent! there's aloud to be more than just one rock musical. just cause it's a rock musical doesn't mean it's copying off of rent. it's a great show and lets not start bashing bare and the fans like wicked re: BARE is off! were not a bunch of giddy 14-16 year old girls.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#57re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 4:51pm

Yeah, I'm exchanging tickets for the third time this fall, too. Patience is a virtue.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

#58re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 5:53pm

If anyone needs their Michael Arden fix, I do have an extra ticket for Monday night. The tickets were given to me, so all you would have to worry about is your 2 drinks.

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#59re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 6:32pm

they should just rob BOMBAY DREAMS a couple of times, since that show apparently has unlimited cash flow.

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

midtowngym Profile Photo
#60re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 6:35pm

The Dodgers Box OFfice told me that the show won't be back until at LEAST January, if ever

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

#61re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 6:58pm

BARE is off!

The heart leaps up.

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#62re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 7:29pm

Seriously, midtowngym? Wow. I'll be so disappointed if that's true.

#63re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 8:02pm

MusicMan - as someone who is ostensibly interested in the continuation of the musical theatre artform, it's intriguing that you have a joyous reaction to the difficulty someone is having getting their work produced. No matter what you feel critically of their efforts, I'm not sure I understand 'cheering' when a fellow artist cannot get their work realized. At the very least, I would think it behooves all of us to try and be as supportive as we can of each other while we try to stretch, learn and grow in our chosen fields.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#64re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 8:15pm

i'm serious. told me to my face.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

GaLiNdaFied Profile Photo
#65re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 8:44pm

DGrant, so well said thank you!

I don't understand you 'theatre lovers' who have hatred for any show and want it to end. You can dislike a show, that's fine, but honestly wanting a show it end, no matter how bad or good the material, is ridiculous! So many people put tons of sweat and work into the piece and knowing that it is not going to succeed has to be the most heartbreaking thing.

"Someone please tell me- when the hell did gravity become the enemy? How has an essential force of nature, something that makes it possible for life to even exist on this planet, come to deserve the scorn and hatred of every teenage girl with no head voice?"- Broadway Matt

NYSinger1 Profile Photo
#66re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 8:50pm

I was looking forward to it.
Maybe they will find someone to help fund it, and it will open.

A boy can hope, can't he?


LesMizazz Profile Photo
#67re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 9:05pm

I just heard from a reliable person, that it isn't going to made me sad!

"And suddenly I'm flying flying like a bird, like electricity, electricity, sparks inside of me, and I'm free, I'm free" -Billy Elliot

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#68re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 9:19pm

Why is it off? It has a HUGE fan base and would make it's money back. I don't understand how brklyn (no offense to the fans) can be produced but not BARE. God, I am depressed.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#69re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 10:00pm

BARE is off! The heart leaps up.

MusicMan- How is this a cause for your "heart leaping?" Tell me, please. How can a group of extremely talented actors being out of a job make your day any better? Yes, the theater world is a harsh place and things like this do happen often, but why be happy about it?

Those of you who are anti-Bare are making it almost as if the cast is sitting around everyday going, "Hmmm, I wonder how we can drive our fans a little bit more crazy today? I know! Let's push back our show again!" They've been rehearsing their asses off just taking it day-by-day, hoping that everything will work in their favor.

And for the one bashing the Bare Cast thread...
Those people on there all know (I, myself, included because I frequent that post) that what they say on there doesn't play any part in the grand scheme of Bare's success. It does, however, get actors names out there a little more and get them a little bit more popularity. They all know that it doesn't do anything massive though. Many of the show's cast members though, do visit these threads often just to see what people are saying. So in a way, their voices are being heard, just not to the correct people in all situations.

C'mon people, the musical theater community is supposed to be a loving and supportive community! We're not supposed to hate on each other and be happy when a show gets some bad news...

#70re: BARE is off!
Posted: 9/30/04 at 10:27pm

Hear hear Brunettebabe!!

As a frequenter of the BARE cast thread and a proud member of the bare family, I know full well that what I say on that thread has little to no influence on what is done in the theater world. It is simply a place where I can discuss my love for the show and get to know a group of fun people. There's no need to hate :)

Anyway, like others have said, why would anyone be happy a show is having problems? Particularly when it has nothing to do with the cast and crew. I think it's horrible that shows can't be seen by people simply because they don't have the right financial backers. I know it's the way of the world, but that doesn't make it right or fair. And this is one show that needs to be out there for people to experience. I would never wish bad things on a show, even if I hated it.

Why do we play with fire? Why do we run our fingers through the flame? Why do we leave our hands on the stove, although we know we're in for some pain? -tick...tick...BOOM!

#71re: BARE is off!
Posted: 10/1/04 at 1:24am

Oh, please, DGrant, the word "artist" is just about the most abused and misapplied word there is in our disposable culture as it presumes that anyone's efforts, no matter how amateur, are automatically regarded as "art," which is nonsense. Unless one puts paint to canvas, it's not a job description but a title of honor and needs to be earned---the rest can play with their rubber duckies in the kiddie pool.
It's completely fascinating to me how nearly all the posters who comment in rebuttal have virtually nothing to say about the quality of the show (which has already been questioned) but narcissistically identify with the actors, as if that were the sole consideration.

#72re: BARE is off!
Posted: 10/1/04 at 1:31am

We were not having a discussion about the quality of the show. If you would like to have that discussion, we can, but seeing as you didn't invite us to have that conversation, that was not our intent in posting. We were sharing our love for the show, and our disappointment that it was postponed. We have had many discussions of quality in our 4000-odd posts, but would be happy to have one with you in a place where it is appropriate. Perhaps a different thread, or on our BARE cast thread.

Why do we play with fire? Why do we run our fingers through the flame? Why do we leave our hands on the stove, although we know we're in for some pain? -tick...tick...BOOM!

#73re: BARE is off!
Posted: 10/1/04 at 1:33am

MusicMan - then I must ask you to whom one applies to be considered an artist? Is there some committee established somewhere that I am not aware of, or is it to you alone that such entreaties must be made?

Allowing, for a moment, for your obvious superior taste and discernment, does it not occur to you at all that it is in poor taste to 'kick someone when they're down'? Or is that simple act of compassion and consideration also overly 'abused and misapplied'?

And just so you know, I happened to see Bare when we were in New York this past spring, so I'm not just speaking theoretically here (although, I'm not sure that would - or should - make a difference.) Right now, I'm not interested in sharing my thoughts or feelings on the production, since I already have in earlier postings. The only thing that interests me right now is someone who can be a completely insensitive bore, and then have the temerity and gall to try and defend those actions.

#74re: BARE is off!
Posted: 10/1/04 at 1:52am

OK, i read all this stuff and now i will post. I just want to know where people get their info.

First of all the investment is 1.5 mil, where did you hear that? Id love to know.

2. They are rehearsing their butts off, oh really? When did they start, becaue I was under the impression rehearsals didnt start.

3. This has nothing to do with show quality, its about money so opinions are irrelevant. I mean Mamma Mia is open and Caroling closed, in no way related to BARE, good or bad matters not, marketability and an audience does.

However let me say that 4000 posts over 6 months is not an audience. Go to telecharge, maybe you cant anymore, but the show is far from sold out. So as an inverstor, with no presale, not a bad idea to pull out.

I wish the show the best, i too saw it at ATA, but check your facts people. It has become too often that people post whatever they hear and rumors in the theatre world get WAY out of hand!
