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Adam's back!!!

#75re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 2:05am

You'd think he'd try a little harder not to miss... *grumble*. Oh well. TheGirlInTheFrock, I send my sympathy!

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#76re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 2:50am

I don't restrict myself to individuals, you see.

"Ahh! luvetheemcee! Haha, I could see you smiling right now still. I still am from Monday! Plus, seeing Fiddler last night was even more exciting. Did you take any pictures with Adam?

Oh, Insomniak, thanks for the link to the beautiful picture of Adam!"

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#77re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 8:55am

Emcee, I want details, too! Where the heck was he last night? I'm going to be majorly upset if he's not there tonight!

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#78re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 10:16am

Musetta, what was that about?

bdwaygirl, I didn't send you the detailed stage door story? I'll PM it to you.

I don't know how authorized I am to post details about why he was out last night, so I'll just tell you guys this. Everything is fine with him; he isn't sick or anything. I'll also tell you guys that the situation could have been a preventable one on his part, but at the point at which is happened there wasn't anything he could've done. Methinks that it's also the type of thing where he'll realize what needs to be done differently and that it won't happen again. I'm sure you'll be fine tonight.

Have a wonderful time, and do post details!!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/3/04 at 10:16 AM

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#79re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 1:03pm

"Musetta, what was that about?"

I was translating. Note the presence of quote marks in my post.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#80re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 7:26pm

Right.... my gosh, leave the girl alone. She was just excited.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#81re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 8:46pm

I need to go see Aida again!!!! All this "Adam was fantastic" is making me want to order tickets right now!! I'm dying here!!!!!!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#82re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/3/04 at 8:57pm

Didn't you know? Adam's ALWAYS fantastic. I don't have tickets yet, either... but I'm broke. re: Adam's back!!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#83re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 2:51am

Love, Love, LOVE HIM! The show tonight was practically flaw-free. I say practically because of the infamous cringing "will" moment. I was holding my breath, but he didn't hit it. Ah well. Everyone was in tonight. This was the first time I was seeing Deborah and I have to say, she is easily in my top 3 of AIDA's having seen Heather, Maya, Schele, Saycon, and Simone. I think I'm missing one, but can't think of who. The only weak one in this cast, I feel is Micky. I'm sorry, but I just don't like his portrayal of Zoser. I saw him back in February and was hoping I'd feel differently this time, but no. He's to wooden, not nearly intimidating enough, imo. Doesn't come across as evil to me. John did. Love when Tyrees yells "AIDA" in his booming voice. Makes me jump every time. I also love waiting to hear the audience reaction when Amneris steps out from behind the wall. I wasn't disappointed. A woman two seats over, "OH MY GOODNESS!" Along with some gasps from around the rest of the orchestra. Love that. One of my other favorite moments is in the Fortune reprise when he throws the cup. That thing sounded like it shattered into a million pieces tonight, he threw it with so much force.

We weren't going to do the stage door thing after the show, cause I really don't care for the "star on the Playbill" thing, so I wasn't interested in getting it signed and I didn't think to bring anything else with me. It's probably blasphemous of me to say I have enough pictures of me and Adam, but I do, so I didn't plan to take any, but then filing out the side door, I said what the heck, I'm here, I want to welcome him back and just say hi, so we got on line. Felt weird about not getting anything signed, so I just opened the Playbill to the cast pictures.

Told Tyrees I was thrilled to see he was back and he said it was his last night! He said he had only been back for 5 weeks and this was it. Told him I was so glad I got to see him then!! Deborah didn't come out. Snuck out the other door. When Micky came out, I wanted to hum the Monkees theme so badly, but kept it in. Wasn't sure if he'd appreciate it or not. That's gotta be really old for him by now. Didn't think Adam was going to come out, cause it was taking him so long, and he has come out alot quicker other times I've been there, but then voila, there he was! We were about the 6th or 7th people in line, so as he was making his way down the line, I was trying to remember everything I wanted to say/ask him when he got to us. It went something like this, Welcome back, he said thank you with a huge smile. My friend asked him if he remembered us, to which I said "yeah, I'm sure, cause he doesn't see a bunch of other fans showing up wherever he turns up". He said that yeah he remembers faces, not names too much. Said he remembered us from other times, thanked us for supporting him in his different projects, etc. Who knows, maybe he's good at remembering faces, but I still think he was just being his usual nice self. Maybe, I'm wrong. Been known to happen. Also told him we caught him in Cabaret a couple times, enjoyed that also. He smiled. I remembered to congratulate him on the new baby, asked how they were all doing to which he said everyone's great, adjusting well. Then I asked him when we were going to finally get the CD. As he was signing my Playbill, he said a couple months. I was like, "Adam, you told me two years ago, it was going to be out by the holidays 2002, then it was the fall. Now it's a couple months." He said no really, it's done. It should be out by the end of the summer. So me being the smarta** I can be at times asked if we could have that in writing. He laughed and said, "uh, no". So we thanked him for taking the time to chat with us and he went on his merry way down the line. Lisa was the last one out. She was very sweet, thanked us for coming to the show. All in all, a very good time was had by me and my friends.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#84re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:02am

awwww that's such a cute story. I'm so so so happy to hear all of these wonderful things about the show. Now I just wish that Adam would hit "will forget." Ah, well, if he doesn't I'll still love him. lol, when I went to meet him I thought the same thing; I have enough things that he's signed. But I was toward the back of the line, and by then Adam was basically on signature autopilot. I felt like if I didn't hold up something for him to sign, he probably would've brainlessly written something in the air. And I'm so excited for the CD! If he says it's done, then that means soon!!! re: Adam's back!!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/4/04 at 11:02 AM

#85re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:27am

Haha cute story. Yay his cd is coming out soon!

"[My son]'s really into my music, but one day we were listening to Billy [Joel] in the car and he said, 'Daddy, I think Billy's songs are a little better than yours." (Michael Cavanaugh)

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#86re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:31am

That's so cute.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#87re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:33am

Great story!! I'm glad the show is looking practically flaw-less *crosses fingers hoping that it won't close in September and it will get extended*.

I can't wait for his CD. Model Prisoner was really good, and I hope this one is even greater!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

#88re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:39am

OHH man that would be so great if it doesn't close in September. I was really depressed when I found out it was closing. Lets hope Adam brings a huge crowd back into the show!

"[My son]'s really into my music, but one day we were listening to Billy [Joel] in the car and he said, 'Daddy, I think Billy's songs are a little better than yours." (Michael Cavanaugh)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#89re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 7:07pm

He can do it. Cabaret extended after he joined the cast... I'd like to think that was partly due to his presence.

Anyone else see Aida these past few days? Do tell!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#90re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 7:26pm

Goin' Friday !! Will def post... Hopefully, there won't be a strike !!

"Get a job!!!" "Thank you... honey"

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#91re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 8:23pm

Side note: GirlInTheFrock went specifically to see Adam and he wasn't in? God, poor girl, I feel so badly for her!

(PS. LuvTheEmcee, care to PM me re: Adam's evasive and mysterious absence??)

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#92re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 10:36pm

Thanks Type_A_Tiff. It was a grad. present from my parents to go see him in AIDA because they know how much i like him. Since LuvTheEmcee didnt post why he wasnt there (although she knows why) i will. Cheyenne told me after the show while signing. He got stuck in all the 4th of July traffic. I figure if it was ok for him to tell me, its ok for me to tell you guys! haha. Such a diva, leave a bit earlier next time! haha. Atleast he wasnt hurt or sick that other people would miss him. Chey was wonderful though i sat there through out the first act bitter that Adam wasnt there. During intermission i told myself to suck it up and get over it. I'll be going back! Just not as good of seats. Before i buy any more tickets do we know what days he has scheduled off? I heard the 24th, anything else? If i go AGAIN and he isnt there AGAIN i will be extremely upset. Guess ill just have to go again after Man, that makes me realize how broke i am...

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#93re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 10:56pm

hahaha, yeah.... I got a PM with the explanation of Adam's absence, and I didn't want to post anything that wasn't supposed to be public knowledge, but then I figured that if Chey was telling people at the stage door that it was no biggie. I mean, sure... kind of embarassing for Adam, but it's nothing personal. But honestly... come on, Adam. Wake up. It's Fourth of July weekend AND you live on Long Island, which may as well be the kingdom of the traffic jam. Silly Adam.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#94re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:03pm

Silly Adam is right. I was not expecting it at ALL. It was his first friday back!! Wasnt on the board, in the playbill or anything! Then the lights dim (i get excited), they tell us that the taking of photographs and recording devices are strictly prohibited. At this performance the role of Radames will be played by Cheyenne Jackson *cue overture* No time to prepare what so ever. If I found out about it earlier i might have taken it better. Haha.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#95re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:06pm

Nah, earlier is worse. You see that board the second you walk in and then you have half an hour to mope and feel sorry for yourself. I'd much rather have it quickly.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#96re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:17pm

True, then again i never had an understudy/standby go on for a person i REALLY wanted to see.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

bring_on_the_dream Profile Photo
#97re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:17pm

I've got tickets for Sept. 5 and I am very excited. Is anyone else going for the final show?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#98re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:20pm

haha, TheGirlInTheFrock, it happens to me at almost every show I see.

And bringonthedream, I think I'm going to try to rush, since it's sold out already. I'll just have to stomach getting up before the crack of dawn... but it'll be worth it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

bring_on_the_dream Profile Photo
#99re: Adam's back!!!
Posted: 7/4/04 at 11:21pm

The last time I checked, there were still tickets for Sep. 5. FYI
