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Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Page 2

Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

#25re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 6:12pm

I like him, I'm think his voice is border-line brilliant; however, as an actor, working an actual "day job," answering phones at a Salon, those comments just stung a little bit.

I'm not jealous, bitter, or hold any kind of "hatred" for someone I don't even know. I think he's great, and I hope he wins.

I don't know how my post got so misunderstood...

#26re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 6:40pm

^Oh I totally get why the comments would sting! And, I do agree he was probably a little bit.. overzealous in proclaiming how much he doesn't intend to be theater-related in his pop music haha.

But I think you just kind of have to realize that to the general public, most people hear "musical theater background" and automatically assume that the person is going to be making an album of show tunes or something. And I think he was just trying to get across the fact that, just because he did musical theater, that doesn't mean his style as a mainstream artist is going to be anything like show tunes.

And I think, in trying to get that message across, he probably came down harder on the theater world than he meant to. My guess is that when he said "theater was for bread and butter", he just meant that it's not necessarily what he's ultimately love to do with his career- that it was just really good experience to help him get where he DID ultimately want to go. I would seriously hope that he doesn't HATE theater, or think of it as more of a chore/necessity than something that's actually enjoyable. I'm sure he's extremely appreciative to have had the job that he did in Wicked. That was just never the final goal for him is all :)

(obviously this is all just my impression- it's not like I actually know for sure how he feels on the subject. But I'm very willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't just take theater for granted like that. Because he comes across as a very cool person to me, and it makes sense to me that he was probably just trying to control the "omg he's too musical theater for Idol" backlash and got a bit overzealous with it)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#27re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 11:47pm

He looks like Archuleta in dyke drag and sings like he's being castrated. There's a reason he hasn't done NEW YORK theatre.

He doesn't strike me as one with real star quality. He's more like a Beverly Hills science project.

Call me a cruel bastard but his voice makes me cringe. Everything about him screams what I HATE about the music industry. Why put him on a show that's supposed to give you a START in the industry when he has everything but the exposure? Too polished, too shrill, too made up, too much.

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

FlyingMonkey1223 Profile Photo
#28re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 11:51pm

I hate his skin.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#29re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 11:58pm

I think he looks like a young Rex Reed. Not a compliment, really, but that isn't why I'm not a fan.


bjh2114 Profile Photo
#30re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 11:59pm

I am really unimpressed by him overall. I wish Ricky Braddy got through instead of him. I always find myself cringing when Adam sings.

#31re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 1:44am

A proactive way to address all the questions he had been getting about his theater career would've been something like:
"I have to know the part of at male lead and possibly multiple supporting roles(I assume he was a swing in the first national tour)in a two and half hour show at the snap of a finger, even if I go months without actually performing the role. So you can bet that I won't be forgetting my lyrics the way some Idol contestants tend to do."

The brewing controversy over his background had bothered him for quite a few weeks. He definitely could have thought up of something more modest to say than what he did...

#32re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 2:19am

^but what does the ability to remember lyrics have to do with the point he was trying to make? haha. The point he was making is that he thinks of his ideal music career as something very non-musical theater-related.

He HAS credited many things to his theater experience though, for the record. Including the ability to get on and go at the drop of a hat. As well as the ability to sing through a cold, really fight to win a job, etc. He's definitely NOT written off his theater career completely. In fact, I'd almost say that the comments everyone here's been harping on were almost taken out of context in a way, in the grand scope of the press he's done. Because he's really made it fairly clear that working in theater gave him a LOT of great experience that he values a ton.

Again, it's just that it's not what he ultimately wants to do with his career. I just don't see what's so wrong with that.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 3/12/09 at 02:19 AM

Dancin Thru Life Profile Photo
Dancin Thru Life
#33re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 12:48pm

"I am really unimpressed by him overall. I wish Ricky Braddy got through instead of him. I always find myself cringing when Adam sings."


"To love another person is to see the face of God!"

#34re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 3:18pm

Did not like his voice at all and was surprised by the judges'accolades.

#35re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 7:19pm

snl89 - Do you have a source for those comments? If you did, it would completely change my objection to him.

amoni Profile Photo
#36re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 8:06pm

Dang, some of you people act like he peed on your Playbill. He's trying to WIN American Idol, folks. He's not on "You're The One That I Want". He's playing down the theater background but not dismissing or insulting it, because he's competing as a rocker, if it were up to only theater queen votes, he'd be back in 'Wicked'. Yeah, not a bad thing of course but the kid wants to try for the brass ring, who wouldn't? If you've ever watched the the show, being "theatrical" has never been an advantage. Melinda Dillon did a beautiful version of "Home" from "The Wiz" and Simon hated it. The kid is smart, and is probably the best singer the show has ever had. His range is amazing. He can stand center stage and be a Broadway belter as well as be a rocker. Just because you don't like the style he is competing in does not mean he's "screeching". Open you horizons a little. He's kicking ass, he's also the first openly gay contestant to get this much attention and will probably end up in the top two.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#37re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 8:11pm

Chill-this is a message board and that's what we do-post opinions. It's all not very important to any of us, anyway. We're just having fun.


TheCharleston Profile Photo
#38re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/12/09 at 11:50pm

"Chill-this is a message board and that's what we do-post opinions. It's all not very important to any of us, anyway. We're just having fun."

I will remember that next time I complain about ROCK OF AGES and you're there to pathetically defend it, like it is your life (do you have a real life?).

And I will just say... "sweetie, chill, this is a message board. I'm just having fun!"

#39re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/13/09 at 2:03am

snl89 - Do you have a source for those comments? If you did, it would completely change my objection to him.

Umm he's talked about it in so many interviews, I forget which all they were haha

This is one for sure though:

"My background in theater has been really helpful because I think it allows me to have maybe a little more endurance at times. And I think it's trained me how to.. give people what they want. In theater, you're really doing it for the audience, you're not doing it for yourself. Whereas in a lot of music, you sit down and you write a song and it's more of an introspective process, and then you perform it."

And then he actually talked about it on the show itself too:

"I've been doing musical theater since I was about 10 years old. That's given me a lot of training as far as how to deliver every night- how to sing through a cold, and how to win a job"

Those are the main ones I can think of :) I think there's been some more stuff along those lines from other interviews as well, but I can't for the life of me remember which specific ones haha. So yeah, he's definitely NOT just constantly badmouthing theater by any means. He's given credit where credit is due. He's just trying to separate himself, in terms of musical style, from show tunes and things like that. And again, he maybe got a little over zealous with the "bread and butter" comment, but the intent was never to badmouth theater I don't think.

He honestly seems like a very sweet person to me, and HARDLY the type who'd think he's "too good for musical theater" :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
