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Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

#1Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:11pm

After tonight's Idol performance i couldn't help but think of him doing more than justice to the role of Frank N. Furter. He cavorts around better than Tim Curry ever could. Possibly in the next revival. Idols on Broadway !

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#2re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:12pm

well, if he did it, it would def. be The Rocky Horror Show
and its a shame that the movie remake will probably begin filming before he is available to do it, but, I do agree

#2re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:12pm

Okay, nobody call him gay, or Charlie will come in here and get REEEEAL defensive.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Jane2 Profile Photo
#3re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:15pm

"He cavorts around better than Tim Curry ever could."

No way.

He'd be better as riff, with all that screaming he does.

Updated On: 3/10/09 at 10:15 PM

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#4re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:18pm

why don't they just make the movie remake out of American Idol contestants? Because, now that I think about it, Allison would be a pretty kick-*** Magenta

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#5re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:19pm

Adam doesn't DO musicals.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#6re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:20pm

I would agree that he would be a much better Riff-Raff. His voice doesn't seem right for Frank, I think.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#7re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:20pm

Let us not forget, he won't ever do theatre; after all, it was just a day job, as he so ashamedly mentioned it in an earlier interview.

Boy, I'd give my left pinkie toe for that "day job."

#8re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:22pm

"His voice doesn't seem right for Frank, I think."

His voice has NOTHING to do with casting him as Frank N. Furter.

Annas_Priest Profile Photo
#9re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:23pm

You guys really piss me off.

you tired out old queens who know this man is ten times as talented as your washed up butts could ever be, and you make fun of him.

Grow up

#10re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:24pm

"you tired out old queens who know this man is ten times as talented as your washed up butts could ever be, and you make fun of him. "

I never said he was untalented.

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#11re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:25pm

Yeah, no one called him untalented. It's that he spat on people's dream, passing it off as just a job.

He should be the one to grow up and admit to his theatre roots.

<<-- Help save Terminator: SCC
"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.
Updated On: 3/10/09 at 10:25 PM

Annas_Priest Profile Photo
#12re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:26pm

But some of you just sit here and bash him.

It just like.. cant some of you be happy for him?

#13re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:29pm

This post wasn't meant to bash. The boy is talented. I just happened to think of Frank N. Furter tonight. Hey, I love (d) Mick Jagger, and he cavorted like no one's business as well.

#14re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:33pm

I only made fun of Charlie's creepy obsession with him.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#15re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:37pm

Annas_Priest, I agree.

Btw, Adam did admit to his theatre roots. He said he did it ever since he was a kid and loved it. And he said that he believes that him being considered theatrical is not derogatory.

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#16re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:40pm

Show me anywhere where he said that he "loved" it.

<<-- Help save Terminator: SCC
"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

#17re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:41pm

Heeeere we go again.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#18re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 10:56pm


THE ROCK HORROR SHOW = stage version

re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

#19re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/10/09 at 11:02pm

He said it in the episode with the San Francisco auditions. There may be a video of it on youtube. He was talking about how he first got into musical theatre.

#20re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 2:07am

He's creepy. Sorry, anyone who spends that much time branding themselves is stupid.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#21re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 12:24pm

He cavorts around better than Tim Curry ever could.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#22re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 2:17pm

you tired out old queens who know this man is ten times as talented as your washed up butts could ever be, and you make fun of him.

Grow up

You precede "grow up" with calling those who aren't fond of Adam tired out washed up old queens? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. Adam is talented, but not my cup of tea. He's got a great voice, but I don't care for his style of singing or performance and I think his look is horrendous. That certainly does not make me a tired out washed up old queen. It makes me a person who is secure in his tastes and opinions. So what?

Adam knows he's talented enough to earn a living in musical theatre, but it's not what he wants to do. That's pretty much what I got out of his statements. It's not a big deal. Not everybody in theatre has to share the same dreams. Funny how nobody bashes all those television and movie actors who do film just so they can afford to do theatre. Is it because we are all supposed to look down on film? Who is in charge of popular opinion around this place? Guess you can only have BWW-approved dreams around here. Pffft!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#23re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 4:50pm

Adam doesn't DO musicals.

Ok, see, I take issue with that. Just because he's said that he doesn't wish for his popular music career to be related to musical theater, doesn't mean "doesn't do musicals"! Obviously he enjoys doing theater, seeing as he's been doing it since he was 10 years old. All he was saying is that in the grand scheme of things, his larger goal was always to do more mainstream music. It's not a crime to want to do things in the entertainment industry beyond just theater! haha

So, until the day when he has no other music-related job options to fall back on and he still passes up a great Broadway gig just because "he's too good for theater", I don't so much think that statement is merited re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I'd like to think that, if he didn't have a ton of options available to him in terms of doing pop music, and he was approached about an awesome Broadway role like that of Frank N. Furter, he would take it in a heartbeat!

But it's just that the thing is, it's almost guaranteed at this point that he WON'T be running out of pop music options any time soon. And, if provided the option between doing music and doing theater he'd choose music, there's nothing wrong with that! Don't be an uppity theater snob about it- not EVERYONE has to think theater is the ultimate be all end all of the entertainment world :P There's nothing wrong with preferring to do music if given the choice! Doesn't mean he doesn't really enjoy theater, and it doesn't mean he wouldn't come back to it at some point in the future.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#24re: Adam Lambert and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: 3/11/09 at 5:41pm

He's creepy. Sorry, anyone who spends that much time branding themselves is stupid.

Creepy I'll readily accept. But how is it stupid to be savvy enough to go along with the branding of the mainstream media when you're trying to market yourself to the public? That's what this whole "oh I'm not just musical theatre!" thing is about. Considering a musical-ignorant public is harping on how musical theatre the dude is, he kind of has to do something to downplay that aspect of his performance.

I mean, regardless of what he said and how dismissive or ignorant it was? He'll be back to musical theatre. And Broadway isn't going to turn him down, especially if his American Idol exposure continues as steadily as it seems it might.
