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CukorLover Profile Photo
Posted: 6/28/15 at 10:14pm

Count me in on the Whizzer train. I know he makes a major effort to see every show on its first preview, and I always think his assessments are well thought out and clear. I agree with him 9 out of 10 times, and will often check in with him on a show i may feel iffy about seeing. Amazing Grace being one of them. I only wish he had a chance to be in Chicago to give a sneak peek of On Your Feet. 

If i owned and operated an entertainment website, I'd be contacting that smart young man.





Posted: 6/29/15 at 7:35am

Stepping in as yet another defender of Whizzer--easily one of the most astute commenters here.

If you disagree with Whizzer's assessment, and it hurts your feelings, so what--no point in penning a novella and shouting at the world about it. Just state your case and don't try to police someone else's opinions. Or urge them to use "less caustic language". This is a public forum, not grade school.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/29/15 at 7:43am

It's called free speech.  And Whizzer uses his right to it as respectfully as one can.  No one here ever had any doubt his opinions are true and thoroughly considered before printing.  He's not looking to be malicious.

You know why he's one if the most respected posters here?  Because of his absolute respect to every show reviews and his objective standpoint.

Lastly, it's more important to know WHY a reviewer likes it dislikes a show. He might love a show praising aspects that I don't like.  I get to decide in whether a shoe is worth my time as opposed to simply relying on a thumbs up or thumbs down.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 6/29/15 at 07:43 AM

newintown Profile Photo
Posted: 6/29/15 at 8:24am

I had the opportunity to read through the script and score to this piece late last summer prior to the Chicago run. All I could think was that it was utterly amateur and inept; like (but even worse than) those Paul Gordon/Jane Austen things - dull, humorless, solemn, bombastic.

Still, there are a few people who like those Paul Gordon things, and there will be a few who like this thing. I doubt that anyone who disagrees with these poor souls is, as this lynn2 said earlier, trying to "obliterate interest."

Learn to accept diverging aesthetic opinions folks (are you listening lynn2?); life will be a lot better for everyone once you do. Disagree, by all means, but try to refrain from personal attacks on the people who have different opinions from yours.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
Posted: 6/29/15 at 8:34pm

Has anyone else seen the show? Thoughts?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

Posted: 6/30/15 at 11:53am

I was pretty awed by it! Josh Young's voice is gorgeous and Chuck Cooper really steals the show. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 6/30/15 at 12:44pm

However, it seems to me you could share your criticisms in less caustic language.

Only if you could share your opinion in less kind language with fewer superlatives and less praise.  If you believe opinions should be censored on this board, that censorship should be applied to all opinions and not those that favor one specific agenda.

At any rate, I think the actors and creatives involved with this show are probably adults and familiar enough with the business to understand how opinions are often expressed and do not require their own internet security personnel to police the opinions of others.  Negative criticism, caustic or otherwise, has been expressed freely for centuries.  I don't know why this show should be treated differently.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

wickedfan Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/15 at 1:15pm

Went to the matinee on Sunday and found it to be surprisingly amateur. In addition to the not very strong material (probably a dozen songs that could be cut), it is also a poorly staged and designed show. When Josh Young and Tom Hewitt sing together on the dock, they merely stand still and sing to each other with everyone essentially frozen in action around them for a whole 2 minutes (this type of staging happens a lot through the show). The entirety of Gattelli's choreography for the Act 1 ball is essentially opening and shutting fans on the beat.

The audience members around me were restless throughout the entire show and complained during intermission that the show was long and boring. Act 2 didn't fare better for them until the finale when the cast sang what is a very fine arrangement of "Amazing Grace." Then they leapt to their feet and sang along waving their arms during the curtain call. 

It's an exceptionally talented cast and everyone is in fine voice, but only Chris Hoch ever rises above the material to create a memorable character. Even if it's a tad cartoon villain-y, he at least makes strong, detailed choices that allows him to make an impression. 

As it stands, it is far too long with deadly pacing and many unnecessary songs. "No Negotiation," "Never," "Expectations," "Welcome Song," and "A Chance For Me" should all be cut as they either musicalize a moment that doesn't need to be or are given to a character whose storyline isn't defined enough to warrant them being given 4 minutes alone to sing.  And Whizzer is absolutely on point when he says that finale feels very takced on, essentially having Chuck Cooper tell the audience "And that was how John Newton came to discover that slavery was bad...oh and by the way, he also wrote..."

I would love it if the creative team found a way to actually fix this show, but given the fact that they've already had an out-of-town tryout and the audience is incredibly responsive to the finale, they may mistakenly feel that they have a working show on their hands.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 6/30/15 at 01:15 PM

Posted: 6/30/15 at 7:09pm

Was too too long in Chicago. I don't see this working period but will see how she blows on the great big white way. 

Posted: 6/30/15 at 7:10pm



ACL2006 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/15 at 7:56pm

so, this closes on opening night??

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Marlothom Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/15 at 9:09pm

I have to imagine they have done the math and have a healthy amount of religious groups and school groups to keep it running a few months.  

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 6/30/15 at 11:44pm

Son of Dr Zhivago?

Poster Emeritus

Posted: 7/1/15 at 12:28am

This show was painful to sit through and thoroughly un-enjoyable.  I hate saying that because my friend is in the show but I'm afraid this one is not salvageable and will close in a few weeks AMAZING GRACE Previews

Posted: 7/1/15 at 11:34am

Mmmmm yeah. This was worse than Zhivago. At least the Zhivago score had some really tuneful, exciting moments in the score. This score probably had a combined one minute of real excitement.

Do not recommend.

newintown Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/15 at 11:52am

The three listed producers are all total commercial newbs, although one ran the little Lamb's Theatre for some years. I doubt that they have savvy financing ability to keep this going if it doesn't get (unexpected) raves, with no names and no buzz. It'll probably have a shorter run than Scandalous, after which they'll try to market it to Christian and church-oriented theatre groups (if such things exist).

GilmoreGirlO2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/15 at 11:54am

From these reports, it doesn’t sound like much has changed since the Chicago run. And, if there was ever a pre-Broadway tryout in Chicago in the recent years that needed a whole lot of change, it was this one. Truly surprised it actually made it to the Great White Way. Sad to hear they haven’t improved much, if anything.

When Josh Young and Tom Hewitt sing together on the dock, they merely stand still and sing to each other with everyone essentially frozen in action around them for a whole 2 minutes (this type of staging happens a lot through the show).

I remember this being one of my criticisms from the Chicago run. The staging felt akin to a high school musical: whoever is singing or speaking at the time stands still, front and center.

Updated On: 7/1/15 at 11:54 AM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 7/1/15 at 12:00pm

Will see this when it shows up on a papering site. Other than that I will avoid it.

Poster Emeritus

Posted: 7/2/15 at 11:00pm

All you need to know about the show is that the composer is "entirely self-taught" and that "the show was born while he was working as a police officer and youth outreach and education director in Montgomery County."  Or that one of the show's two (!) sole producers "received a BS in mechanical engineering..and sold temperature control systems in the Midwest."  He also "started Vulcan Spring in his basement, manufacturing constant-torque springs to drive Hasbro's G.I. Joe talking mechanism."  Seriously? These hilariously misguided bios read like "Waiting for Guffman" style parodies.  Unfortunately, they're all too real.  Which is not to say that two people with no qualifications whatsoever couldn't write and produce a Broadway show, but in this instance, they can't.  Or shouldn't have.  There's no real reason for this show to exist.  It's sluggishly directed and indifferently performed.  Josh Young certainly knows how to sing, but can't put one word together. Other than one mesmerizing stage picture at the end of Act One, there's nothing to hold the attention.  The chorale of "Amazing Grace" at the end of the show is indeed gorgeously arranged and performed, but only serves to emphasize how everything that's preceded it fails to make an impression.  Or simply fails.

Updated On: 7/2/15 at 11:00 PM

Posted: 7/3/15 at 8:55am

I thought the score was banal, the book was tedious and the inclusion of the title song is absurd. However, there's some lovely staging and some wonderful performances.

The Act I Finale is beautiful and thrilling. Chuck Cooper, as always, delivers a gorgeous and powerful performance. And Josh Young looks (and sounds) divine. Especially when shirtless.

But beyond that? Meh....

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Posted: 7/3/15 at 12:02pm

So in other words, Hadassah groups will not be booking this as  a theater party fundraiser? Don't know why I am seeing this tonight. Got the tix from one of those papering services. Tried to cancel but it was too late. Oh well.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
Posted: 7/3/15 at 3:43pm

I'm looking forward to this!! Josh young ;DDD

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

Pammylicious Profile Photo
Posted: 7/4/15 at 5:04pm

Just out from today's matinee. I was extremely moved as well as my companion. The end of act one is amazing and so is Josh Young. More to come.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 7/4/15 at 6:04pm

Oh, Lord. I think Lynn needs to log off. Clearly the internet is too much for her to take. 

Posted: 7/5/15 at 12:37pm

Pammylicious, eager to hear your thoughts!
