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2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT

#12nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:18am

Getting things out of the way -
TDF seat: row K mezzanine, all the way to the side. Moved down to the 2nd row mezz during the intermission, all the way to the side.

Stage door: Rupert Everett was out by 10:50; Angela Lansbury followed shortly after; Christine Ebersole shortly after.

Curtain up at 8:05; intermission at 9:10. Curtain down at 10:40.

Now that we've gotten through what all the posters here care about, I'll fill you in on the show.

A competent, safe, reverent, museum-piece production of what's possibly one of the best constructed plays ever written. The laughs are there, but because Michael Blakemore is so respectful, the creakiness of Noel Coward's script is all too apparent.

The actors are giving competent performances, exactly what you would expect from a group of old pros such as this. This isn't the situation where the cast only looks good on paper - they look good on stage, as well. Chemistry is startlingly apparent; pacing will pick up as previews go on. Rupert Everett was the surprise hit of the night; he knows how to play to the balcony and not to the cameras. Christine Ebersole and Jane Atkinson are delightful. Angela Lansbury was disappointing - she needs to take it a lot more over the top. And the four of them, when Everett broke character and dropped an F-bomb in the second act, you can tell they're having a helluva time.

And they need to mic Lansbury, as well. And they need to get the lighting cues down.

The highlight, by far, though, was Ebersole's pre-recorded vocals of Noel Coward tunes during the interminably long scene changes. They really should release them on disc.
Updated On: 2/28/09 at 12:18 AM

#2re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:24am

I agree about Ebersole's singing on disc! I was thinking "Hm...I might need to look into her CDs..."

Was Lansbury not using a mic? When she was sitting on the couch all I could hear was what was coming out of the speakers. She could have been sitting in another room altogether. Not to mention the fact that she slurred 90% of her lines.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#2re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:27am

I thought the same thing about Christine's scene change music at the first preview. She should really release a disc of Coward tunes.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#3re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:33am

I imagine the pendant she wore around her neck was the microphone, cause whenever she hit it or crinkled the letter right by it, that's all you hear. But she needs a body mic.

In fact, they all could use one. One loud guy coughing up his lungs and you miss a scene.

#4re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:36am

Oh that was her mic? Genius. I was wondering because it was a rather large piece of jewelry, but her character is crazy so it works. The costumes were hit and miss for me. But that's totally based on my taste level, nothing else.

And did you think the scene transitions slowed down the pace of the show? It always made things come to a halt, I thought.

#5re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:49am

Did Rupert sign?

bschneid76 Profile Photo
#6re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 7:49am

Speaking of breaking Character. On the 1st Preview, Jayne Atkinsen started to yell at the clock before it chimed it's last chime and she started laughing, which then caused the audience to begin to laugh. Only in live theatre! Wonderful!

"Love the Art in Yourself. Not Yourself in the Art." -- Stanislavski

#7re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 7:50am

Yes, Rupert signed.

And the scene changes were interminable.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#8re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 8:09am

Seeing this tonight for a celebration. Hope it's celebratory.

#9re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 8:13am

Let us know!!

#10re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 8:36am

Thanks for the review.

#11re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 8:59am

Having seen a few other productions of this show, I felt that the new revival of "Blithe Spirit" was sublime, the production was gorgeous and the 4 principals were top-rate, hitting on all pistons and clearly very well rehearsed and enjoyed playing together. Lansbury got a huge ovation upon her entrance, Jayne Atkinson as Ruth was solid and droll, Rupert Everett has matured into a David Niven/Robert Donat type; raffish but smooth and charming, a joy to watch. My favorite performance was Christine Ebersole's Elvira, the deceased first wife, who wafted about in a gorgeous pale blue-gray chiffon gown and created mischief. She also sang Coward songs and Berlin's "Always" during the entr'actes which helped to set the tone beautifully. Since there was always some scene resetting of the stage to do, those pauses didn't bother me at all, and it was wonderful to hear Christine deliver period songs in the appropriate style. The show was a little long but that's like saying we ate too much chocolate. There were a few problems with the sound but I think those will be remedied by opening night. The director, Michael Blakemore, has proven again why he is a master at the craft. It will be a huge hit. Both Ebersole and Lansbury took their time at stage door, signing and posing with fans, Rupert signed but seemed in a hurry to be elsewhere.

stagescreen Profile Photo
#12re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 10:04am

Last night was a delightful evening of theatre. I agree about the chemistry of the actors on stage. Angela Lansbury was a treat. She was a little tentative - repeating/paraphrasing lines, but she's well on her way. She's a septuagenarian leading lady (long retired from the stage) back on the boards after only her second public performance. I was happy to look past her slight awkwardness because of her determination, passion, and go-get-'em vim.

This show was like eating a big box of bon-bons, and not the cheap kind. Kudos to all involved -- we could use more Lansburys/Atkinsons/Ebersoles/Everetts doing the classics of modern theatre. Did anyone notice Rupert Everett's flub last night? reaction to something Jayne Atkinson said (at the top of Act Two) -- he yelled something like "seven *effing* seances!"

I was secretly hoping one of Christine Ebersole's pre-recorded scene change music would be a song from "High Spirits," but a guy can dream...

<---- You can see the crazy in her eyes. ;-)

#13re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 10:14am

It was actually the end of act 2, in a scene which is in Act 3 of the script.

And the line wasn't even close, though it was funnier than the one Coward had written. In the script I have, it's "I've had to go through all that bloody table tapping."

"Seven Fcuking seances" is a lot funnier.

theatreguy Profile Photo
#14re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 10:14am

Lansbury was definitely wearing a mic last night. It was turned up really high during her first scene, at least for those of us in the first few rows.

jv92 Profile Photo
#15re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 11:56am

I'm seeing it next Saturday and look forward to, judging from most of these reviews, a very happy theatregoing experience. A quick question- will Angela sign at the stagedoor after the matinee?

#16re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 2:34pm

Well they should work on quickening the scene changes. Maybe doing some creative with them rather than just "curtain up, curtain down."

keithp Profile Photo
#17re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 3:00pm

That is what previews are for.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#18re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 2/28/09 at 3:49pm

"She's a septuagenarian leading lady (long retired from the stage) back on the boards after only her second public performance."

Well, she's an octogenarian in years. Did you mean that she was "septuagenarian leading lady" in the sense that she's in her seventh decade of playing leading roles?

Of course, she did return to the stage last year in Deuce.

It's rare for older actors not to have some trouble with their lines in early performances. There are some who manage it, but most seem to have problems so I'm not surprised that Lansbury is a bit shaky right now.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#19re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 1:26am

I saw the show tonight and had a fantastic time. I thought Lansbury was a hoot as Madame Arcati, and frankly, hope she wins the Tony. She was fantastic and the audience loved her. Huge applause anytime she entered or exited.

The entire show (and cast) was a delight, from start to finish. Everett was very good, Atkinson was wonderful, and Ebersole was her usual brilliant self. I had a great time, and the show seems to be firing on all cylinders now. I look forward to a repeat visit or two, if for no other reason than to see Lansbury onstage again. Kudos to all involved!

#20re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 1:52am

I also saw the show Saturday night and it was a delight. The cast, especially Angela Lansbury, was great. It didn't feel dated to me at all. Also, I did not mind the scene changes. Angela and Christine took their time signing many people's Playbills at the stage door, which was very nice of them considering the cold temperature.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#21re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 9:18am

Go. Go. Go. Go. Get tickets now and go!

Have I made myself clear?


You are not likely to see this play performed with such spot-on star-power performances for many years to come.

It is a lesson in how to do Coward.

First off, Rupert Everett, who carries the show, is superb--and I expected to dislike him. Now I want to see him in Private Lives and other 1930s comedies of manners and Restoration comedy and...he has never looked handsomer. But his deadpan is what is most attractive here, not his chiseled features.

Jayne Atkinson, who must be the butt of the joke for the first 2/3's of the play is flawless--I was in love with her by her second or third line.

Christine is having a ball. Bratty, pouty, bitchy, bored--her big eyes convey every little change in mood, and, yes! she should definitely release a CD of Coward and Berlin (and Porter) songs.

And Angela Lansbury. Get tickets now and go!

She is doing exactly what you want a Madame Arcati to do: eccentric, direct, bizarrely funny choices and having the time of her life. She gets (deserved) entrance applause and exit applause, but she also gets RE-entrance applause!


#22re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 9:26am

Did Lansbury and Ebersole sign Playbills at the stage door?

Updated On: 3/1/09 at 09:26 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 10:10am

No, they did not sign. They simply spoke the dialogue without any distracting hand-gestures for deaf people.

jv92 Profile Photo
#24re: 2nd preview of BLITHE SPIRIT
Posted: 3/1/09 at 11:22am

Oh gosh, these reviews are making me excited. Pal Joey and/or anyone, will Angela and Christine walk off with Tonys for their work?
