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Thank You, AOC

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#1Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/10/24 at 8:10pm

Your efforts to file Articles of Impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas are appreciated.  You have our backs.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/10/24 at 08:10 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#2Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/10/24 at 8:25pm

Something we can agree on!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#3Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/10/24 at 9:11pm

"The Editorial Board USA TODAY - 2020

For the Senate's Democratic leader to stand on the front steps of the Supreme Court and furiously shout words that sound very much like a threat against two high court justices is unseemly and warrants a full-throated apology. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer roared Wednesday to a crowd of protesters angry over a Louisiana case before the court that threatens abortion rights. "You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions." To refer to conservative justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by their last names was disrespectful. To seemingly menace them about a pending decision was beyond the pale. The remarks earned a rare and deserved rebuke hours later, when Chief Justice John Roberts said Schumer's words were "not only inappropriate; they are dangerous."

Did AOC or any other Democrat in the House or Senate rebuke these statements from Senator Schumer. Of course, the answer is no.

Articles of Impeachment against POTUS or Supreme Court judge are basically for show. There is no way in hell you will get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to convict. Even with slim majority in the House, I think the "weak knee" Republicans this one time might be strong enough to vote that down.

As for AOC, never has so little gone so far. She is what you would call a "empty suit". If you like somebody who helped lose thousands of high paying jobs (Amazon) for NY and millions in revenue, she is your girl. Governor Cuomo was so ticked off at her - lol. To paraphrase statement from Nancy Pelosi, you could run a glass of water with a "D" next to it and win her district.

Updated On: 7/10/24 at 09:11 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#4Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/10/24 at 11:01pm

And Thank You, too, Senator Schumer.  You, as well, have our backs.  As always.

Non sibi sed patriae

#5Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 1:34pm

"And Thank You, too, Senator Schumer. You, as well, have our backs. As always."

Just for the record, you are ok with Senators "threatening" two Supreme Court justices about their upcoming votes. I always love to play games with people like yourself. I can only imagine the posts you would be writing if Senator McConnell would have said the exact same words to two liberal Supreme Court judges when they were in the majority. 

Normally, I would be a little more "snarky" but you are going through health issues and have enough to deal with in your life. Even though we disagree on 99.9% of things, I do wish you well in your battles.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#6Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 1:59pm

I have shared my life with prostate cancer in hopes that other men might decide to take that step to meet with their physicians to discuss their own prostate health.  I am not a victim, and I am doing well.

So, continue with your unwarranted snarkiness.  I'm use to it.  I will respond or not as I see fit.

I stand up for those people like Biden and Harris and Schumer and AOC who stand up for me.  That will never change.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/11/24 at 01:59 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#7Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 3:30pm

ALL people with prostates, not just men. I feel it’s important to remember our trans friends. Anyway, thank you for your efforts, HG.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#8Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 5:03pm

"I have shared my life with prostate cancer in hopes that other men might decide to take that step to meet with their physicians to discuss their own prostate health. I am not a victim, and I am doing well"

 I know when I have my annual "wellness" exam every year, prostate health is discussed. Glad you are doing well.

"So, continue with your unwarranted snarkiness.  I'm use to it.  I will respond or not as I see fit."

Ok dude, I was trying to be nice and tone down my mocking of Jew hating and incompetent US Congresswoman.  Her only real claim to fame is she is young and physically attractive. I am well aware you will not respond when somebody challenges you with your "love" of Democratic politicians. I would love you to explain why you support somebody who hates Israel along with other "Squad" members. Please explain how her helping to to lose high paying jobs and revenue for NY was a good thing. Name one accomplishment of the young Congresswoman from NY. 

"I stand up for those people like Biden and Harris and Schumer and AOC who stand up for me.  That will never change."

So you stand up for people who believe in open borders and don't want federal immigration law to be enforced. You stand up for people who want your tax dollars to pay off other people's student loans. You stand up for people who believe it is ok for biological men to play in women's sports which is not only cheating it will get somebody hurt. Many people believe this could destroy Title IX. You stand up for people who continue to let the US rack up debt and have never uttered the words "budget cut".  You stand up for people who do not support the police who risked their lives every day to protect you and millions of others. I could go on but why bother -lol.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#9Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 6:31pm

You're a sad person.



#10Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/11/24 at 9:43pm

Zeppie2022 said: ""I have shared my life with prostate cancer in hopes that other men might decide to take that step to meet with their physicians to discuss their own prostate health. I am not a victim, and I am doing well"

I know when I have my annual "wellness" exam every year, prostate health is discussed. Glad you are doing well.

"So, continue with your unwarranted snarkiness. I'm use to it. I will respond or not as I see fit."

Ok dude, I was trying to be nice and tone down my mocking of Jew hatingand incompetent US Congresswoman. Her only real claim to fame is she is young and physically attractive. I am well aware you will not respond when somebody challenges you with your "love" of Democratic politicians. I would love you to explain why you support somebody who hates Israel along with other "Squad" members. Please explain how her helping to to lose high paying jobs and revenue for NY was a good thing. Name one accomplishment of the young Congresswoman from NY.

"I stand up for those people like Biden and Harris and Schumer and AOC whostand up for me. That will never change."

So you stand up for people who believe in open borders and don't want federal immigration law to be enforced. You stand up for people who want your tax dollars to pay off other people's student loans. You stand up for people who believe it is ok for biological men to play in women's sports which is not only cheating it will get somebody hurt. Many people believe this could destroy Title IX. You stand up for people who continue to let the US rack up debt and have never uttered the words "budget cut". You stand up for people who do not support the police who risked their lives every day to protect you and millions of others. I could go on but why bother -lol.

Thanks for that laundry list of false fox news talking points. No raises the debt like Republicans and their tax cuts which are never paid for. AOC is one of the most intelligent people in congress. Thank God someone is willing to take the corruption of Thomas seriously.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#12Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/16/24 at 6:08pm

President Biden is expected to announce his support for several Supreme Court changes.  The Court is out of balance.  I don't know what these proposed changes might be, but now is the time for the Court to return to representing all of us.  Otherwise, our democracy may soon be in jeopardy.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/16/24 at 06:08 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#13Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/16/24 at 6:22pm

ETA:  Reforms include an ethics code and term limits.  YES to both!

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/16/24 at 06:22 PM

#14Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/16/24 at 8:39pm

Highland Guy said: "President Biden is expected to announce his support for several Supreme Court changes. The Court is out of balance. I don't know what these proposed changes might be, but now is the time for the Court to return to representing all of us. Otherwise, ourdemocracy maysoon be in jeopardy."

Do you know when he will announce?

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#15Thank You, AOC
Posted: 7/16/24 at 8:46pm

fosterfan2 said: "Do you know when he will announce?"

The best timeframe I can find is "in the coming week".


Non sibi sed patriae
