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Member Name: HeleneIsASlut
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MY FAIR LADY Revival Back On For Next Spring?
 May 5 2017, 12:03:06 AM

Soaring29 said: "I think Benanti is definitely talented, but not a stunning soprano by any means and her timbre actually resembles more of a mezzo soprano then a soprano's. . Her  MT soprano  work is not really my cup of tea most of the time and I find her singing  merely average. She obviously has a strong instrument, but not stunning by any means.  



Difference of opinion I guess ?? I however find her soprano absol

MY FAIR LADY Revival Back On For Next Spring?
 May 4 2017, 11:04:41 PM

pupscotch said: "Are they still aiming for a star for Higgins? Because depending on who they get for him, my view on who should play Eliza would change greatly. You can't have a 26 year old actress like Phillipa Soo playing Eliza alongside a 50 or 60 year old Higgins. Although I'm not sure Soo is right for the role, I'd LOVE to see Benanti in it. Ashley Park is also a wonderful idea, although she too is very young.



I was also t

No Hello Dolly Gypsy Robe ceremony coverage?
 Apr 24 2017, 09:12:15 PM

Jennifer Foote was awarded the Gypsy Robe.  I wish we were getting a little more photos and press coverage of this production that focused more on the production and not so much on Bette. There was also no drawing from Squigs that is featured on before a show opens. It just seems odd to me.

CAROUSEL Broadway Revival Officially Set for Spring 2018
 Apr 17 2017, 01:20:56 PM

Ashley Park would be stunning in this! 

CAROUSEL Broadway Revival Officially Set for Spring 2018
 Apr 17 2017, 09:13:20 AM

RW3 already mentioned this but the casting for Jigger and Louise has been announced. Amar Ramasar as Jigger Craigin and Brittany Pollack as Louise. 

CAROUSEL Broadway Revival Officially Set for Spring 2018
 Apr 17 2017, 12:01:18 AM

icecreambenjamin said: "Niki Renee Daniels or Ashley Park would be beautiful as Carrie.

YESSSS to both of these suggestions! I assume we will be getting a diverse cast for this production? I hope so. I wonder if this production will lead toward the more traditional style or ver towards 1940sesque one like the Lyric production or be something complete different! 




CAROUSEL Broadway Revival Officially Set for Spring 2018
 Apr 16 2017, 10:41:45 PM

Mueller and Henry together?? Ugh dead. Two of my favorite musical theatre performers! ??

 Mar 29 2017, 10:20:46 AM

Could someone describe the set? Someone mentioned earlier that the favorite was a 10 by 10 box? Could you elaborate please? 

HELLO, DOLLY! Previews (seat locations)
 Mar 16 2017, 12:51:08 PM

Could someone elaborate on how the younger supporting cast is? Will Burton? Melanie Moore? Beanie Feldstein and Taylor Trensch.

Also if anyone is interested the understudy list has been posted on playbill vault! 

1996 phantom incident
 Mar 15 2017, 06:15:04 AM

Wow! I've never heard this before. Was there any notable in the company who got fired? 

Hamilton in San Francisco
 Mar 12 2017, 09:48:04 PM

broadwaysfguy said: "hi Helene

that's really interesting information that Emmy wigged up when covering the role in NYC and Chicago, so the decision to go with the natural hair might be some statement by the direction to give her an edgier look

It may be as simple as emmy lobbied them to let her go natural because those wigs on for nearly four hours eight times a week are really really uncomfortatable. If stage door is slow during one of my upcoming

Hamilton in San Francisco
 Mar 12 2017, 06:48:14 PM

I did think it was interesting that Emmy is using her own hair for the role. When she covered it on Broadway and in Chicago she was wigged. 

Hamilton in San Francisco
 Mar 10 2017, 07:47:34 AM

Can some going tonight please post the understudy list? Thank you! Enjoy the show.

Riedel on Mean Girls searing for a star and aiming for Spring 2018
 Mar 2 2017, 05:40:11 PM

I can totally see the Ms Norbury, Mrs George and Cady's mom being one track. Mrs George and Cadys mom have maybe five minutes of on screen time and Ms Norbury has maybe 20-30 minutes in the film. None of their scenes are together and assuming the musical is like the movie it should work. It can work similarly to Chad, Dewie, and Kyle from Legally Blonde. 

FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
 Mar 2 2017, 01:31:23 PM

KathyNYC2, Alexandra Silber played the oldest daughter in Fiddler and she wasn't 37. She was 32 when the show opened. Anyway, it was very odd how Betsy's casting was leaked. People just immediately started to plan like it was going to be her on Broadway. I'll be sad if Wolfe doesn't continue, but Levy will no doubt be wonderful! I don't think she is that big of a factor for Disney when casting. If they look the part from a distance, it works for Disney. Adam Jacobs is prob

Riedel on Mean Girls searing for a star and aiming for Spring 2018
 Mar 1 2017, 10:19:15 AM

Rachel Flynn who was in the original ensemble of Heathers played Cady in early workshop versions. I wonder if she is still involved in anyway. 

Riedel on Mean Girls searing for a star and aiming for Spring 2018
 Feb 28 2017, 11:14:25 PM

Does anyone know of any potential rumors as to who will be cast? 

SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE in Performances (The 2017 Revival)
 Feb 12 2017, 10:21:06 PM

Ijay889, I know this has been asked before, but would you please be willing to post the understudy list from the playbill?

SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE in Performances (The 2017 Revival)
 Feb 11 2017, 09:59:56 PM

Could someone who went post a picture with the list of all the covers please?

Universal Swing
 Feb 11 2017, 09:52:13 PM

Erika Dorfler was a Universal Swing for the Book Of Mormon 

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