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Member Name: Nicola00
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re: Who Is The One Person You Would Give Anything to Work With?
 Oct 7 2004, 01:38:32 AM
Jeffrey Carlson
Tom Hewitt
Marissa Jaret Winokur

re: What Broadway show props/costumes do you own?
 Oct 7 2004, 01:28:52 AM
I have "ecstasy" from Taboo and a lipstick from taboo... my friend has Raul's bag or stuff from act one... we were supposed to divide it but we never did so he has all that
re: The Creative Minds Behind Q- Bobby Lopez and Jeff Marx
 Oct 7 2004, 01:22:29 AM
I actually have a HUGE crush on Jeff Marx... I got to meet him before the Hair benefit. He sold me a balcony ticket... it was an interesting day
re: What Famous Movies Should Be Made Into Musicals?
 Oct 7 2004, 01:21:17 AM
ummm i LOVED Moulin Rouge *not sure of the spelling*... even though it is already a musical i would love to see it on stage I LOVE euan mcgregor and who know Nicole Kidman could sing
re: Taboo?
 Oct 6 2004, 01:45:44 AM
LoL... i think i was standing right next to you... i figured it out because i have that same picture of Raul LoL
re: Taboo?
 Oct 6 2004, 01:32:20 AM
Chrysanthemum324 is your icon thing from the Hair benefit concert... and do you remember standing near not with but hear a loud big black girl with long hair?
re: Taboo?
 Oct 6 2004, 01:28:03 AM
If everyone i freaking talk to loved Taboo why did close?? LoL i was there closing night with what seemed like all of new york... what a night that was.

to answer my own question i LOVED Taboo... well duh... Cabaret started my love of Broadway again... Loved Hairspray... and my favorite plays are by Christopher Durang and if you saw Raul in th Normal Heart you know what i'm talking about... it is an amazing play

 Oct 6 2004, 12:16:26 AM
Heres a question for all... since i am new and all i want to get to know you all... what is you favorite show ever... and if you saw Taboo why did you love it or hate it?
re: Is Dracula worth seeing?
 Oct 5 2004, 02:18:14 PM
ummm I really enjoyed the music... i hated to book and found it boring... but i like the costumes and the music... i thought both were pretty... mmm and Tom Hewitt too... but yea i would do the 20 dollar student rush to see it
re: The effects of Wicked on Mrs Federline
 Oct 5 2004, 01:59:09 PM
Too bad it wasnt a better show that effected Brittney
re: Your Favorite Dance Number
 Oct 5 2004, 01:57:24 PM
Would definitely want to see Everything Taboo from Taboo, Run Tell Dat from Hairspray
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