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Member Name: mimi6
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A question about Adam Pascal's performance in Chicago and the current state of the show
 Jun 7 2013, 06:26:46 AM
So, after all the brouhaha, how was the show last night?
How do you feel about going to the stage door?
 Jun 7 2013, 06:25:43 AM
"I feel that going to the stage door is very un-New York. New Yorkers are famous for being too cool/rushed/self-involved to care about celebrities, and taking time out of your day to go to the stage door contradicts that.

Obviously there are some New Yorkers who do go crazy for celebrities."

I don't think it's New Yorkers... more like tourists.

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 7 2013, 06:06:13 AM
Shall we put the teapot away now? I think we're done with it.
Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 09:25:51 PM
"I never understand why some people get snotty about other people remembering the things they've posted in the past, like reading retention is something to be shamed over."

And remember, nothing on the internet ever dies.

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 09:23:40 PM
Wow. I didn't believe it until I saw it for myself. Glad he did it. Too bad he put himself in the position where he had to do it.
Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 08:08:20 PM
BTW: there were less than 20 replies on the original thread. But between this one and Adam's FB, there are nearly 700. If the silly man had just ignored it, it would have gone away. As it is, I bet there's a bunch of people at that theater tonight eager to see how he performs and if he screws up.

I will note, however, that there are several fewer posts on Adam's FB page as he has removed his own replies including the "Shithead" one and challenging folks to see him in person at the stag

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 07:56:55 PM
Becky, please stop attributing what others said to me.

And Craww? Way to stay classy.

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 04:38:09 PM
"mimi6, I think you're a little confused over the sequence of events there. Also, you seem to have created this account back in 2009 for the sole purpose of telling me to get a life, so I don't think any further explanation would sway your bias. I also think you know full well that this is normal behavior for him. Whether you think it's justified or not, you know it's something he's done frequently. Back when there was that brouhaha with Alice Ripley he responded on her Facebook saying BWW was t
Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 03:12:09 PM
I enjoy Pascal's work, but I really hope that there is something more to this, something that we don't see or know that prompted his FB rant and subsequent replies. Because if this is just normal behavior for him, with all the snarky things posted about him online, I'm amazed that his head hasn't exploded.
Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 02:42:19 PM
Craww, you're being just a bit disingenuous. You did not just post one critique about Mr. Pascal, you dissed him on his own webpage, attacked his fans, and you created a webpage solely to mock him with photoshopped pictures and mocking headlines.

Now go ahead and attack me. You've done it before. But I just wanted to set the record straight on your actions.

re: Flowers to Broadway performer @ the theatre?
 Mar 25 2009, 02:40:47 PM
I've sent flowers to people I don't know, it' a normal way to appreciate their performance.
The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, Part 15
 Mar 25 2009, 02:38:35 PM
No, it's the screaming negativity. Craww, you need to get a life.
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