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Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
 Oct 14 2014, 02:26:20 PM
Apologies, The Last Five Years is sung through, no dialogue.
Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
 Oct 14 2014, 10:49:41 AM
Well, if Weinstein is going to call Michael Riedel "BITCHY"
the gloves are definitely coming off. We will just have to
wait and see, won't we.

Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
 Oct 14 2014, 10:38:50 AM
Really, you haven't read any of the NY Times or NY Post reviews? They seem to have it in for Harvey. Much like Frank Wildhorn. By the way, I saw
Finding Neverland in Boston and liked it very much. I especially loved
Jeremy Jordan's portrayal of JM Berrie. So I am not hating on Neverland.

Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
 Oct 14 2014, 10:36:27 AM
The fact that there is no dialogue and the story is told through a series of songs might deter some people.
Deadline says Jeremy Jordan gone?.
 Oct 14 2014, 10:26:34 AM

Seems that Michael Riedel has a hate on for Weinstein. I can't
imagine the critical wrath that will rain down on Weinstein when
Neverland comes to BW. Regarding Jeremy Jordan, Riedel seems to
support him with the Tony nom comment but also says that he is
getting the "hook" It's not a publicity stunt by the way. Weinstein fairly gushes when he talks about MM in an Oct. 3rd article in the Hollywood Reporter. This leads me to believe he
wanted MM from the very beginning, the only glitch being his
commitment to Glee.

Weinstein in Secret negotiations with Morrison
 Sep 3 2014, 12:59:45 PM
You have no idea, but you will, just saying.
Weinstein in Secret negotiations with Morrison
 Sep 3 2014, 12:55:15 PM
Jordan was used as a stand in without his knowledge. Morrison was who Weinstein wanted all
along but he wasn't available because of Glee. The only question now is will Harvey pay the

Weinstein in Secret negotiations with Morrison
 Sep 3 2014, 12:50:03 PM
NY Post article

Weinstein in Secret negotiations with Morrison
 Sep 3 2014, 12:46:15 PM
According to an article in the NY Post today, Harvey Weinstein is in secret negotiations with Matthew
Morrison to replace Jeremy Jordan in Finding Neverland. I think this is a little unethical.

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 22 2014, 11:06:39 AM
I wonder who will be flying into the Lunt Fontanne next year?
Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 15 2014, 02:18:36 PM
GilmoreGirl02, I agree with you, it did sound more like a personal attack on Weinstein. Just curious, has
Brantley ever been crazy about a show? If so, what was it, I am curious to know. Finding Neverland has appeal for everyone. Lost love, unrequited love, loss of a parent, make believe, personally I think people
of all ages will like it, young and old alike.

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 14 2014, 06:48:21 PM
Jered Bowen: "I don't have enough thumbs to raise for the new Finding Neverland." I think that is pretty glowing and I have heard from someone who has seen it at least five times, it is well worth the trip to Boston.
Hey, then when it win the Tony for best new Musical you can say "I saw it when..."

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 14 2014, 04:51:43 PM
Isn't that how it is with whatever we watch, whether it is big screen or small or live
theater. The globe also mentions thunderous applause after one of the duets. Mixed
reviews but there are sure to be changes coming before Broadway opening in March.

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 14 2014, 02:53:37 PM
More reviews, this one loves Jeremy Jordan

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 14 2014, 02:35:40 PM

Variety review of Neverland

Finding Neverland at ART -- Reviews & Thougts SPOILERS!!!
 Aug 6 2014, 12:47:17 PM
Going to Boston for vacation in 3 weeks, have tickets to see Neverland on the 26th,
can't wait. Have seats in row H center, I hope there are good, have never seen a
show at this theater. I wish the show would open in November for the Christmas
season but Jeremy Jordan has concert commitments this fall so probably not until February. Perhaps after the August 13 premier there will be some news as to date
and theater. Surely before the end of the run on September 28th.

Post Tony morning discussion
 Jun 10 2013, 04:20:29 PM
If Laura Osnes did Cabaret, that would most definately be more edgy!
Welcome to Musical Theatre, Sara Bareilles!
 Jun 10 2013, 04:16:40 PM
As I remember this movie didn't get a wide distribution, had to go to another city to see it and I loved it, everything about it.
It is in my library and one of my favorites but I love Kerri Russel, ever since Felicity.

Post Tony morning discussion
 Jun 10 2013, 04:11:47 PM
"Laura will be getting a tony in the next couple of years in another RH show" It has already been mentioned on these boards that Laura is supposed to do The Sound of Music in 2015. You would think that her next project would be a little more edgy and take a little more risk. IMO Aparently, that's what the Tony voters like.
Post Tony morning discussion
 Jun 10 2013, 12:43:14 PM
I think NPH is brilliant and he makes this awards show so interesting and fun. Of all the performances I like Christmas Story the best. That scene was awsome but I love love love tap
numbers. Pippin is awsome, so worth the money, didn't get Bring it on, wouldn't have paid to see it. Kinky Boots, lots of energy and Billy Porter is worth the price of admission. Cinderella, eh, if I had a young daughter, maybe, would be more inclined to take her to Matilda or Annie. For just adults, too ma

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