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Member Name: mizzie
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who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jul 13 2008, 05:16:08 PM
With an International Reply Coupon, would the Stage Managers trade them in for American stamps, or would I just be ignored? Anybody know? Are there any Canadians with experience in this?
who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jul 12 2008, 11:17:35 PM

Another question...I live in Canada. So...if somebody could give me instructions on how to do all of this from Canada (international coupons instructions and such) I would really appreciate it!

re: Herman Discuss 'Dolly' Revival, possible Dollys
 Jul 12 2008, 10:35:53 PM

In thirty years.

who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jul 12 2008, 09:52:39 PM
Does anyone know how I can send a letter to/get a signed headshot/playbill from Raul Esparza. It would mean so much to me!

Also, just a question: do you have to send the playbill/headshot to be signed, or if you send the SASE will they provide their own? I've never sent/received anything before, so I'm not sure.

Thanks so much! I'm such a n00b sometimes.

re: Pictures from The Pubic's HAIR
 Jul 12 2008, 09:43:16 PM
My only thought...

WHO THE HECK IS THIS GUY? I kind of love him. I think you can see who I'm talking about. =P



Otherwise, yeah, way too clean. But it was just a concert. They'll probably gunk it up for the show.

re: Little Mermaid Casting Rumors From
 Oct 3 2006, 01:04:46 PM


re: Moments on Cast Recordings that drive you crazy
 Oct 2 2006, 01:29:04 PM
In the Seussical OBC, at the end of Amazing Mayzie, there's an octave jump on the last note. It sounds very squeeled and makes me insane. I don't really know how to describe's just annoying to know that another take probably could have fixed it!
re: My LoTR Review (April 9th)
 Apr 10 2006, 07:42:24 PM
The wires were surprisingly visible, even from where I was sitting, but once I got past that (which was pretty quick) I really liked the choreography done by those on them. Did those on wires actually sing (while hanging)? It seemed as if one of the girls were singing on the wires, but I'm not sure (I need new glasses:P).

I, too, loved the white fabric (I can't imagine having to figure all of that out). It was stunning, and fit what was going on perfectly. I loved how it went straig

re: My LoTR Review (April 9th)
 Apr 10 2006, 04:55:48 PM
Oh, really? Which effects?

James didn't act old, it was (like you said!) the depth of his voice that made him seem that way. I grew accustomed to it quite quickly.:)

My LoTR Review (April 9th)
 Apr 10 2006, 04:23:02 PM
Okay - I got back yesterday from seeing The Lord of the Rings in Toronto, and I can surely tell you one thing - it was "spectacle"-ular!

The show was huge - the effects were incredible! The music was surprisingly good. Half of it was a sort of Indian/Bollywood inspired chanting while the other half (which the Hobbits used) was extremely fun and folk inspired. It was not overtly memorable, but most of the songs were absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for a cast recording to be released.

re: What album do you really love, but get sick of so quickly?
 Mar 30 2006, 05:19:59 PM
Yeah....Hairspray is right.

Also....every once in a while I love listening to Phantom of the Opera. Then I can't stand it for a few weeks.

re: A new edition of...This or That!
 Mar 30 2006, 05:16:32 PM

Moulin Rouge or Connie and Carla?

re: Names of fan groups
 Mar 21 2006, 08:31:45 AM
I consider myself a Mizzie....Les Mis fan.
re: Summer Musical Theatre Camps...
 Jan 8 2006, 07:18:14 PM
Anybody know of good Canadian ones other than NMC, which I already know and love?
re: Wicked Halloween Party Pics
 Oct 31 2005, 05:40:30 PM
You're the one with the devil horns to the right of Megan right? You look so happy!
re: LuPone or Lansbury
 Oct 31 2005, 05:36:19 PM
I haven't seen LuPone! Give me time, give me time! However, I'm not sure that I even like Lansbury's interpretation of the role. Her Lovette seemed like a character, and not a real human being. Sure, she was funny, but I didn't feel anything for her. When she died, I didn't really care, or feel sorry for her. She just didn't seem real to me.

She's fun to watch, and funny, but I (personally!) don't feel any substance to her Lovette. Therefore, I think that I will prefer LuPone's i

re: Headshot choices
 Oct 24 2005, 03:40:57 PM

Okay, I'm done....but you are mucho cute!

Anyway, I love the first one. I also love the one below darned cute!

re: Songs With Brilliant Overlapping
 Oct 24 2005, 08:42:29 AM
One Day More - Les Misérables
The I Love You Song - Spelling Bee - it gives me chills
Johanna - Sweeney Todd
God That's Good - Sweeney Todd
Pirelli's Miricle Elixer - Sweeney Todd

You know what! Just about anything from Sweeney and Into The Woods! Most of Les Mis also has great overlapping.

re: Les Miz Movie?
 Oct 3 2005, 09:47:45 PM
"Forgive my cynicism, but I can't see this translating well to film, at all."

It's okay, we'll just get you cast as Grantaire. :)

Just kidding....I do agree with you on some aspects though. I just don't see how it can be staged without....well....a stage! It won't translate well, picture wise. Also, I don't think that many people will go to see it. All of us Broadway folk would, I'm sure, but would somebody from small town America who's never seen a musical want to go dow

re: pet peeves in theatre
 Oct 3 2005, 09:34:57 PM
Wexy, that would have been extremely funny! Did the woman ever wake up?

I hate it when people sing along. I was at Les Mis, and a man behind me sang along to the INSTRUMENTALS of Master of the House. He ended quickly, but I don't think I could have survived if he hadn't stopped!

Yeah, cell phones, hearing aids, seat theft, the usual stuff - makes me cringe! Especially at CCBB - there's people eating, chatting, and singing all over the theatre. Which stinks, because I think

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