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Help with Finding Glee props!
 Sep 27 2020, 01:44:23 PM

When a tv series wraps, everything is given away, returned or destroyed very quickly; typically within 4 weeks.   The likelihood of finding something 5 years later is slim...but two suggestions: you could try to track down the Production Designer, Set Decorator or Prop Master on the show, or reach out to some of the bigger prop houses in LA and see if they're aware of anything they have in stock from the show. 

 Jan 20 2020, 01:18:45 AM

This version originated in the UK, in Sting's hometown of Newcastle...before touring in the UK and Ireland.  Then landed in Toronto last year.

Cirque Du Soleil shows in Las Vegas
 Jan 20 2020, 01:07:07 AM

They're all good - you can't go wrong with any of the shows on your list.  I think LOVE - the Beatles show, while not on your list, is my favorite of the bunch.  Also loved La Reve - as mentioned, not Cirque, but a Franco Dragone show.  

WSS 2019/20
 Jan 2 2020, 11:43:15 AM

Does anyone know the running time?  I know that there's no intermission, but haven't seen any reference to running time....

I'm seeing a 5:30 David Byrne/American Utopia, and trying to gauge whether I'll have time to see a 2p WSS matinee....

thanks in advance.

Broadway actors moving to California
 Dec 3 2019, 11:44:31 PM

Movies and tv series are now shot all over the world.  There are more shows produced in Vancouver and Toronto than there are in LA and NY.  And casting happens as much via video submissions as it does through live sessions, so it really doesn't matter where actors live now.  There's a proximity benefit to establishing relationships with LA Casting Directors, but there is no longer any need for a NY stage actor to relocate to LA to work in film or tv.

Need advice on seating for Cher Kong and Network
 Jan 1 2019, 11:14:18 PM

Couldn't have said it better re: King Kong; don't waste your money. There are so many other shows worth seeing.  Don't waste your time or money.  

Re: Network, there are monitors everywhere in the theatre.  Center orchestra is ideal, but you'll be fine with rear mezzanine if that's what's available. 

Are Broadway opening night tickets ever made available to the public?
 Sep 15 2018, 07:15:04 PM

I saw Sunset Boulevard on opening night.   The Palace is (was / #RIPPalace) one of the larger theaters, so I'm sure that had something to do with availability.

Places to Eat in Times Square
 Aug 14 2018, 01:53:27 AM

City Kitchen food hall on 8th Ave between 44th and 45th, is a better than average food court with 7 different vendors and a range of good options. 

Next Round for Springsteen
 Mar 26 2018, 10:13:35 PM

Here's a helpful seating chart with price info.  I sat in the mezzanine in a $400 seat, and it was perfect.  Really, not a bad seat in the house.

GROUNDHOG DAY scraps its national tour!?!?
 Jan 9 2018, 07:28:49 PM

"I am surprised ANDY KARL has not lined up any gigs since the BROADWAY run ended -- what a shame!!"


From what I understand, he's had surgery to repair the knee he injured in the show, and has been recuperating 


The best rhymes in musical theater history
 Jan 17 2017, 01:15:49 AM

Two Sondheim rhymes are at the top of my list - 

"We've no time to sit and dither,
While her wither's wither with her, and no one keeps a cow for a friend." from Into the Woods, and 

And from A Little Night Music - 

"It's a very short road 
From the pinch and the punch 
To the paunch and the pouch and the pension 
It's a very short road 
To the ten thousandth lunch 

King and I Tour
 Dec 26 2016, 11:33:49 PM

I saw the tour in LA, and enjoyed the tour as much or more than I did the NY production with Marrin Mazzie and Daniel Dae Kim.  Both Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly are wonderful.  

Best NY Stage Performances in 2016?
 Dec 18 2016, 07:09:43 PM

In addition to those already listed, I thought Josh Groban was terrific in The Great Comet.  And Javier Munoz and Brandon Victor Dixon from the second cast of Hamilton; Dixon gets bonus points for prompting a national conversation.

 Dec 3 2016, 09:38:49 PM

I have an extra ticket for sale for the Saturday 12/17 8pm show.  Row E.  Face value $175.  PM me if interested.  Thanks.

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