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Member Name: Roxie_Hart
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Favorite Bway Love Songs... that don't ever drop the L word
 Mar 8 2006, 06:30:07 PM
Just wondering... what are some of your favorite Broadway love songs that never actually use the word "love"?
re: Betty Buckley Performs One Night Only At UNC-G Campus
 Jan 22 2006, 12:53:33 PM
I was there last night as well, and I too was disappointed with the lack of audience.

I thought she was FABULOUS and in absolutely amazing voice. Never have I ever seen a performer connect with their work in the way that she did. I quite litereally had to hang on to my seat when she started into the "Touch me... it's so easy to leave me" part of "Memory."

She closed the first act with "With One Look" and definitely had me rolling when she said, "It's an aria from Sunse

re: Big News!!!!
 Jan 21 2006, 03:51:10 PM
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

They are both such sweet people, talented people, and too, too adorable together. Good for them!

re: The Dancer's Life on tour?
 Nov 19 2005, 11:29:50 PM
Do you think they would announce it around the time that it does open? (The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and attempt to see it in New York, or just wait for the tour. Waiting for a tour sure would save me a LOT of $$...)
re: Britney on Broadway...
 Nov 19 2005, 12:29:11 AM
Well, all I have to say is thank God Gwen Verdon and Bob Fosse are already dead, or they'd have killed themselves by now.

I'm not buying any of this "give her a chance" stuff. It was pushing the age factor to cast 33 (I think that's her age, anyway) year-old Applegate in this part... but to cast a 23 year-old in this role?! NO WAYYY. It's ludicrous. And, granted, Christina was never the best choice for this role and her voice isn't strong, but at least it has character and isn't so

The Dancer's Life on tour?
 Nov 16 2005, 10:20:54 PM
A friend and I were talking tonight, and we felt as though we had both heard at some point that Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life was going to tour... but then we couldn't find anything that said that. Has/had anyone else heard that rumor? Is it something that isn't going to happen, or is it something that is a definite?
re: What Is Your Favorite Song From The Fantasticks?
 Jul 26 2005, 02:53:41 PM
"Try to Remember." Jerry Orbach singing that song is just sheer perfection.
re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
 Jul 8 2005, 11:47:28 AM
My thoughts were the exact opposite, actually - I've always felt Christina was a little too young and fresh-faced in the role. Granted, that put a new spin on the role, but my impression of Charity (and even the way it was portrayed in the Fellini film) is that Charity was getting on in years and had been going through a lot of hard times for quite a long time. Just my personal interpretation, though.
re: Sweet Charity, I DONT GET IT???
 Jul 7 2005, 11:44:32 PM
I think everyone is missing the point...
It would be totally out of character for Charity Hope Valentine to be depressed and let this get her down. It's the very essence of her character. No matter what she goes through, she is never bitter. And, as Gwen Verdon once said, "She's so hopeful. She always believes that tomorrow is going to be beautiful. And some day, it will be."

re: The Ultimate Gwen Verdon Role?
 Jul 7 2005, 11:18:51 PM
A beltier Charity would have been interesting

Definitely! But I wonder if it would have served the character well. I guess I just always think of Charity not having the best singing voice (but always a strong interpretation) as part of the character's vulnerability...

re: The Ultimate Gwen Verdon Role?
 Jul 7 2005, 11:12:08 PM
Yeah, it's just that you can really start to tell about all the vocal wear and tear during Charity and then it worsens during Chicago. BUT, I think it works well for the characters, especially for Chicago. Velma is supposed to be the talent, not Roxie.
re: The Ultimate Gwen Verdon Role?
 Jul 7 2005, 10:55:21 PM
That along with the fact that she had polyps removed from her throat several times are what started giving it that extra raspy, grainy quality.
re: The Ultimate Gwen Verdon Role?
 Jul 7 2005, 07:45:12 PM
I'm going to also say Charity, and not only because that was her come-back in a sense after taking time off to have her baby, but because it was also her favorite (or so I was told by her nephew). It's so nice to see her name come up in a thread, because while I have never seen her perform live (I'm 19), I would easily call her my favorite Broadway performer.

(And -- shameless plug -- I also maintain what has been the ONLY GV site on the web at i

re: Anyone Love Revival Recordings, but Hate the Originals???
 Jul 7 2005, 03:40:37 PM
I have been sitting here for a good 15 minutes trying to think of musicals in which I prefer a revival cast over the OBC, but I just can't think of one. In a sense, I prefer Angela Lansbury's Gypsy - BUT, only because I prefer Angela's interpretation of the songs to Ethel Merman's, and not because I think Angela is any better in general than Merman. (I also like the orchestrations on the Merman recording better.)

Someone mentioned liking the revival of Chicago more...

re: musicals only you seem to like
 Jul 5 2005, 01:43:50 PM
Oklahoma! Or as one of my theatre teachers used to call it, "Okla-Blow-Me."
re: Little Shop Tour - Good? Audrey Understudy - how was she?
 Jul 5 2005, 10:56:08 AM
I saw it in March and was head-over-heels about it. I was not a fan of Kerry Butler's Audrey (although I am a fan of Kerry), but Tari Kelly knocked my socks off. Also, she's a very sweet person. I checked out her website after the show and sent her an email saying how much I enjoyed her performance and had hoped to come say hi after the show (but alas, I was with 5 other college students who were like, "No, I'm hungry, let's go to Taco Bell *whinewhinewhine*"), and she emailed me back, asked
re: Thoroughly Modern Millie national tour itinerary
 Jul 4 2005, 12:41:28 AM
The girl who is playing Millie is a young lady by the name of Alex Ellis. She just graduated from college. Why do I randomly know this? I go to the school she just graduated from. She's a VERY talented girl, but likes to play the diva.
re: Which role that you have played, is your most prized?
 Jun 29 2005, 02:08:07 PM
A tie between Eliza Doolittle in MY FAIR LADY and Sylvia Fowler in THE WOMEN.
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