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Member Name: KayGlass2
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2019 Tony Award Nominations and Snubs
 Apr 30 2019, 08:44:14 AM

All of these noms for Beetlejuice, which is easily the worst thing I've seen in 20 years.

What a terrible year.

 Apr 5 2019, 08:04:13 PM

I went all the way to DC from NYC because I was so excited about this show.  I like the cast (with the exception of Brightman, who I didn't like in SoR), I love the designer, everything SEEMED like a sure fire win.

I've been seeing Broadway shows for coming up on 20 years now.  Until Beetlejuice, the worst thing I had seen was Jekyll and Hyde towards the end of the run.  This, tho?  This is the single worst show I have ever, ever, ever seen in my life.

BEETLEJUICE - Pre-Broadway Tryout in DC
 Nov 19 2018, 11:07:31 PM

Oh boy.  THIS SHOW.  I don't post a lot here, but have been a lurker/reader for almost a decade now. I trekked it all the way out to DC from NYC to see Beetlejuice, and what can I say?

I can confidently say that it's the single worst show I've seen in the past ten years, maybe ever.

The book is a mess.  The songs are AWFUL.  Brightman is terrible - simply offensively, arrogantly, unbearably terrible.  The show is vulgar. The deviation fro

Band's Visit not worth 9 Tonys
 Jun 12 2018, 03:17:08 PM

For those whining about the lighting design, perhaps "subtle" isn't good enough for you?  The light literally tracked across the stage from sunset to sunrise, moonlight was beautifully separated from sunlight, and all of the different white light balances of indoor to outdoor were MASTERFUL.

Also, just...shut up.  "I hate it when shows sweep it all" is an utterly ridiculous statement.  Maybe it swept each category because it...deserved it?

Jordan Roth article in the Times
 Jun 6 2018, 10:35:55 PM

"Backstage player?"

Shut up and sit down.

Tony Performances
 Jun 5 2018, 10:07:14 AM

Mean Girls is doing "Where Do You Belong" into the intro of the Plastics.

What shows have you walked out on?
 May 31 2018, 01:49:38 PM

I fell asleep during the most recent revival of Falsettos. 

I left at intermission during Jekyll and Hyde.  I tried.   I really, really, really tried.  But I couldn't take it anymore. :)

I've seen lots of crap, but that (to me) is part of the theatre experience.  The good, the bad, it all comes together into my entire's life's theatrical experience.  I've seen shows that I hated in the first act, only to see it really pu

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
 Apr 21 2018, 06:09:25 PM

"And honestly I've never heard about this show West Side Story so maybe it can take points from Hamilton in casting more POC because that's what Hamilton did and they are obviously more successful because of it and maybe more people would know about it and it would be more successful."

If you seriously think that Hamilton is "more successful" than West Side Story, take a seat and learn a bit about theatre history.

Why no Demand for Frozen? Any Thoughts ?
 Apr 19 2018, 10:13:26 PM

I mean...the show is wretched.  Patti Murin is doing an admirable job, but Caissie Levy is shockingly terrible.  Let It Go was bad.  SO BAD. From the Ice Themed Prom set to the horrific new screaming way she ends the song to the UTTERLY JOYLESS AND BLAND dress change, it's just awful.  

I was there two weeks ago, post-opening, and there were HUGE blocks of empty seats.  I got mine on Ticketmaster resale, and it seemed like a solid 1/3 of

Billie Piper to reprise her Olivier Winning performance in
 Apr 14 2018, 01:44:34 AM

Please see this show.  Just...go.

For the first quarter or so, I was bored.  Nothing was "happening."  It felt tedious and dull, the interludes bothered me, and I was a bit disjointed-feeling.

By the time the end was nearing I was physically uncomfortable.  I wanted to get up out of my seat and run, chew my own arms off to get out, anything to get away.  I have never had a visceral reaction to a show like that before.  It was REMARKABLE ho

Way too early 2018 Tony Predictions Thread
 Apr 12 2018, 10:26:25 PM

I so wish the Park Ave Armory was considered "Broadway"....Billie Piper is doing the best work of the year there right now.

As far as Mean Girls, I enjoyed Ashley Park FAR more than Kate Rockwell.

Wanted: $40 ticket to Yerma
 Apr 9 2018, 06:07:36 PM

I saw this last week.  It might be a steep ticket price, but Billie Piper is doing some of the best work I've seen on Broadway in years and years.  HIGHLY recommend. 

Mean Girls @ The National in DC - Reactions
 Nov 30 2017, 10:56:28 PM

I really don't understand ANY of the positive reviews here.  I saw this mess a few nights back, and am still trying to untangle what a disasterpiece it was.

Barrett and Grey do their absolute best with source material that's cringingly bad.  They're the best part of the show, and I'd honestly watch the two of them do anything.  They were bright lights in a total mess of a production.  

Also, Erika Henningsen is a delight.  Sh

Way too early 2017 Tony predictions
 Dec 20 2016, 09:15:05 AM

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would love to see a Cats nom in Best Featured Actor.  While Cats is....Cats...Tyler Hanes is delivering some excellent work as Rum Tum Tugger.

Great Comet Seating Thread
 Dec 20 2016, 09:13:20 AM

I *highly* recommend avoiding the lower stage right tavern, tables C B and A.  I sat at table A last week and those were the most overpriced seats ever (and I've bought Hamilton resale tickets, so that says a lot. :) ).

We couldn't see SO MUCH.  Every time the spotlight shone on anyone stage right, it was directly in our eyes to the point that I found myself turning away and shielding my eyes.  Anything that happened in any of the upper state areas was utterly lo

 Oct 20 2016, 03:35:17 PM

Great points, Kad.

 Oct 20 2016, 12:32:04 AM

I have been so excited about this show for ages, having never seen it before tonight.  

I am not sure what I just saw, and that's not a good thing.

Staging : Yay...also Nay.  I was seated at one of the tables onstage, and there was a LOT I couldn't see.  Anything that happened in the mezz was directly over my head, couldn't see it at all.  Anything that happened on the other side of Pierre's music pit/area was totally lost to

Can You See a Broadway Show Alone Under 18?
 Oct 3 2016, 07:28:41 PM

You'll be fine. :)  My teenage daughter has seen a large handful of shows with her friends, with no adults present, and been just fine!

Hamilton understudies on ALL the time.
 Sep 20 2016, 09:30:53 PM

I had a friend see the show last week.  She had an understudy for Eliza, Laf/Jef, Mulligan/Madison, Peggy/Maria.  That's a pretty high number of understudies in, and half of the ensamble were swings.  She compared it to the regular Playbill, so that's how she knew.

It's curious to me why so many understudies, so often.  Perhaps I just don't know the workings of the business as well as many here might, but I've been going to shows long enough that

Hamilton understudies on ALL the time.
 Sep 20 2016, 07:38:42 AM

The Broadway cast STILL has no permanent Lafayette/Jefferson after the departure of Daveed Diggs.  Ramos is out a lot, there always seems to be an understudy on for a Schuyler sister.  A friend of mine saw the show on Sunday afternoon, and EVERY major character except Angelica was an understudy or alternate.

I'm all for Hamilton understudies, as they're all incredibly talented.  I've just never, in the 25+ years I've been seeing Broadway shows, seen a sin

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