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What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 18 2024, 08:12:12 AM

Rocky! Beautiful set but some of the worst songs most and baffling creative choices I’ve ever experienced at a broadway musical. 

Honorable mention to Chaplin. The decision to put almost everyone in white face paint still haunts me

CABARET at the Kit Kat Club Previews
 Apr 15 2024, 07:07:23 PM

Caught this production over the weekend. Cabaret is a solidly constructed musical so the fact that this production succeeds is not surprising to me. I can’t say I loved it though. 

The theater was transformed very beautifully but the playing space itself was rather lacking in design elements. I understand that they were not able to bring out chairs or other furniture because of sightline issues the but it was hard not to feel as if the entire show were taking place

THE LAST MATCH at Roundabout
 Sep 30 2017, 02:41:56 PM

Saw this last night an have to say it was one of the worst, most tedious plays I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. If you like tennis this play will make you hate tennis. If you like theater this play will make you hate theater.

The whole show is two characters narrating a tennis match in first-person present tense while occasionally flailing their empty hands around while tennis noises play. This show is full of nothing but hollow new-age intellectual affirmationism and v

Measure for Measure at TFANA
 Jun 20 2017, 11:26:52 AM

I was at the second preview on Sunday night and enjoyed myself quite a bit. The play was set in a modern political frame, with the duke, Angelo, and Escalus (in this production played as a woman and renamed Escala) as suit-wearing politicians running what seems to be a police state. There is lots of (blessedly unemphasized) commentary here on politicians using their influence to commit sexual assaults (Trump, of course) but also, and I think more interesting, the American priso

Ghost Light at Claire Tow Theater - Lincoln Square Center
 Jun 19 2017, 10:34:10 PM


Brantley gives it an NYT Critic's Pick

Ghost Light at Claire Tow Theater - Lincoln Square Center
 Jun 18 2017, 05:43:33 PM

I was at last nights show and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Maybe performances have gotten a bit deeper since opening, maybe creators are altering the show (they are in previews after all), or maybe I just have bad taste! 

I think Third Rail has done some pretty interesting stuff with the space and like others have said, the backstage tour of the theater is worth the price of admission itself if you're into that kind of thing. Sure, the concept maybe could have worked a&n

COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
 Jun 8 2017, 09:37:08 PM

ameleigh said: "I'm really disappointed in them and heartbroken too. They made it sound like it would be first come, first served. Never did they tell die hard fans that it would be an unfair selection process. Yes, they didn't have to do it at all, I get that. But they got a lot of die hard fans hopes up very high, left us hanging all this time, were totally unfair and used a bunch of actors who are affiliated with the casting agency instead of fans. 


COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
 Jun 8 2017, 03:57:23 PM

Thanks Disney! I'm not sure about others cast but as far as I know my first call time is tomorrow. It seems like we're scheduled for a camera blocking rehearsal at Radio City tomorrow at 1:30 and then two separate rehearsal blocks on Tony Sunday. From the email I got from the company manager it also seems like we're all invited to the Great Comet Tony after party as well! 

COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
 Jun 6 2017, 01:39:12 PM

I also got an email around 1:15 saying that I was selected to take part in the performance and there would be more info about rehearsals forthcoming!

It doesn't seem like they're sending rejection emails to people on the shortlist who weren't chosen to perform. I know this is the standard in most art fields but I still find it saddening. It's sometimes hard to want to keep trying for things when most of the time people won't even bother to send a form rejection ackn

COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
 Jun 4 2017, 12:17:19 PM

I got an email last night around 7 saying I was shortlisted for the performance. It was just a form email requesting a copy of some forms of ID (background checks?) and that I write a paragraph about what performing at the Tony Awards would mean to me. Deadline for response is today 5 PM. According to the email "winners" will be contacted tomorrow during business hours or early Tuesday morning. Wish me luck!

Dianne Wiest in Beckett's
 May 6 2017, 07:44:26 PM

I went last saturday and thought it was a really beautiful production of a classic play. Nothing special happening direction or set-wise but Ms. Wiest gives a truly unexpected and memorable performance in this role. I found her body language, in particular, to be very fascinating

The Antipodes - Signature Theatre
 Apr 23 2017, 11:23:59 AM

Me and a friend both really enjoyed this show on Friday evening. Neither of us are completely objective as we have both worked on Baker plays in the past but we went into this one not knowing anything about the show and came out of it fairly in awe. 

Baker isn't for everyone but I find her particular brand of mundanity at least intermittently touching and almost always funny. I think this show is asking a lot of hard questions about the relevance of theater in today&

Great Comet Rush
 Feb 25 2017, 06:14:26 PM

I rushed the Friday 2/24 8 PM show. Arrived around 6:45 and was 3rd in line. Line grew steadily afterwards. Lots of people joined the Great Comet line around 9 when a box office employee at Dear Evan Hansen announced to the line at the Music Box that there were only 6 available rush tickets for their show.

I ended up with a pair of stage right orchestra seats far stage right in the first row. They were sold as partial view but I did not have many problems seeing.

 Feb 19 2017, 10:50:13 PM

Arrived at the box office at around 12:30 today after missing out on rush for another show and all that was left was full price premium orchestra and standing room on all three levels of the theater. Not sure if they sell standing room for all shows. I picked up a standing room ticket at the back of the orchestra.

By the time of the show I was told the house was completely sold out. I think it is mostly the presidents day weekend rather than an overall trend though.

Are all straight plays performed in a Broadway house unmiked?
 Jul 10 2016, 10:43:25 AM

The most recent play I can recall seeing on Broadway without any apparent use of mics was No Man's Land with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan in 2014.

It's possible they were using floor mics but you would never know it from how hard everyone in the audience was struggling to make out the lines.

The Official TDF Thread
 Jul 9 2016, 01:16:15 PM

When I was a TDF member a few years back seats were consistently excellent; usually side-front orchestra for bway houses and center back for off bway. I ended up letting my membership lapse because I found myself spending too much on tickets through the service! Definitely worth the price of membership though.

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