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Member Name: casedilla2
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Angels in America RUSH
 Jul 11 2018, 06:34:45 AM

scripps said: "Casedilla2, I can't answer your question about rush being available, but I work near the Downtown Brooklyn TKTS booth and tomorrow's matinee was up for 50% off this afternoon around 3pm. If anything, TKTS could be an option for you tomorrow if it's in your budget."

Oh that’s good info, thanks so much! I was already on the train into NY when I saw this however, so I am currently in the rush line.

Speaking of, I’m just plan

Angels in America RUSH
 Jul 10 2018, 06:37:09 PM

Did anyone ever find out whether they'll still have rush tickets available tomorrow despite the shows being sold out?

Tony Award student rush
 Jun 8 2018, 04:21:30 PM

I am also going to be doing the student rush in the morning and can get an extra ticket if someone is willing to cover part/all of mine!

SOLD- Groundhog Day closing ticket 9/17
 Sep 17 2017, 08:15:26 AM


Edit: the ticket has been sold

Hey all! I'm currently first in line for rush tickets for the final performance of Groundhog Day. I originally intended to purchase two tickets, but a friend of mine just found out she can't make it to the show, so now I just need one. If anyone is looking to go, I'd be happy to buy the second ticket for you if you can help cover the cost of my own ticket as well. PM me if you're interested! Thanks! 

Groundhog Day Rush Report
 Sep 17 2017, 01:31:29 AM

edit: double post

Groundhog Day Rush Report
 Sep 17 2017, 01:31:28 AM

Thanks for the heads up!

I actually am here and am first in line. I'm just getting one ticket, so if anyone is interested in seeing the show, I'd be happy to get another ticket for you if you're willing to help pay for my ticket as well. PM me if you're interested!

Groundhog Day Rush Report
 Sep 16 2017, 05:59:17 PM

Has anyone been able to find out if there will be rush for closing tomorrow? I asked the box office in person on Thursday afternoon and they were "not 100% sure," and all of my attempts to find out online/on the phone have been useless. I would really like to know one way or the other before I waste my time traveling all the way there..

Legally Blonde MTI Version
 Jul 30 2017, 01:42:08 PM

Liza's Headband said: "Point of clarification: they're not "official" lyrics if they're not in the authorized materials of the licensed version of a musical. Just because these lyrics were supposedly once used in the Broadway production doesn't give you the right to change them (thus altering the licensing-sanctioned print materials). "

I didn't mean official to that specific licensed version, I meant they are lyrics that

Legally Blonde MTI Version
 Jul 29 2017, 03:06:02 PM

I'm not sure - presumably just because it's the most recent version I suppose? And the lyric changes in Legally Blonde allow the scene to be staged without a prop door (they removed "if you can hear, can I just say..." and "please will you open the door" ) , which certainly makes it easier for most community theaters. I personally directed the show last year and changed most of the changed lyrics back to the Broadway version (which I know is controversial

Legally Blonde MTI Version
 Jul 29 2017, 02:59:47 PM

These changes were made for the London production of the show, which is the version that MTI licenses.

War Paint Rush
 Jul 25 2017, 03:38:31 PM

To address the actual question being asked here: I got a rush ticket for a Thursday a couple weeks ago at 4pm. So, while there are no guarantees, I would guess you'd have a good chance at tickets if you don't get there til 10:30.

2017 TONY Awards Performances
 Jun 11 2017, 04:06:15 PM

coreman009 said: "Ugh why is Groundhog Day doing the finale and not Day One? It's a really sweet way to end the show after the journey, but it's not a good way to sell the show (or Andy Karl). "

I agree completely. Seeing You is my favorite song in the show, but it really doesn't work out of context. I'm also very surprised since a cast member previously posted this photo on instagram, which clearly shows the beginning of Day One on the sheet music.

DEH 6/11 performance
 Jun 4 2017, 11:14:15 PM

VotePeron said: "Everyone on here claims that the full casts are always on the day of the Tonys. However, last year Lin Manuel Miranda had originally been scheduled for the matinee (which I attended) but then changed his schedule a month before so he didn't have to perform. That's the only case I know of."

Are you sure about that? He always took one show off per week (in which his alternate, Javier Munoz, performed), and it was always Sunday (unless it was wh

Lottery Code Avail for GroundHog Day 6/5
 Jun 4 2017, 05:45:16 PM

I have one I cannot use as well, also good for 1 ticket:


Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 13 2017, 03:20:09 PM

casedilla2 said: "Hey everyone- my friend and I have decided to try the line this Saturday, 5/13. If anyone is interested in a pair of tickets for either show that day and is willing to help us pay for our own tickets, please message me!"

We actually had a change of plans and will be trying the line on Tuesday, 5/16 instead, so please me if you're interested in a pair of tickets for that day!

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 11 2017, 12:43:04 PM

Hey everyone- my friend and I have decided to try the line this Saturday, 5/13. If anyone is interested in a pair of tickets for either show that day and is willing to help us pay for our own tickets, please message me!

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 3 2017, 11:39:31 PM

Hello all,

A friend and I are planning to do the cancellation line sometime between 5/11 - 5/14. If anyone is interested in seeing the show on one of those dates, we'd be happy to pick up an extra pair of tickets for someone in exchange for help paying for our tickets. Message me if interested!

Tonys 2017: Will/Should Win
 May 2 2017, 09:36:12 PM

AC126748 said: "I guess a lot of people have no opinion on the non-musical side of Broadway."

Not everyone lives in New York and many of us have to prioritize what we'd like to see on our trips there. I'd love to see more Broadway plays if I had the time/money, but as someone who does generally prefer musicals, those are just what I've been able to see out of the nominees this season. So I don't think I'm in a position to say what should win in th

Groundhog Day Rush
 Apr 28 2017, 03:21:16 PM

I won the lottery for tomorrow evening's show, but I can no longer attend. It's just for one ticket, so if anyone would like to go here is the ticket link, and the code is z9AqoKZ5.

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