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Member Name: boyfromoz2
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Location: Melbourne
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Am I the only one excited about Merrily?????
 Oct 25 2013, 12:30:49 PM
Obsessed with the song that was offered at the intermission on the screen - its this cast doing Old Friends. I don't know when they'll take down the free song page, but it is still up for me at ... It took a while for the email to come through after I'd put my details in though.
There's a lot of background noise at the start of it which makes me think maybe it's from the cinema recording. Does anyone know if they're releasing a soundtrack recording?

KING AND I Revival a possibility
 Feb 16 2011, 09:25:38 PM
Daniel Dae Kim was the King in the 2009 Royal Albert Hall Production, and he was pretty bad. Frequently off-tune, out of time and breath and just a whole lotta posing with his six-pack out. Great to look at, but not to listen to.
Warlow injured - tonight's Dr Zhivago cancelled
 Feb 12 2011, 01:35:09 AM
The matinee just finished ... and woah!! Big tunes, big emotions and big voices. No stops and curtain came down just over 3 hours from the top. Act I drags, but after interval the show trundles along for a good 75 minutes of honest lyracism and heart. Anton Berezin was in for Warlow, and boy did he do a good job. A standing ovation which was only cut off by the curtain and exit music.
Go see this show!!

How many new scores do we have this coming season?
 Aug 7 2010, 03:11:42 AM
Doctor Zhivago is running 8 weeks in Sydney and then 8 weeks in Melbourne, so not really possible for Broadway before the Tony deadline.
I saw A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC with a 54 piece orchestra and a turntable.
 Jul 16 2010, 02:51:58 AM
Sorry to unfloat your boat, but there were not 54 musicians playing in that pit. Yes the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra has 54 players on contract, but not all play at every performance. If you had ever been in the pit of the Opera House, you would realise that there is barely room in there for 30 players.

I saw this production twice, and didn't like it either time. Yes it was gorgeous to hear the full orchestration and to see Roger Kirk's extravagant designs, but there was no thought or depth in the production - it was very superficial and shallow. The vast majority of the comedy was lost, and although the cast's vocal performance was admirable, I was let down.

Trevor Nunn's production is so much smarter than this one - I spent the entire show thinking of how much better the show as at Menier and also at the Garrick last year. A big let down

However, I don't blame Opera Australia - they were playing this one for their blue-rinse subscribers.

Christine-bot in LOVE NEVER DIES...
 Jan 25 2010, 02:09:00 AM
The concept album has Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess and Scarlett Strallen as the Phantom, Christine, and Meg respectively. John Barrowman sung Raoul on the disc, and Sally Dexter sung Madame Giry.
re: RAGTIME Reviews
 Nov 15 2009, 06:49:02 PM
It definitely reads like a Brantley review.

I really think there's a bit of an overload on comparing the '09 and the '98 productions in this review.

re: Quick-Change Shows/Actors Playing Many Roles
 Nov 15 2009, 09:55:11 AM
My school did Les Mis with a smaller than usual ensemble, and in the first act alone I had 8 changes - convict, farmer, inn guest, beggar, factory worker, sailor, imposter Valjean, inn guest again, student. Some of these were underdressed of course, but others involved very fast full changes of costume.
re: Mary Poppins tour changes?
 Nov 9 2009, 06:44:14 PM
Bob Crowley had originally planned for the house to be a single four-storey scenic piece, with the kitchen in the cellar rising up from below the deck and the house lowering into the deck for the nursery scenes. However, no theatre in London or New York has the basement space to store the full house for the nursery scenes, and so the idea of the single house unit was abandoned.

The basic house set in New York consists of 4 sections - three vertical pieces that form the foyer/sitting roo

re: Sunset Blvd Glenn Close
 Nov 9 2009, 11:46:52 AM
I've heard many rumours about the Watermill production, which played the Comedy Theatre in London earlier this year, coming to Broadway.

It was an actor-musician production, completely barebones, and utterly enchanting. The production definitely demonstrated how strong the score is - without all the trappings of flying staircases and Glenn Close, the show became much darker and brooding.

Norma was played by Kathryn Evans, definitely not an A-list star, and she was magical

re: Is it correct LMK is only doing a limited period in Mary Poppins?
 Nov 8 2009, 12:01:01 PM
Broadway has already had two of the four UK Marys - will Lisa O'Hare or Caroline Sheen be next?
re: Alexander Hanson (ALNM) Interview- Mentions Angela and CZJ
 Oct 27 2009, 12:53:38 PM
Hanson was fantastic in the London production, and New York is very lucky to have him.
re: It's Official! Lansbury & Zeta-Jones Set for A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC; Laza
 Sep 22 2009, 06:07:43 PM
umm, he's joking. lighten up jacobtsf ... i'm pretty sure Scripps saw the show in London.

I've been rooting for Alexander Hanson to win the Best Actor in a Musical Olivier Award for his portrayal ever since the show closed here, and I wish him all the luck in the world across the pond.

re: BYE BYE BIRDIE '09 orchestra
 Sep 16 2009, 02:35:49 PM
Is it a bit bizarre to anyone else that there are no Violins, only Viola and Cello?
re: Where can I find the different city logos for Les Miz?
 Sep 10 2009, 02:47:28 AM
The Sydney one is great :)
re: The next Mary Poppins on Broadway will be...anyone??
 Sep 4 2009, 05:48:44 AM
LMK was only in the first version of the show in London, before all the changes were implemented. The show as performed currently in New York (and, even more so, on tour) is very different to what opened in London five years ago.
re: The next Mary Poppins on Broadway will be...anyone??
 Aug 21 2009, 02:53:01 PM
Oh, please can the Tony Comittee bring back the Best Replacement Tony? LMK could easily win it.
re: The next Mary Poppins on Broadway will be...anyone??
 Aug 21 2009, 12:53:26 PM
Am I the only one annoyed at how many revisions there have been to this show, ever since it opened in Bristol in September 2004?

Every new production seems to have something different about it, whether it would be new dialogue, new designs, new songs, entire new sections, etc., and in my opinion, the original London production was superior to everything seen since.

re: The next Mary Poppins on Broadway will be...anyone??
 Aug 21 2009, 12:22:30 PM
When the cast changes in October, with or without LMK, all the changes that were implemented for the US tour, including some different dialogue as well as Playing The Game, will be put into the Broadway production.
Hilarious Comments...
 Aug 21 2009, 06:37:07 AM
Schmerg - wouldn't it just be easier to say that Phantom's score is the only good thing about the show?
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