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Profile for WaltG2

Member Name: WaltG2
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SCHOOL OF ROCK - are there really no discount codes?
 Mar 12 2016, 04:34:35 PM

ljay889 said: "Are you a student or know a student?"


That's still only Tues-Thurs & you have to pay an additional $7 for the privilege. Only difference is that it includes the matinee, I guess.

Hamilton OBC
 Mar 12 2016, 11:47:38 AM

Emmy Raver-Lampman is moving to SpongeBob in May/June.

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 11 2016, 05:50:05 PM

CarlosAlberto said: "LMAO!!! The lot of you got called out on your ish and the theater community is friggin' up in arms, and now some of you are even crying about it.




Some of you need to man up,  suck it up and keep it movin'...."


I'm pretty sure you don't know what crying looks like.

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 Mar 11 2016, 05:40:21 PM

Theater_Nerd said: "@WaltG2: Nice try. I leave you to your own "devices" or lack thereof. "


I'm not trying anything. "I'm looking at you" is Snark 101.

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 Mar 11 2016, 05:36:54 PM

Theater_Nerd said: "Thanks for the correction LizzieCurry and for not being snarky about it too.




I'm looking at you WaltG2."


What was that about not being snarky?


Let me guess, you took your lessons from Patti? "Snark is bad, unless you're the one being snarky. Then it's good!"


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 Mar 11 2016, 05:29:07 PM

Theater_Nerd said: "I was skimming through Patti's twitter feed and a twitter user by the name of AnnoyingActorFriend is asking anyone in the theater community to screen cap offensive posts written here on BroadwayWorld and upload them with the hash tag #BroadwayWorldBORED. 




I see that two or three have already complied with this request. "


Yeah, we know, old news.


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 Mar 11 2016, 05:28:06 PM

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I hope the "facebook-link attached to our screen-names" idea isn't a runner because that would make me quite uncomfortable."


Just create a Gmail account (takes maybe 2 minutes tops) and then use that address to register a phony FB account with a fake name and a fake picture.


Inconvenient? Sure. But not really what I'd consider a big issue.

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 11 2016, 05:16:38 PM

tazber said: "But again, other than the posts surrounding his woeful "take back Broadway" campaign, the majority of comments about him are positive."


It was actually "Give back the Tony's".



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 Mar 11 2016, 05:13:19 PM

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Hunter Foster joins the crusade"


"We are better than this"


Yeah...we really are. But far be it for any of you to actually acknowledge it.

Color Purple Understudies
 Mar 11 2016, 04:04:28 PM

cuz-i-can said: "I'm not a 100% sure who the understudies are for the 3 leads. I might be late with this realization, but I noticed during the Miss Celie's pants scene each of the church ladies are dressed pretty identical to one of the three leads, does that mean that they are the understudies for them?"

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 Mar 11 2016, 03:51:52 PM

Theater_Nerd said: "Craig said: "Why some people are taking this so personally is beyond me."




The same thing crossed my mind. In reading the responses made by some members it does seem they are taking this as a personal affront.




EDIT: But on the other side of that coin some are just having fun with it and being harmlessly&nbs

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 Mar 11 2016, 02:53:30 PM

tazber said: "But I strongly suspect it would be the former."


I think you give her a little too much credit.

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 Mar 11 2016, 02:47:05 PM

ClydeBarrow said: "She probably expects the person with a job to pay."


I laughed, but that was a bit harsh.

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 Mar 11 2016, 02:38:21 PM

ClydeBarrow said:She said she wants to get a drink and discuss it or blah blah blah but I'm really not interested in defending my actions to someone who also already has their mind made up about the situation."


Heck, I'd take her up on that just to get free booze. I've always wanted to try a glass of Dom...


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 Mar 11 2016, 02:36:30 PM

ClydeBarrow said: "Maybe this could be a panel for the 2016 BroadwayCon. It would be like speed dating but with Patti stopping by to tell you not to make fun of people and be so mean."


No, then she'd actually be talking to people instead of behind their backs. It'd have to be her visiting tables and telling you how the people at the next table need to stop being so mean--and then making snarky off-handed remarks about other people who she doesn

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 Mar 11 2016, 02:29:23 PM

themysteriousgrowl said: "I'd love to sit down with Patti and discuss this, but I literally have tweeted once, and I'm not sure this outweighs that."


For someone so interested in discussing this, she never actually bothered to reach out to anyone--instead, she expects everyone to come to her.


Even more surprising is that a lot of people did.

Borderless Playbill Covers
 Mar 11 2016, 02:27:15 PM

WayTooBroadway said: "JM226 – pretty much the reason, yes."


I don't think it really be limited to that. It's almost definitely a cause, but I think it's also a stylistic choice as well.

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 Mar 11 2016, 02:02:31 PM

ClydeBarrow said: "Patti Murin ‏@PattiMurin  37s37 seconds ago


@MMurrayOnBway I wish you would have tagged me in your tweets about the blog I wrote. I would love to talk about it with you sometime?"


Oh, so like she tagged the people here she was talking about?


Oh...wait.... She just talked **** about them behind their backs.

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 Mar 11 2016, 01:58:40 PM

Margo319 said: ""So you have proof that Kanye is mentally ill?


Let's see it."




Oh, sure.  He voluntarily married a human that says things like this:







", you are really something special.

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 Mar 11 2016, 01:45:35 PM

Kad said: "Lay off Margo319. Hassling her doesn't help anything."


Then neither do her comments.

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