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Member Name: allenamet
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re: Parade-Did he do it?
 Oct 31 2008, 05:45:44 PM
It is hard to know why anyone would say that Alonzo Mann "didn't testify in the case," i.e. 1913. Several office boys at the NPCo were summoned, and all testified, including Alonzo. Even Oney's book refers to this fact [p. 279].

The odd thing is, if his 1982 Deposition is to be believed, that he went back to work the following Monday [April 28]. He claimed, in 1982, that he told his parents what he had seen that Saturday, that Jim Conley had threatened to kill him, etc., and yet they le

re: Parade-Did he do it?
 Oct 24 2008, 09:11:08 PM

Steve Oney's book, whatever its flaws, is NOT a novel. It is an attempt to tell a complicated story in a complicated way. But it is inconsistent and cannot even decide how old Conley was at the time of the crime. Hint: he was born the same year as Leo.

More work is needed, to compare the Coroner's Inquest testimony with that of the Trial. Why was N. V. Darley, one of the NPCo foremen, 'dating' a much younger employee that very night - he was a married man. And why was Mary really killed? Would a black man in post-1906 Atlanta take such a chance, in the very building where he worked for 2 years and was well known? And would Leo actually murder a young woman for just spurning his advances - there were many other female employees who worked there if that was the objective. The truth of what happened is much worse...

Leo was not 'fully pardoned' - that action by the State of Georgia only referred to its failure to protect him while in custody (prison) and made no comment on his guilt or innocence.


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