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Member Name: rentheadca
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My first musical! Help with Book of Mormon standing room, please
 Nov 1 2011, 05:09:55 PM
I did standing room two weeks ago for a Saturday night show and the earliest anyone got there was 3. I would have been more than safe getting there at 4:30. Good luck!
Foxwoods Seating Question
 Apr 27 2011, 07:35:35 PM
There are seats in rows AA and BB, but they haven't gone on sale for this block of tickets. They always release seats a few days before the date so they might save them for then, or they might be changing them to rush.
Foxwoods Seating Question
 Apr 24 2011, 11:08:10 AM
Row H has a ton of leg room because they took out the seats for Row G because of a scene in the show. They're really awesome seats too! If you're closer to the center you will easily see everything, and even on the farthest side there isn't much you will miss.
JERUSALEM Rush policy
 Apr 4 2011, 08:37:45 PM
on Saturday I got front row center at 10:15. At 9:35 there was no line so I guess some people came in between those times. I know the two who got the last two seats got there not too long before the show started.
First Preview Jerusalem?
 Apr 3 2011, 01:42:24 AM
John Gallagher Jr. had a more believable accent than I thought he would! I felt his character was a lot like Johnny in American Idiot since in both he's getting away from his current situation. It kind of felt like the same John with a different name. He did a good job and fit in well.
First Preview Jerusalem?
 Apr 3 2011, 01:19:22 AM
I sat in the front row and the stage wasn't high at all! But it smells like grass and stuff up there. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's terrible. You also get wet from the front. It was definitely worth the $26.50!
I really enjoyed some parts of the show, but some parts took way too long. They could cut out a few of Rylance's characters bs stories and it would be much shorter. Overall though I'm very happy I went tonight!

Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Feb 8 2011, 09:39:16 AM
The song Love Me Or Kill Me was cut. The lines have to be the way they are because they're fighting and can only talk when they stop, and they somehow have to get the point across of what's going on. I hate the change there.
Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Feb 7 2011, 10:05:28 PM
Well that's since I saw it in January, and it was different three weeks ago than in December. It may not sound that impressive, but the changed finale made a huge difference. and I know there are a lot more coming!
Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Feb 7 2011, 09:38:11 PM
It's both... Off the top of my head I remember a completely changed verse in a song in the second act, new lines right before that song, a song is completely gone now with just awkward lines replacing it that they can't do anything about, and the finale is completely different.
Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Feb 7 2011, 07:57:29 PM
I think ti's terrible the critics are reviewing it how it is now. I've seen it five times since I saw the first preview, and this Saturday had so many changes, and some were definitely for the worse. I know they're changing it a lot more, so the reviews that are coming out are of a different show than what will open. If they reviewed it 3 weeks ago, when I had last seen it, they would have seen pretty much a completely different second act.
SPIDERMAN - thurs. 1/20
 Jan 21 2011, 04:35:24 PM
"Anyone who knows ANYTHING about theatre knows Spidey is a terrible show."

I'm a huge fan of the show, and though the hate bothers me to no end, this is pretty much a direct attack on a fan like me. I go to Broadway multiple times a month. I see plays and musicals, and I can't stand spectacles like Wicked and The Lion King. Theatre is my life, and I know a lot about it.
I've seen the show 5 times because I love the story, choreography, sets, and a lot of the music. Every time I go I

Spiderman Rush, what's it like?
 Jan 19 2011, 08:32:37 PM
When I did rush I was first in line and my seat was in the balcony box. My friend got a seat in the balcony and she was the last in line. My other friend got the side toward the back of the orchestra.
So, it varies. I'm pretty sure the sides of orchestra are the most common.

Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Jan 3 2011, 03:45:23 AM
For the explosion, Osborn was in the thing that changes him to the Green Goblin, and as he's spinning around in it the computer is saying there's an error, but he doesn't hear his wife saying that. Then the explosion happens really quickly. It's like a flash of a lot of lights and a really loud noise, and then the stage goes pretty dark.
That's how I remember it. It's really quick so it's kind of hard to tell :/

Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Jan 3 2011, 12:46:06 AM
I don't really like Reeve at all. After I saw Matthew James Thomas on Wednesday I liked Reeve even less. Matt cracked like twice but I still liked his performance better than Reeve's :/
Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Dec 31 2010, 01:24:22 PM
I was at the first preview and saw the show again Wednesday, and I don't remember any major changes. They tried doing The Net, and after it didn't work they paused for a few minutes.
There were definitely a few lines added before Rise Above, and I thought they were a great addition. I listen to that song daily, and I haven't heard those lines before.
I don't know what preview you were at, but it felt much shorter than the first. That changed my view on it a little, even though I already

SPIDER-MAN Cast/ Song Listing/ Understudies
 Dec 1 2010, 12:23:49 AM
Spoiler Alert:
In the dream sequence Peter becomes controlled by his nightmare. He marries it instead of Mary Jane in another dream. He comes to terms with Arachne and she stops controlling him.
There's also a lot to do with what's real and what's fake, since Arachne has the Sinister Six "attack," but it wasn't real at all. It was a way to get him back to her.

Mary Jane gets to sing a good amount I think. Jennifer was amazing. It's an important role since Peter wouldn't have u

Where have you been backstage??
 Jul 2 2010, 10:40:29 AM
Richard Rodgers twice
Brooks Atkinson
Al Hirschfeld

once you go on one tour you know what to expect for the rest.

HAIR is hurting... A LOT!
 May 13 2010, 11:41:19 PM
I've seen the new cast four times, and the past three times I've seen it looking into the mezzanine was depressing. These were all weekend shows, so I expected a little more. When I was in the mezzanine I bought my last row ticket on the way there, got in 5 minutes late, and didn't even sit near my seat. The cast's energy was so high, but going into a more than half empty mezzanine definitely brought them down.
I think the new cast is very very good with the exceptions of Diana's acting [do

So who among us are venturing to the theater tonight?
 Feb 26 2010, 05:33:50 PM
I had front row center for Mamma Mia! tonight and had to give them up :/ I only live an hour north so it's quite disappointing, but hopefully someone will get those seats at a good price :) I'll be at Hair tomorrow though! :)
Hair Will Call Question
 Feb 25 2010, 12:41:54 PM
thank you!! I'll try to get there around then :)
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