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Profile for ChicagoManic

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Member Name: ChicagoManic
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re: Next Mama Rose?
 Dec 29 2004, 08:23:31 PM
Liza NEEDS to do the tour. She would be the greatest Mama Rose.
re: American Idol's 'Scooter Girl' Offered Maureen in RENT
 Oct 18 2004, 08:39:35 PM
Ok, everyone needs to get off thier high horse. It's not like Nicole Tieri is actually going to be in Rent, and even if she was I wouldn't see it as a problem. And the best idea for the closing of Rent is to have amazingly fresh, talented young actors come in and really jazz up the show. You know what the OBC did for Rent when it first opened. Instead of bringing the OBC back it would be a better idea to find young actors that match how amazing Rent was when it first opened.
More Karaoke
 Sep 14 2004, 08:32:13 PM
Avenue Q karaoke is avaible soon! Woot.

From the Pocket Songs website:
AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 20! Sing the complete show! All 21 songs are included from Broadways' witty and raunchy new musical that swept the 2004 TONY Awards, including Best Musical! All with the original arrangements and keys, it's perfect for practice, auditions, rehearsals, and performances! Includes note-perfect instrumental background tracks and full lyric book. Pre-order your copy today!

re: Just got WICKED karaoke Cd and...
 Aug 30 2004, 02:01:38 PM
Yeah, the SS one pretty much sucks, while the Pocket Songs one is wonderful. I actually didn't buy the SS one, but I knew it wasn't going to be good since thier Chicago one was pretty bad.
re: a chorus line-movie
 Aug 30 2004, 01:12:46 AM
I really really want to see it on stage! I've been dying too for awhile lol.
re: a chorus line-movie
 Aug 30 2004, 01:06:51 AM
Well I'll speak as someone who has only seen the movie, and never the actual show. Upon first view, before ever hearing music or knowing anything about it, I liked it, a lot actually. The dancing was good, and most of the songs were pretty good. Later after I got the OBC and started reading about it, I find I really want to see it on stage, and from what I have read, everyone agrees that the movie is pretty much trash compared to the show. But I actually do still enjoy it from time to time lol.
re: If you want a show to close...
 Aug 29 2004, 01:55:36 AM
He played Seymour after Hunter left.

EDIT: Got here too late lol.

re: If you want a show to close...
 Aug 29 2004, 01:12:29 AM
Melanie Griffith springs to mind.
re: If you want a show to close...
 Aug 29 2004, 01:09:58 AM
Also he was in RENT, and that hasn't closed.
re: No recording of Honk! ?
 Aug 29 2004, 12:32:23 AM

 Aug 29 2004, 12:19:42 AM
Derek if you go to Wicked's offical site, they have bios for the cast. George Hearns is up for the Wizard. Everytime a cast member has been out (Idina for filming etc, Norbert from back trouble). They usually say if the person is coming back. George's doesnt. ALso the pictures of the New Cast has only George Hearn and not Joel Grey. If he was coming back they wouldn't have taken him out completely.
 Aug 29 2004, 12:04:56 AM

Whats more annoying than the Wicked posts, are posts screaming about how many Wicked posts there are. But this question also could have been answered Google.

re: Which Broadway Character Are You?
 Aug 28 2004, 05:55:08 AM
Hell Yes.
 Aug 28 2004, 12:28:08 AM
When 'Chicago' toured in Boston, I spotted a friend during Intermission and went to see them. Well, as I made my way down to my friend this usher grabbed me by the arm and yelled at me not to switch seats during Intermission and that I should go back to the seat I payed for. This was WAY to rude for me and I did ask to talk to the manager and everything ended up working out fine. But really some people are just a little out there.

At the same theater I saw the 'Rent' tour and these too

re: Availability of Certain Musicals
 Aug 27 2004, 08:47:00 AM
Much thanks for clearing that up. It was troubling me there for awhile lol.
Availability of Certain Musicals
 Aug 27 2004, 04:06:18 AM
Ok I have a question. I was searching MTI's (Musical Theater Institute) website and came across "Little Shop Of Horrors". As of now it isn't restricted and the rights available. I was under the impression that once a musical is on tour, as LSOH is, the rights were no longer available. The rights for Chicago I believe are restricted once the tour begins. Is this because Chicago's rights are owned by Samuel French and not MTI? Do they have different policies? Inquiring minds want to know.
re: Cheno Interview...
 Aug 27 2004, 03:53:29 AM
Idina doesn't need to be mentioned. As of right now Cheno is out of Wicked, why dwell on Idina?
re: Little Women site running
 Aug 26 2004, 01:27:52 AM
Oh! I love them! Sutton is amazing. I actually think this is going to be a show I like.
re: My first (and new) icon!
 Aug 25 2004, 03:54:42 AM
I also just changed mine, to none other then the lovely Catherine Zeta Jones. And my banner is of course from Chicago, with Brenda Braxton.
re: Under-rated musicals
 Aug 25 2004, 01:18:20 AM
Kill Him-Shut Up-KILL HIM-SHUT UP!

Best part of the whole song.

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