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Member Name: AdamIsGodImJesus
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re: Bare: A Pop Opera
 Sep 18 2009, 10:31:58 AM
So has the San Francisco production officially stumbled into development hell? If I remember correctly didn't they workshop preview it in New York with Matt Doyle at the beginning of summer. Did that lead to any additional news?
re: Footage used for Rent...
 Sep 24 2008, 02:35:55 AM
The majority of the footage will NOT be from closing night. By the time closing night came around, the producers of the movie already had their "polished rough cut."

Most of what you will see is from the non-audience performances since they could get a variety of angles and shots without having to worry about hindering the show. The rest of the flick (such as reactions/applauses) will be made up from the Aug 20th filming day.

A very small percentage will be closing night. Like

re: should it only be STUDENT rush tickets??
 Sep 18 2008, 02:32:07 AM
Use your old student ID. If you're fresh out of school, then you should still have it, still look your picture and it will work. IDs don't have graduation dates because, let's face it, many students nowadays are on the five to six year plan.

And if you aren't fresh out of your school, uh - suck it up. If you have your BA, then you should've gotten a good paying job by now. Spend last time on these boards and send out that resume.

When children try to act 'growed up'
 Sep 7 2008, 12:56:35 PM
To the original poster: Who cares? Does it really matter if people have a negative opinion about Spring Awakening? It's art, and art isn't perceived the same by everyone, and if someone doesn't like it you will not be able to change that.

When I first listened to the music I was not a fan at all. A couple more go-arounds, and actually seeing the show, I became hooked. All of the things that some people dislike (the abstract staging, the book, the choreography) were things that I thoro

re: final rent performance lottery
 Sep 1 2008, 02:12:03 PM
Coolkid, it really is a shame that you single handedly have turned a stellar twelve year run of a poignant and moving Broadway show into an obnoxious joke to myself and everyone else on these boards. It makes me see why people on these boards despise RENT, and as a fan myself you're really starting to turn me against it.

You make me embarrassed to like the show. Good fu*king job.

You're a dumb ass seventeen year old kid who got into the show three years ago. You probably do

re: Rent House seats?
 Aug 31 2008, 01:42:32 PM
Yes, but only if you have the special ticketmaster code. PM me and I'll give you the code.
re: What happened to the Dusty Springfield story that Kristin Chenoweth was
 Aug 19 2008, 10:25:43 PM
When this was first announced, I think the rival studio had Charlize Theron attached. I'm sure everything has changed with both projects. And nothing seems to be happening with either.
re: Hunter Parrish
 Aug 19 2008, 09:42:16 PM
Come on, there's a topic on this five threads down.

He's great. Everyone loves him. Go see him. He'll be with the show for six months according to what he says at stage door.

Seriously, search next time you post.

re: Rent Being Filmed Tomorrow Night, 8/20
 Aug 19 2008, 09:38:07 PM
The more I think about this, the more I realize that filming the show is great idea. Kudos to the producers.

As of now there aren't plans on a DVD, but I think they'll fast change their minds. Let's face it, they would make a pretty penny if they sold it on DVD. But I'm sure they wouldn't announce it until they were finished with the theatre showings, so as to not deter people from going.

Last I checked they had three (or four?) nights of showings. I'd say if they were popular,

re: Rent Being Filmed Tomorrow Night, 8/20
 Aug 19 2008, 09:37:59 PM
The more I think about this, the more I realize that filming the show is great idea. Kudos to the producers.

As of now there aren't plans on a DVD, but I think they'll fast change their minds. Let's face it, they would make a pretty penny if they sold it on DVD. But I'm sure they wouldn't announce it until they were finished with the theatre showings, so as to not deter people from going.

Last I checked they had three (or four?) nights of showings. I'd say if they were popular,

re: Seating questions for Phantom of the Opera, Spring Awakening and Fiddle
 Aug 18 2008, 09:04:34 PM
Did you actually ask a question?
Rent . . . .
 Aug 18 2008, 09:03:56 PM
"Was it wildly successful in doing so? Yes, and for that it should be lauded. But being wildly successful and expanding on previous achievements don't mean it changed Broadway as of now."

And this is where I completely disagree with Kad, because RENT had the push and the publicity behind it. Yes, it expanded on previous achievements, so I guess in that case it's not "ground-breaking," but it became a musical theater behemoth and even if it wasn't the first rock opera or the first AIDS m

 Aug 18 2008, 02:31:26 PM
"doesn't EVERYONE technically deal with life? I mean.... I get what you're saying but stick to the whole homosexuality/poverty/AIDS theme. the other themes are common in almost every show and don't hold much significance."

But dude, what are you trying to prove? In every piece of art in th world, every theme has been discussed before. Spring Awakening took people by surprise by it's themes, but was that the first time that people were discussed sex, homosexuality, botched abortions or m

re: What are your top three worst shows ever (that everyone else seemed to
 Aug 18 2008, 01:27:52 AM
Mamma Mia!
Phantom of the Opera
Sweeney Todd

 Aug 18 2008, 01:23:55 AM
Double post.
 Aug 18 2008, 01:20:54 AM
I think the answer to this is: there is no answer. Having art be groundbreaking depends on the person viewing the art. Isn't that the beauty behind it all anyway? A show that one person may loathe may be the same show that inspires thousands.

I think the words "groundbreaking" and "revolutionary" are a bit pretentious, and I think when people call any show that it's a red flag for everybody to disagree.

That being said, you can't ignore the impact that RENT has had on not only

re: WICKED Storyline Questions
 Jul 13 2008, 11:37:44 PM
Wicked is far from perfect. I don't think I like it, but I feel most are reading too deeply into the plot parallels.

It was best described earlier as two separate stories. Isn't the main tagline for the show "The Untold Story of the Witches from Oz" or something long like that? The show, though flawed, is describing the story from the witches perspective whereas the movie describes it from Dorothy's perspective.

This is why, in the movie, the Scarecrow comes off completely dif

re: Ending Of Rent...
 Jul 17 2005, 11:25:58 PM
Besides the main reason that Jonathon didn't want RENT to be about death, but life. We've all heard that before.

Mimi not dying is the message of the show - no day but today. Roger went two to three months running away from his problems, not seeing Mimi and comes back to see her dying. And yeah, she prolly dies soon - but that moment when Mimi comes back to life is bitter sweet because they'll live what they have together. That's the message.

And Roger giving a speech is kinda

re: Wicked Lotto in LA
 Jun 25 2005, 03:44:00 PM
It doesn't. Can't find it. Anyone wanna actually answer, I'd appreciate it.
re: Wicked Lotto in LA
 Jun 25 2005, 02:57:13 PM
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