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Profile for Winston3

Member Name: Winston3
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re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
 Jan 22 2009, 01:18:26 AM
I think that there are way to many Americans out there who are too self centered at a time when it isn't good to be so. A time of crisis is usually a time to have to make sacrifices for the better good. If it means a pay cut then deal with it.

Also, I think that it is wrong to judge if Obama is a good president if he hasn't done anything yet for us to figure out if he is good or not. It wasn't like Bush got the much deserved bashing right out of the starting gate. It happened after he

re: Girl Scouts Seeing Equus...
 Jan 21 2009, 09:34:06 PM
I remember the first time I saw this wonderful production there was a mother there with her young girl there. I turned around and we were making small talk before the show. One of the things I asked her was if she knew what this play was about. Which was my nice way of asking if she was in her right mind for bringing her five year old daughter to a play that involves harsh animal abuse and on stage nudity. She said that it was about a boy's love for his horse. I rolled my eyes and sat down.
re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
 Jan 21 2009, 08:13:46 PM
I don't know if I would say it is just high hopes. I think that people are confusing high hopes with excitement. I think that for a lot of people Obama represented everything that Bush wasn't. I think that there were a bunch of people out there who were VERY unhappy with what Bush did over the past eight years and they wanted something, anything that was different. And to them Obama was it. I think that a lot of people who aren't Obama supporters have a misconception of them. I think that the mi
re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
 Jan 20 2009, 11:55:49 PM
I feel that the reason why he got the support he did was that there were a vast majority of people out there who were not at all happy with the things Bush did. And, there were also a ton of people who had a lot of trouble telling the difference between Bush and McCain. Yes, I do think that McCain lost a lot of support and potential voters when he picked Palin as his running mate.

You also cannot deny what Obama did in terms of the election process. He got groups of people who had a his

re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 19 2009, 05:10:43 PM
No, my NASTY habit as you put it would be smoking. Not having my cell phone on when at the theatre.
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 19 2009, 02:05:26 PM
I never once said that what I was doing was right. I did, however, say that it was a bad habit I got myself into which snowballed from me just flat out forgetting one time. I never justified what I was doing as the right thing to do.
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 19 2009, 12:31:29 PM
ghostlight2, I will admit that the habit of me not turning my phone completely to off was started with me going to the theatre one time and just flat out forgetting to turn my phone off. As I said earlier the odds of someone calling me during a show or just in general for that matter are close to zero. I can understand if the phone was next to, let's say someone's keys how it can be loud and bothersome to the people around you. I have (as I said earlier in the thread) been to the theatre a coupl
re: 'Those You've Known' SPRING AWAKENING Bids Broadway Farewell
 Jan 19 2009, 09:40:45 AM
I will say that I am not a huge fan of the show and that it isn't without flaws. I did enjoy myself when I saw it and I could see the appeal of this show. However, for people asking in this thread about the business side of things let me fill you in. It doesn't matter about the size of the set or things like that. It just wasn't selling tickets period. Clearly not enough for it to keep staying opened. It recouped its losses which technically makes it a hit and anything that they got after that w
re: Hard time at 'kids shows'
 Jan 19 2009, 09:28:38 AM
I was at Mary Poppins the other day in the front row (great price too) and there was this little boy who was kicking my seat off and on during the first act. It was bothering me but not enough to make a scene and tell him to quit it during the show. I waited during intermission and kindly told him to stop. His mother was right there and he turned to her and said that I was lying. His mother told him not to kick my seat and that lying is bad. I found it funny that while she may not have seen her
re: A question about the Mary Poppins cast recording
 Jan 19 2009, 02:51:27 AM
I don't see why they couldn't have taken out the dialoug and just recorded the music that leads up to Cherry Tree Lane as well as that song itself. After all, it isn't uncommon on cast recordings when there normally would be dialoug to either alter it or just cut it altogether.
re: I've always wondered...
 Jan 18 2009, 10:43:15 PM
I have heard of stars in shows getting some extras that others in the cast don't get. Largest dressing room, a car waiting for them after the show to take them home etc. But, I have never heard of anyone getting it put into their contract that they get a precentage of the profits of the show. I will agree with tag that it its most likely a rumor and I would have to venture that it is a false one at that.
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 18 2009, 10:40:13 PM
I have a few computers in my house and only one that is directly connected to the cable modem. To fix that problem we got ourselves an in home wi fi network for our laptops and other computers that other memebers of my family have. I have put down (or my brothers have or someone) a cell phone by accident near the network router and I have heard the same static that the people here are talking about. But, that is only when the phone is directly next to the router. Not when I am at my living room
re: I've always wondered...
 Jan 18 2009, 10:32:43 PM
I to know why that is. I never have heard of an performer getting a precentage of a shows grosses for other productions of the same show once they had left. And, if Kristin does in fact get that then why doesn't Menzel who originated the role of Elphaba. Or if we are going back to the readings of Wicked why doesn't Block who originated the role of Elphaba in the reading.
re: Tommy Batchelor starts as Billy on...
 Jan 18 2009, 10:17:27 PM
If they follow the rotation as it is in London that would make sense. That would mean that with each would get to do two a week. I am not sure how it is set up with only three boys playing the role but I do have the feeling that there is at least one who goes on more then the others. If they had 4 boys playing the role then it would be fair and even.
re: A question about the Mary Poppins cast recording
 Jan 18 2009, 10:13:08 PM
As the lights go down for the second act they play a bit of music. The first few notes that you hear as the lights are dimming are the tune of Practically Perfect. The rest as it was said has dialouge over it which could be the reason why it wasn't recorded. I don't know how many pages the "entre'act really is. I was sitting in the front row last night which is the last time I saw it and it looked to be maybe a page if not that then a tad longer then a page.

******SPOILER ALERT****** <

re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 18 2009, 07:50:45 PM
I think that the the thing is that a vast majority of people out there don't know that the phones can cause static to come across the headsets used backstage. Like I said, even I didn't know about it and have since turned my phone to off when I go to the theatre. But, I think that most people think that ushers don't want them to have their cell phones out due to the fact that they can take pictures and record etc. While that is true most people don't listen or care.I think that even if they made
A question about the Mary Poppins cast recording
 Jan 18 2009, 05:10:50 PM
In the show there is a nice entre'act which isn't on the cast album. Neither is the act II opening of Cherry Tree Lane. But, I was wondering two things. Now I can understand them not wanting to add all of it due to space on the album and time to record it etc. But, why use the music for Runaway and the beginning of act II on the album. Wouldn't it make more sense as far as the story is concerned to have runaway be after Brimstone like it is in the show and to have the act II section of the CD st
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 18 2009, 04:49:17 PM
I didn't mean that the ushers didn't know what would happen in terms of static via the cell phones being on. I was just trying to say ( maybe I did a bad job saying it) that the impression that they tend to give off has more to do with them being concerned that phones will be used as a way to infringe copyright then anything else.
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 18 2009, 02:59:40 PM
trinaaron, I agree that there are people out there who don't know about the interference that the cell phone can cause and thus keep it on and on vibrate or silent. To be honest, even I didn't know about it until I read this thread.

I am under the impression that regardless of cell phones being against the law, the ushers are more concerned with people useing them to record or take pictures then anything else.

re: Tommy Batchelor starts as Billy on...
 Jan 18 2009, 01:44:20 AM
adamgreer, Your not alone. When I saw the title of this thread I too thought Billy Flynn in Chicago.
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