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Museum of Broadway
 Nov 14 2022, 09:25:36 PM

LOL, but no.  At least not to me.  David Rockwell has packed a ton of visual detail into that section too. So whether or not people take the time to read the text about all those people, there's still plenty to take in.

Just saw this write-up, which on the one hand quibbles with the lack of art exhibits devoted to plays but also on the other hand also recommends several ideas that are the sort of kitsch that folks here have already mocked a bit.  And considering the size of the museum as it is (26,000sf in Times Square surely doesn't come cheap!), I'm not sure where he thinks the space would come from to add those.  But in any case, he does a pretty good job (IMO, at least) of summarizing the content and being fair.  (He didn't pay to get in either, but unlike mine, perhaps some here will believe that his opinion somehow is not tempered or skewed by that fact.)

Museum of Broadway
 Nov 14 2022, 07:31:16 PM

morosco said: "For anyone who has been, does the museum acknowledge the often overlooked contributions of the musicians in the orchestra pits at any point?"

The final section of the museum is entitled "Making of a Broadway Show" and it attempts to at least touch on the village of people it takes to put on a show.  No one gets THAT much space -- generally, they are grouped by department -- but it's still nice to see stage managers, stagehands, orche

Museum of Broadway
 Nov 14 2022, 02:22:01 AM

Not universally human nature.  I get to see a LOT of free theatre.  I dislike much of it.  That would seem to undermine your theory. 

And no one denied you the right to an opinion.  I’m just disappointed that this is a place where so frequently such opinions are formed on the basis of partial and/or zero first-hand information.  If you’re nevertheless comfortable forming an opinion on that basis, then have at it.  Free country.  Eithe

Museum of Broadway
 Nov 14 2022, 01:01:29 AM

Sutton Ross said: 
Everyone is just sharing their opinion about it and don't care to be ripped off in this economy. Thank you for admitting you didn't spend anything after your glowing review though, it skews things a little.

Yes.  The mere possibility that I might like something is definitely suspect because I didn’t pay.  Huh?  If you’ve been to the museum and you disagree with me, that’s absolutely fine, of

Museum of Broadway
 Nov 13 2022, 01:58:01 AM

Can't say I'm surprised to see people already dumping all over this project on this board even sight unseen -- that's par for the course here more often than not -- but as (I think?) the only person to reply so far who has actually been inside -- my friend who helped build some of the exhibits in the shop took me as a +1 on his preview tour yesterday -- many of you are making some rather incorrect assumptions.

If you quibble with the ticket price, I absolutely understand. &

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 May 15 2015, 05:15:08 PM

"TO be fair to Darren, when JCM was in it, it posted some numbers in the low 400k, this show is doing fine, it cost very little to run and its only 7 shows a week which makes the running cost even lower."

LightsOut90, you are almost certainly mistaken.  The show likely saves virtually nothing by doing 7 shows, except perhaps the well-being of the actor playing Hedwig.  By union rules, mMost everyone still must be paid based on eight shows

Darren Criss in Hedwig
 Apr 21 2015, 03:51:02 PM

I have no clue if Criss will be able to do the part justice and for the most part, this is just me playing devil's advocate, but if 15+ years ago, you had only experienced JCM in his prior musical theatre roles, I daresay no one would have thought he had a voice suitable for the kind of music Hedwig sings either.

Also, at the risk of heresy, JCM in fact DOESN'T have a particularly "strong rock voice".  He has fantastic rock instincts and magnificent interpretive skills, but th

Darren Criss in Hedwig
 Apr 13 2015, 06:18:53 PM

I did the same side-by-side comaprison that mariel did and actually, except for the background, the make-up seems nearly identical to Rannells and Michael C. Hall (NPH's photo treatment hasn't been replicated for any of the subsequent Hedwigs).  I completely understand the skepticism about him in the role -- though I think it best to judge the performance rather than pass judgment before seeing him do it -- and I agree that this isn't as compelling a facial expression as was used with th

L5Y A Cappella?
 Mar 11 2015, 10:46:02 PM
With so much focus on JRB and L5Y on this board, was curious if anyone besides me happened on this yesterday. Was sent the link by a friend (and fellow a cappella fan) who subscribes to the Hollens YouTube channel.

Theatrically speaking, I have some issues, but it's a music video so I guess the original context doesn't matter THAT much. Still have some issues with it as a video too, but what I really dig is the arrangement -- especially "Moving Too Fast".

(Let the flames begi

Good Broadway Producers..Bad Broadway Producers
 Jan 1 2015, 12:01:38 AM
Agreed re Rudin. It's been said he overspends when he's a lead producer -- so his shows don't make as much as they might (apart from Mormon, some of his greatest artistic successes reportedly didn't make all that much profit) -- but there are few, if any, savvier, smarter, with better taste and instincts.

Richards produces a lot, but his track record of successes is spotty at best. Probably better than the average, but mostly because of the volume. If you had invested the same amount

Musicals are expensive to run (weekly nuts)
 Dec 8 2014, 12:24:42 PM
All the puns and jokes about "nuts" aside, I did just want to point out that the term isn't really being used properly in this thread -- and that's highlighted by this most recent post about "Matilda".

When the NYT reported that at opening, the nut for Matilda was meant to be $600K, I believe that WAS in fact correct -- because the "nut" refers to the MINIMUM weekly operating expenses of the show, a.k.a. "breakeven". The "nut", such as it is, doesn't really vary much from week to week.

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/2/14
 Nov 3 2014, 03:32:14 PM
In Hedwig's case, I'd say better than "safe". At $500K gross - so figure around $450K net -- I'd be willing to bet the show still operated profitably last week. Also worth remembering that Hedwig only plays 7 shows and is in a theatre with a balcony.

One has to presume that Pippin, on the other hand, lost money in the six figures last week.

Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?
 Oct 15 2014, 05:30:34 PM
I think the $20 off is an internal TodayTix offer as a customer acquisition campaign. The $49 price is a regular price for the Belasco balcony. They're eating $20 to get you to sign up and become a customer. Even when they're doing discounts, Hedwig has never had anything as low as $29. I think the cheapest regularly available advance purchase discount is through Tix4Students (which doesn't help much if you're not a student).
NPH to host the Academy Awards
 Oct 15 2014, 05:21:18 PM
Now being reported by Variety as well.

Not sure if you're serious, Cats, but he hosted four times, which I think is as many as anyone has in recent memory, with the exception of Angela Lansbury (who, I think, may have hosted or co-hosted five times).

In any case, there's no question the Oscar prestige and viewership nationally and internationally is higher. Seems like a very reasonable and logical choice on his part at this stage of his career.

NPH to host the Academy Awards
 Oct 15 2014, 05:10:26 PM

If this hasn't already been announced somewhere that I've missed, I'm betting this is a done deal.

What's next for Hedwig?
 Oct 13 2014, 10:46:17 AM
Inception -- at least two pretty simple reasons why that may have been the case: 1) no-shows (it certainly happens); 2) bought by a broker in the hope of selling at mark-up and ended up unable to re-sell them (happens a lot for almost every show). And you really dislike Lena Hall as Yitzhak so much that you think Chita at 81 could play the part better? Seriously? Individual opinions may vary, and Tony Award notwithstanding, I don't think I've encountered anyone who feels THAT strongly in the
Big, the Musical to Open Off Broadway starring John Tartaglia and Kerry Butler
 Oct 10 2014, 12:26:52 PM
If only her personality was that smooth.
Big, the Musical to Open Off Broadway starring John Tartaglia and Kerry Butler
 Oct 10 2014, 11:09:04 AM
Bwayto, I hear you, but having seen the show twice in Detroit in its OOT tryout, twice (or maybe even three times) on Broadway, and once on its national tour, we're going to have to agree to disagree. It was the first humanizing moment for Josh in the show -- not stylized, not forced, just a young boy in an adult body missing his mom. Raw, honest. And the show needed a ballad at that point as well -- it was a lovely change of pace.

I do agree the first act was way too long but for me

Big, the Musical to Open Off Broadway starring John Tartaglia and Kerry Butler
 Oct 9 2014, 02:03:27 PM
And most inexcusably (for me), I believe they added "Big Boys" for the Port Authority scene and scrapped one of my personal faves, "I Want to Go Home". Danny Jenkins sang that so touchingly in the Broadway version.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 10/5/14
 Oct 6 2014, 10:36:28 PM
The sale of premium seats is a factor in percentage of Gross being over 100%.

The prior answers given correctly address the question of attendance being over 100% capacity. It's not either/or -- it's two different things.

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