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Member Name: Skempp
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re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:30:51 PM
Sally Field is 59...
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:28:03 PM
Lifetime Achievement should be given during the prime time portion, I'd think. God help us if Albee has an acceptance speech and you know he will...ack!
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:21:43 PM
He wears a tee-shirt? Can't Visa afford to buy him a shirt and tie??
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:18:02 PM
And, Sandra would be??
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:13:44 PM
He shouldn't be gushing about the technology, I'm thinking...
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:12:39 PM
Whoooo-Hooooo! Words!
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:09:37 PM
Anyone read lips and could translate?
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 07:08:32 PM
So far this is working out well, don't you think?
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:59:13 PM
Crap! They let Taye Diggs get by...
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:57:21 PM
Bill Irwin seemed very cordial and was trying to help them out's a losing battle. Isn't it 7:00 yet???
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:50:22 PM
They said something about Jesse Martin and Razzle Dazzle. But, lord knows, they've said so many goofy things I don't know.
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:48:13 PM
I love watching him wipe his brow. Can he not just step out for a minute??? This is a train wreck...but you just can't help watching.
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:41:43 PM
Where'd she go? Did they fire her? (we can only hope).
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:39:05 PM
Well, he just made a fool of himself in front of Jerry Orbach's widow talking about his high school role. Someone help these people...
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:35:47 PM
I hate the way she keeps asking for backstage stories...and she was completely silly over talking about her date.
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:30:20 PM
This guy's going to sweat himself into a puddle! Does she have a mic at all or are they using his lapel mic for both?
re: red carpet tony video
 Jun 5 2005, 06:25:36 PM
Gee. Even when they have someone to talk to the hosts just seem so ill at ease.
re: Prayers to a fellow actor
 Apr 2 2005, 07:34:57 PM
Odd, because I saw a news clip of Pope JPII blessing an AIDS patient and offering a prayer for those suffering from the disease. He didn't specify gays, straights, black, white, male, female, young or old...he offered a blessing to all with AIDs. What the man did try to do was teach tolerance which is certainly an attitude that would be a nice experience in this country and on this board. Sure, the Catholic Church is conservative; but, not nearly as conservative as the Christian Right.

re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
 Apr 1 2005, 04:53:15 PM
WishIHadATony has a great idea of "Hey Look Me Over". I just finished the Lucille Ball bio, Ball of Fire, and that song was written specifically because Lucy couldn't sing.

I vote for this one for a non-singer, audition song.

re: Carol Channing's father was black.
 Feb 26 2005, 06:11:15 PM
I heard an interview on public radio and Carol Channing is touring with a one-woman show with her "new" husband (they actualy were childhood sweethearts and recently married). She seems to be doing fine.

And, as for whether her father was considered black with 1/8 "black blood", Margo is right. The South considered this man black, even though he probably didn't look nor consider himself black. It was an archaic law used and was an embarrassment to the South. And, what difference does it

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