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re: Historic Pocono Playhouse gutted in fire
 Oct 3 2009, 11:35:13 PM
I hope there's a thorough investigation as to how this happened. It seems suspect that the owner of this theater owned two other theaters that burned down. Arson was the official cause of the other two's demise...though no arrests were made. I think we need to get CSI on the case.

The loss of any theater is an awful occurrence, no matter how run down the place may be. That place still brought culture to the community and served as an outlet for artistic dreams and ambitions.

re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
 Aug 13 2009, 08:46:12 PM
Just checked Ms. Eisenbeg's Twitter and she obviously doesn't get it. She states that her NYMF show is holding a 2nd round of auditions 'just for fun'. Her glib remarks just show how much she doesn't care about her actions or how those actions affect other people. I'm sure the producer is thrilled to have to spend more money and take time out of his day because of an immature and unprofessional casting 'director' (and I use that term loosely) and her complete lack of forethought for her actions.
re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
 Aug 13 2009, 01:06:53 PM
I just contacted the Casting Society of America to let them know how I feel about the issue of Twittering during auditions.

re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
 Aug 13 2009, 12:55:41 PM
I'm sure I'll just be repeating what many have said in previous posts. The audition room is a place where actors should feel safe, a place where actors should feel supported, and a place where actors should feel comfortable taking risks. Unfortunately, Ms. Eisenberg has created an environment where auditioners now will be more caught up in wondering whether or not they will be 'tweeted' about rather than being able to focus on the job at a great audition. While her 'tweets' are ano
re: Topol in Fiddler at NJPAC
 Mar 16 2009, 10:43:08 AM
they're not attached. the bottles are balanced in our hats with no tape, velcro, or any adhesive substance whatsoever. what you saw was the first real drop of a bottle since we opened. which means you saw the show saturday, not it was my bottle that fell.

re: Topol in Fiddler at NJPAC
 Mar 13 2009, 01:43:21 AM
Dame...the tour of Fiddler at NJPAC this week isn't the same production that was out a few years ago. Topol does not own this's actually a brand new set built specifically for this tour. The tour you're speaking of that also starred Sue Cella actually starred Theodore Bikel as Tevye. Topol hasn't toured the US with this show since 1990-91, I believe. Sorry to contradict, but I'm in the current tour cast, so I have a bit of inside info.
re: Haydn Gwynne's Replacement (Billy Elliot)
 Nov 27 2008, 12:33:28 PM
It is indeed true. I'm working with Kate Hennig at the moment. She is taking over mid-July. She begins rehearsals sometime in June.
re: Haydn Gwynne's Replacement (Billy Elliot)
 Nov 25 2008, 08:36:18 AM
I've had the pleasure of working with Kate twice on White Christmas. In fact, we're braving the Minnesota cold together right now. She is AMAZING!!!!!
re: White Christmas on Broadway
 Nov 16 2008, 09:20:10 AM
i believe there are 24 musicians in the pit.
re: Artistic Director of California Music Theatre Apologizes for “Yes On Pr
 Nov 12 2008, 07:53:08 AM
To quote my friend. "Mr. Eckern giving $1000 "towards equal rights for all" AFTER rights have already been taken away is like killing someone then giving him his bday present!"
re: Artistic Director of California Music Theatre Apologizes for “Yes On Pr
 Nov 10 2008, 11:38:27 PM
too little, too late. his apology doesn't change the fact that other misinformed people just like him went out and voted and passed proposition 8. seems like he's trying to put out a fire. i'm saddened and sickened even more now.
re: Quick comments on the No, No, Nanette Dress Rehearsal
 May 8 2008, 12:57:19 AM
To set things straight a bit. Sandy's heel got caught in her dress and actually ripped a huge hole in it. She's a trouper though, and bounced right back up. Gave us all a scare up onstage with her. She's a-ok though!
re: Best Musical Song for fitness training?
 May 2 2008, 07:18:34 AM
I Just Wanna Dance from Jerry Springer: the Opera
re: Mario's fingers are missing
 Apr 30 2008, 07:28:56 PM
they auctioned them off as part of their fundraising for 'easter bonnet'.
'just one night' doonesbury
 Dec 5 2007, 11:28:25 PM
anyone know how to get a hold of this sheet music? i can't seem to find it ANYWHERE. i've exhausted the usuals: colony, sam ash, amazon. any pointers would be great. you can private message me, so as not to take up thread.
re: White Christmas Tour
 Dec 5 2007, 11:25:31 PM
the tour production is NOT the Walter Bobbie/Randy Skinner production that played/is playing in San Fran, LA, St. Paul, Detroit, Boston, and Toronto.

theaters are allowed to produce the show by licensing the script and score. they can put whatever spin the want to on it as long as dialogue and songs aren't changed.

if you want to see the show as it was originally intended, i suggest booking it to toronto or boston.

re: get the mayor involved
 Nov 19 2007, 11:46:19 AM
did i mention anything about the transit strike? no. if you read back to 2003, the mayor did in fact step in during the musician's strike and demand the two sides go back to negotiating. research'll see i'm right.

there's another article in case you need more proof.

i don't appreciate being called ignorant, when i've got my facts straight.

i'm out. this message board is filled with nothing but complacent people who would rather sit around and b**ch and moan behind a computer screen than get off their butts and do something productive.

re: get the mayor involved
 Nov 19 2007, 10:15:46 AM
ok, then sit around on here and b**ch about what's not happening instead of doing something remotely productive and ask the mayor to help.

when something is costing the city so much money especially around the holidays, i'm sure the mayor will be apt to step in and get involved. he stepped in after four days with the musician's strike in 2003, got the two sides in a room, and 12 hours later an agreement had been reached.

re: get the mayor involved
 Nov 19 2007, 09:36:19 AM
during the musician's strike, the mayor stepped in and DEMANDED both sides return to the table. demanding is a lot different than offering help to a union.
get the mayor involved
 Nov 19 2007, 09:11:53 AM
i urge each of you to contact the mayor of new york city, urging him to step in and get these two sides negotiating again.

you can write, call, or email. each method of contact is listed below.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)

FAX (212) 788-2460


when the mayor got involved and demanded the musicians and producers return to the bargaining table, an agreement was reached in 12 hours.

"The settlement was reached under extraordinary pressure from the producers, the city and the media. Estimates were released of losses to New York’s economy amounting to more than $2 million a day, with predictions that a lengthy strike could seriously affect tourism. New York’s billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanded that the two sides submit to round-the-clock bargaining Monday night, bringing in former New York City Schools Chancellor Frank Macchiarola as a mediator. Within 12 hours, a deal was announced." -

"Bloomberg had forced the two sides to resume negotiations after they broke off talks last Friday."

he did it last time....he should be able to do it again! call, write, fax, or email to urge him to step in once again.

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