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Book of Mormon SRO, was it worth it?
 Jul 19 2011, 02:51:30 PM
I did SRO in May and stood in line for 4 hours (got there at 2 pm for a 7 pm Tuesday show) and it was completely worth it. The weather was great, I brought some homework and a book. I was with two friends and there is a Starbucks a block away with a bathroom. The view from SRO is great. I enjoyed the show so much I didn't mind standing for it at all.

And considering the ticket prices now...$27 is a complete steal to see the show.

Tom Hooper directing 'Les Miserables' film
 Jun 16 2011, 10:21:26 AM
I think Hugh Laurie would be ideal for Thenardier.

Yes, agree on that!

I like the idea of Jackman more as Javert; I can't picture him as Valjean. Yes, I know he can sing, but still....perhaps if this casting is true he will prove me wrong.

Leaving a show before it ends, letting your friends cut the rush line, and other lessons in 'etiquette'...
 Jun 15 2011, 11:46:05 AM
ActingisLovee, I almsot saw the same thing on the Mormon SRO line that day I did it.

I arrived at 2 pm and was 4th in line. The line got very long after that. At around 5, the 2nd guy in line's girlfriend showed up from an audition. Not a problem, because he was buying two tickets only, right? Nope, she realized she could also buy two tickets and immediately talked him into it and started calling all their friends to see if someone wanted them. When they couldn't find friends tha

Billy Elliot Rush
 Jun 8 2011, 12:37:41 PM
I believe rush for Billy Elliot is two hours before curtain, not when box office opens.
Okay, now that we've had time to digest Book of Mormon's Cast CD...
 Jun 6 2011, 11:30:50 PM
I laugh at almost every line, but I really lose it at: "Joseph Smith took his magical f*ck frog and rubbed it upon Brigham Young’s cl*tface.”
Walking out of a show....
 Jun 6 2011, 11:57:30 AM
I've never left a show (I can usually find a redeeming quality in there), but there was one I wish I'd left at intermission and that was Whistle Down the Wind. The tour came through Boston and sold so poorly that I got a 4th row orchestra seat for $28. The cast was talented, but the material was so awful they couldn't save it.

Funny thing is, the older folk around me and my friend loved the show. We just didn't get it.

Oh, wait I take that back. I also wish I'd left The L

Has THE ADDAMS FAMILY recouped yet?
 Jun 5 2011, 10:18:34 PM
According to this article in Variety from May 11, they have earned back 2/3 of their original investment:

Catch Me Rush
 Jun 5 2011, 11:58:23 AM
I rushed last month for a Wed matinee, got there at like 9:58 and me and my friend got three tickets in row N, dead center. Fine view. We were like 20ish or so in line, I think.

The box office guy I dealt with that day was super nice. He sold two tickets to one guy who realized at the last minute he didn't have his student ID on him. He was clearly young enough to be a student, so I thought that was nice he gave him a break.

Anything Goes Rush
 May 27 2011, 10:37:14 PM
I tried unsuccessfully to rush the show for Wed matinee in May. They were no seats and from what I was told, they don't set aside rush seats specifically. (They did have rush seats for the evening show, but sadly, I had a 6 pm bus back to Boston that day.)

They do set aside Hiptix, of course, and I am looking at some dates for later this summer so I am sure I can see the show this time :).

Book of Mormon completely SOLD OUT through August 17th.
 May 26 2011, 09:22:49 AM
If you can/are willing to stand during the show and wait online for the ticket, I really recommend standing room. I got there at 2 pm for a Tuesday 7 pm performance (same one as ACL2006, coincidentally) the first week of May and was 4th in line. It was a beautiful day and I brought homework and reading. Time passed pretty quickly.

There are 28 spots. By 4 pm the line was pretty full. But seeing this show for $27 is a complete bargain and I would totally do SRO again (and proba

 May 18 2011, 03:50:24 PM
I saw this play on 5/9 and today saw this thread and had to add to the praise. It was amazing. It moved me in a way that no other play has done and left me chilled afterwards. Some of blocking in any other play would feel awkward, but here it just worked building layers with a choppiness that made the end become more poignent for me.

I did not feel as sympathetic to him as I expected. His arc seems to be angry and angrier, and his tenderness is grudgingly given.


Sister Act Rush Lately
 May 18 2011, 03:40:49 PM
Seats are in the front row center. Personally, I find the stage a bit high from there, but the it is also cool to be that close. (And I love peeking into the pit every now and then).

And the box office opens at noon on Sundays.

Sister Act Rush Lately
 May 18 2011, 12:09:28 PM
I rushed on Sunday 5/8 and got there at 7:30. I was first in line. Others joined me between 8 and 8:30, but by 9, the line was full. The guy in back of me works at the show as an usher (was getting tickets for friend because the Mother's Day show was sold out) and said that if you want to guarantee yourself a ticket, 7 am is a good bet (maybe slightly later on Sunday, but it depends).
Which are the easiest shows to rush?
 May 13 2011, 11:57:18 AM
I rushed Normal Heart's evening performance on Mother's Day. Showed up at about 12:15ish after rushing Sister Act (not an easy rush, I waited just over 4 hours for those tickets) and got 4 tickets in the first row of the rear mezz which I thought was an incredible view. The show is not to be missed.

Also, I used my student ID to get tickets to Catch Me If You Can on Wednesday and I got there right at 10. $27, row O of the mezz, which I found a fine view. (I also found the show kin

This BOOK OF MORMON Lottery Questions
 May 11 2011, 09:30:57 PM
ACL2006 - I was on the SRO line for last night's show as well - small world :). I was one of the folks that got there at 2, along with my bf and another friend. We were 4th, 5th, and 6th in line.

And yep, 28 spots. I was SRO 107, which is pretty much dead center and an amazing view. The show was well worth it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat next time I'm in the city. (Though it did get old having so many people ask you if the SRO line was the line for lottery, lol).

Rush Ticket Question
 May 11 2011, 09:00:46 PM
I just did the SRO line for Mormon on Tuesday. I got there at 2 and had my ticket in hand at 6:10 (show was at 7). But if I could have gotten a full price ticket to the show while I was in town, I would have paid it in a heartbeat - the show is totally worth it.
How bad is the view from the last row, rear mezzanine for NORMAL HEART?
 May 10 2011, 11:37:55 PM
I did rush for the 7 pm show on Mother's Day. I stopped by the box office after rushing Sister Act at around 12:15. I got seats in the front row rear mezz (what they call the front mezz is very few rows) and they were an absolute perfect view.
Sister Act Rush
 May 10 2011, 10:30:42 AM
Thanks to all for your help. The show was fun!

For those curious - I rushed Sunday (5/ and got there just after 7:30 (wanted to be safe since it was Mother's Day). My friend and I were first in line. Next person in line was at 8, but after that people steadily came. By 8:45ish I'd say, we'd filled the 14 rush seats. Line continued to grow to at least 30 people. Not sure what happened after the 14 seat were sold as I'd heard the show was pretty much sold out for the Mother's day weekend (it was not on TKTS Sat or Sunday).

Sister Act Rush
 May 7 2011, 07:01:13 PM
Thanks Anakela & pli1018! My friend and I don't mind getting there early, so we will plan accordingly. Do you know how many rush tickets there are in total?
Sister Act Rush
 May 7 2011, 10:08:10 AM
Bumping this up. On the bus to NYC currently and thinking of rushing the show tomorrow (Sun). Anyone rushed lately? What is a good time to get there?


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