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Member Name: GoblinKing2
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Remdiner Universal pushed back the film adaptation of Wicked for Cats
 Dec 30 2019, 09:50:03 PM

NOWaWarning said: "If Wicked was ready to go, they wouldn’t have pushed it back. Don’t put too much stock into its alleged 2021 release date either. They seem to be in no hurry."

I agree.  As long as the producers continue to print money with the current productions and tours, they probably feel no need to bankroll an expensive special effects laden competitive product that has no guarantee of turning a profit.  What would a properly produc

 Dec 15 2019, 08:39:05 PM
“Route changes and scheduling.”

Well, that explains everything.

Numbers That You Would Love to See Cut From Classic / Bug Hit Shows
 Nov 11 2019, 05:14:14 PM

“Something Bad” from Wicked.

Cher Show Appreciation
 May 16 2019, 12:27:07 PM

I loved the first half. 

I'm a child of the 70's, so during moments when Jarrod Spector started "I've Got You Babe"  -  and the balls came down with the Sonny and Cher caricatures and Teal and Jarrod starting doing the "short" puns it was like a fun trip through time and I was back in mom and dad's living room watching the show (my dad thought Cher was hot).  

And then the second half seemed to be adrift, per

Adaptations You Would Like To See?
 Apr 3 2019, 02:33:04 PM

I know Robot Chicken parodied this idea, but someone with talent and a love for the source material might be able to do something with "Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Khan."  (And yes, my own eyes roll at the concept - hope this doesn't get me banned from the boards).  Still, it features a once flamboyant hero plagued by aging and self-doubt, a swaggering, scenery chewing villain, themes of revenge, facing consequences of decisions made long ago, reuniting

Beto O'Rourke DID NOT Like the Will Rogers Follies Back in 1991
 Oct 2 2018, 12:52:12 PM

Wow, he was a smug, obnoxious 19 year old boy.  Guess that's the end of his political future.    

Rent's Legacy & Reputation Today
 Aug 11 2018, 10:26:05 AM
Although, ironically, doesn’t it seem that the New York City of today is closer to what Benny envisioned than what the Bohos wanted?
Come From Away Tour Casting
 Aug 1 2018, 09:58:31 AM

I saw that Adam Halpin is in the ensemble.  I was curious about Megan touring, considering she had a baby within the last year - but looks like her husband is part of the show and the family stays together.  I just thought that was good that it worked out like that for them.

Is "The King and I" Problematic?
 Jul 19 2018, 07:20:28 PM

Back in 2006 my daughter (a little blond white girl) played one of the King’s children in the community theater, which naturally considering the area the talent was drawn from, featured a lot of white people. I loved it. Thought nothing of it. Several years later when I decided to watch the videos of shows she was in to see how much she’d grown up, it didn’t take long after watching local people made up with slanted eyebrows, black dye jobs or wigs, and speaking broken Engli

Jeff Loeffelholz suicide news coverage
 Jul 7 2018, 12:58:44 PM

adamgreer said: "If he hadn’t been on since mid-February, were they putting an understudy on or had the actor playing the role (R. Lowe I believe) simply not missed a show in 4 months?"

You’ve made me think that maybe his lack of being on stage for four months fed into the psychology behind the producers’ actions and its timing.  If he had been periodically going on, that might have been one thing, but they now perceived (spitefully and il

Jeff Loeffelholz suicide news coverage
 Jul 7 2018, 12:14:01 PM

Impossible2 said: "ladypresent said: "why would they care about 35k (or so)?

How do you think they became millionaires?

You would also think that millionaires would be capable of conducting a cost/benefit analysis and understand the  concept of penny wise and pound foolish.  But something Mosaic Owl said in any another thread (although I’m not sure how his/her gpa figures into it) and now recall

Will Broadway dim the lights for
 Jul 6 2018, 04:32:56 PM

I was trying to avoid making the connection between the incident and its potential outcome that got the other thread shut down. I was wondering what could possibly be worth it on the production side to even risk such turmoil over a simple decision and a relatively paltry amount?


Added to reflect adamgreer’s quick response:  Hah...well, there’s a picture of my father in law in some dictionaries next to the definition of cheap... I guess maybe

Will Broadway dim the lights for
 Jul 6 2018, 03:51:01 PM

Without rendering a judgment on what prompted this man to take his life....if what I’ve read elsewhere is true and he could have been bought out of his contract for $30,000...big bucks to me but it seems like small potatoes in the world we’re talking about. Why even risk the bad publicity, the possibility of a lawsuit, or make the effort to make someone miserable enough to quit...why not write the check and show him the door? Aren’t contract payoffs a cost of doing business

Black Glinda
 Jun 6 2018, 10:48:48 AM

Does there even have to be subtext at all - considering that there have been "citizens of Oz" and other lead roles who have been people of color in the past?  It's as simple as the prevailing culture shunning Elphaba, not because she is of color, but of the wrong color, "wrong" being arbitrarily decided at some point in the past when the culture divided into "us" and "them."  It would be like that old Star Trek episode -

NY Daily News: Ruthie Ann Miles Injured, Daughter Killed By Driver in Brooklyn
 May 31 2018, 08:18:28 PM

My children are 23 and 16 and I would be totally destroyed if I lost either of them and I doubt my marriage would survive it. Yet if there is a ideal situation to drag oneself out of such hell for an actor, this seems like it... a familiar role where you don’t have to learn something new, familiar people, but in a totally new location where every place won’t have a haunting memory....but still, to be constantly surrounded by laughing, smiling small children as one would be in this

Why no Demand for Frozen? Any Thoughts ?
 Apr 30 2018, 05:20:38 PM

I came in with very modest expectations and was still disappointed because it was just a chore to sit through.  Briefly, since so much has already been written on it, my issues were:

The chants to bring in the forest people took me out of the world of Frozen right away and made me think "Lion King."

The story's pace seems to be - blah, blah, blah...SONG FROM MOVIE...blah blah blah...SONG FROM MOVIE, without the story naturally leading into th

Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
 Apr 19 2018, 02:22:44 PM

I have stagedoored occasionally and saw Wicked this time around in New York and really wanted to say hi to Jackie, compliment her and get her autograph. I thought she was great that night and there’s a YouTube video of her killing No Good Deed that I absolutely love. But when the show got out, it was quarter till 11, cold, and I thought “aw man, just let the poor woman go home”and left. As I get older I’m amazed anyone stagedoors anymore, particularly someone like Idin

What would you see if you had a time machine and tickets to 3 shows?
 Mar 29 2018, 07:26:44 AM

Wicked OBC

Little Women (my daughter was Jo in a community theater production, so it's a sentimental favorite of mine, and I'd want to see Sutton)

Something prominently featuring the late, great Jerry Orbach

FROZEN Reviews
 Mar 23 2018, 10:51:00 AM

This may be giving too much credit to all parties involved, but I wonder if the lack of ambition and creativity that's been discussed is because with a Frozen movie sequel in process (and likely more after that), Disney does not want any new elements added or avenues explored because they want to ensure that nothing in the stage version would ultimately contradict or even touch on themes that could be reserved for a movie.  

Current Rent Tour
 Mar 19 2018, 01:26:45 PM

dmwnc1959 said: "BenjaminNicholas2 said: "Last time I saw it, it was a joke of a tour. Very, very non-eq feeling."

GoblinKing2 said: “I told her to go in with low expectations because it was non equity.

bwaylvsong said:“That's silly- in this day and age, the only difference between young Equity and non-Equity performers is that the non-Eqs haven't lucked into getting union membership yet. The only difference wo

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