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Profile for Princeton2

Member Name: Princeton2
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Not so great news from European Theaters
 Nov 19 2021, 12:08:55 AM

Just to say that there is a school of thought over the mainland Europe increases that its actually not releasing restrictions earlier that is what maybe driving the 4th wave.

The UK ended all restrictions in July and the expected wave so far has not come. Cases have increased but seem to be between 30 to 40k per day and hospitalizations and deaths seem to be relatively low and most cases are in school age children. Many of us expected a big wave as autumn hit but it hasn't happened

Bway League WILL Release Weekly Grosses
 Nov 11 2021, 04:13:24 PM

Although we are now allowed to enter the states again, we sill need to show a negative test even when vaccinated which is off putting/impractical for some people. You can invest time and money in a trip but you won't actually know if you can go until just days before you travel. Or if one of your party tests positive the whole trip is out. Not everyone can plan and travel last minute.

NYT Updates on Restaged Depictions of Race in Book of Mormon, Lion King, and more
 Oct 25 2021, 04:21:20 PM

JGPR2 said: ""While I completely understand and respect the need for changes in these shows, BOM in particular, it also makes me worry for satire in general because it is supposed to make you laugh and THEN make you angry when you realize what you're laughing at."

Satire is history IMO because there is not one movie, Broadway show or TV series that does not have every line checked because it may offend somebody and that alters the ability to make fun of someb

Phantom to change to
 Oct 10 2021, 12:43:51 PM
Really? Interesting. It was a lot plainer than last time I saw the show in London, which admittedly was several years ago. Was a bit shocked. Didn't realise broadway had changed.
Phantom to change to
 Oct 10 2021, 11:26:09 AM
I've just watched the GMA performance and isn't Christine wearing the new London masquerade costume?
DIANA: THE MUSICAL On Netflix - News & Discussion Thread
 Oct 4 2021, 04:35:35 PM
It's easy to see why Netflix chose this, they have realised Diana is still a money making machine thanks to the crown. They also always have multiple documentaries on her available too.

What's more puzzling/interesting is how Harry will handle this now he has sold his soul to them. Netflix is completely capitalising on Diana's memory and that's something he supposedly hates.

DIANA: THE MUSICAL On Netflix - News & Discussion Thread
 Oct 1 2021, 05:18:00 PM

The tone is all over the place, at times its quite balanced and moving with some depth, then there are scenes like the James Hewitt song which are ridiculous in the extreme and others its just outright disrespectful.

I remember being glued to the TV the week she died and saying to my mum how similar it all felt to the evita movie that I'd not long watched. That's part of the problem, Diana's story to a certain degree has already been musicalised in evita. Any serious show woul

DIANA: THE MUSICAL On Netflix - News & Discussion Thread
 Oct 1 2021, 01:47:49 PM
It's not as bad as the trailer made it out to be, its trashy in a lifetime movie kind of way (and just as accurate) but it is entertaining.

There's some nice ideas and moments in there but it lacks someone to play off of Diana, it needs a synical evita style narrative to go alongside her. It's way too much poor saint Diana, like a fan fiction type thing.

Some amazing quick changes too.

It's an easy watch on Netflix, but definitely not something I'd want to pay over $10

Daniel Craig and Ruth Negga to star in Macbeth in March 2022
 Sep 29 2021, 11:58:04 AM
Unfortunately now isn't the time to be doing new plays etc. Theatre needs bums on seats, so known crowd pleasers and big names are what's needed to encourage people back into theatres.
Cinderella 2021 - Amazon Prime
 Sep 4 2021, 07:51:14 AM
One of the worst movies I've seen in recent years, but I guess it shouldn't be a surprise as straight to streaming seems to be the new straight to video.

The autotune and poor lip syncing feels like a bad glee episode, it's desperately trying to be a moulin rouge but feels like a budget Ella enchanted (which I actually have a soft spot for tbh)

The story is not as modern or subtle as its trying to be and the tone is just all over the place. The love story is still love at fir

South Pacific at Chichester
 Aug 21 2021, 12:35:06 AM
Attractiveness is subjective, tbh so is magnetism. Its an unpopular opinion but I've never found kelli o hara particularly interesting to watch, lovely voice but just a bit bland. Gina is beautiful and is incredibly talented, still one of the best Christine's and glindas in my eyes, and she is just as great here.

To me this is one of the most perfectly cast shows I've seen in a long time.

Funny Girl 2022 Revival
 Aug 8 2021, 03:16:29 PM
If this is a transfer of the West End production then Beanies casting makes some sense, she shares similarities with Sheridan Smiths physicality, it was far from Barbras version of Fanny.

Ramin as Nick makes sense in looks but he would be wasted and wouldn't sell enough tickets with a relative unknown as Fanny too. Nick is an ideal role to stunt cast.

Delta Variant and Broadway
 Jul 21 2021, 01:28:22 PM

HogansHero said: "@Princeton2, if you heardsomething that said "60% of people in hospital are double jabbed," someone misspoke. Or you mis-heard. If you heard somewhere that it is not safe for folks who are vaccinated to go to the theatre, you also mis-heard. I cannot speak to the case of your "friend (in their 30s) who had Pfizer and was hospitalised recently" but I can tell you that it is far "safer" to be vaccinated and go to the theatre than it is to cross a street to get there.

@dadaguza peddle your nonsense elsewhere. Absent some explicit medical contraindication, it is ignorant not to get vaccinated for the reasons you mention. And you deserve to be treated inconsiderately for suggesting such nonsense. It is scary how much misinformation is being posted by a few on this board right now. Pray that no one listens to you.

Turns out he corrected himself on twitter after...would be helpful if they made a better statement than just twitter but hey ho. Good news at least. 60% in hospital are unvaccinated, meaning still 40% have been vaccinated .

I never said it wasn't safe to go to the theatre , my issue is with this 'I'm alright jack, I'm vaccinated, the pandemic is over attitude'.  Jabs offer a lot of protection and signs are they break the link between sickness and death, but they are not a guarantee, as has been proven by so many vaccinated people still getting the delta variant.  and in my friends case needing hospital care for a couple of days. Proceed with caution is a better attitude.


And for the record I'm fully vaccinated, not anti vax at all, just concerned by so much false info on vaccinations from both sides of the argument. 

Delta Variant and Broadway
 Jul 20 2021, 05:08:46 PM

dented146 said: "If you're vaccinated, it doesn't matter if you have a vaccine passport, it doesn't matter if you have a mask, it doesn't matter if the vaccinated people are like the living dead. You are safe. And if, and in the unlikely eventyou do get a slight case, you are even more safe. There is absolutely no reason to not open Broadway Theatres."

This is almost as dangerous rhetoric as anti vaxxers!!

You have greater protection, you are n

Delta Variant and Broadway
 Jul 20 2021, 05:03:57 PM

Kip4 said: "Princeton2 said: "Worth pointing out that the UK government just announced 60% of people in hospital are double jabbed.

Where did you see this? I am only finding information about how the vaccines are effective against hospitalization.


It was mentioned during the daily briefing. Not sure how it's reported in America 

And I must tell my friend (in their 30s) who had Pfizer and was hospitalised recently

Delta Variant and Broadway
 Jul 19 2021, 01:53:04 PM

Worth pointing out that the UK government just announced 60% of people in hospital are double jabbed.

Vaccines certainly help, but the whole 'I've been vaccinated I'm ok' attitude isn't right. It's like those early in pandemic who said they'd had it so rules didn't apply. They might help avoid hospitalisation and certainly seems to be helping avoid death, but they aren't a silver bullet. The USA seems to always been a few weeks behind Europe in t

Phylicia Rashad on Cosby's Release
 Jun 30 2021, 05:21:54 PM
According to this article Jennifer Hudsom among others are also supporting the tweetby liking it.not on twitter myself to verify that though

Disney adaptations for the stage?
 Jun 28 2021, 04:19:47 PM
I just watched the Pixar short Us Again and I thought Disney really could do something with it and expand it into a full length show
Andrew Lloyd Webber Threatens to Defy UK Government to Reopen Theatres at Full Capacity
 Jun 9 2021, 11:58:43 AM
The studies he quotes on theatre safety are all on the earlier covid strains. Research is suggesting the Indian varient is even more contagious than the Kent one that caused our big 2nd wave and 3rd lockdown. Slowing down the easing of measures for a few more weeks to get more people fully vaccinated and try and get the variant under control makes sense.

June 21st has always been the earliest that all restrictions would end, it's never been a guarantee. The government have made that abs

Possible changes to be made to Book of Mormon
 Mar 12 2021, 01:20:57 AM
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