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Member Name: ExceedinglyPeculiar2
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 Jun 12 2008, 09:56:28 PM
There's currently an Aladdin "musical spectacular" at Disney's California adventure. It's a short (about 40 minute) production. I've seen it, and for an in park performance, it's actually pretty good.

That said, do you think this rumored Aladdin would be an extended version of the existing one in CA?

rehearsals begin in July
 Jun 12 2008, 01:56:01 PM
It's also going to be in San Diego in September this year. Just got my tickets today!
re: Disney on Broadway's Next Production...
 Jun 12 2008, 01:26:20 PM
re: Spring Awakening - Get Digital?
 Jun 11 2008, 02:38:16 PM
That would be REALLY cool if they did stream it online. Do you think they would do it?
re: First show you saw alone..
 Jun 11 2008, 02:23:38 PM
Wicked. Although it was a sold out show, so I wasn't really "alone."
 Jun 5 2008, 12:56:51 PM
People in the audience who would rather be watching paint dry. Why bother paying money to be bored? I once had this couple next to me and the guy was cleary dragged to see the show by his girlfriend. He was reading his playbill and fidgeting the ENTIRE performance because he was so bored. I can't say I'm a big fan of getting elbowed in the side throughout the show.
re: TKTS Booth Rent Ticket Prices
 May 29 2008, 06:28:04 PM
I've used the TKTS booth twice for Rent tickets, and it all seems to depend on the day. Once it was around 50% for 2nd row seats, and the other time it was only 25% for mid mez seats. I'd recommend buying discounted ones in advance if you can. Those seem to be around 40-50%.
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